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Child and Adolescent Mental Health

ISSN: 1475-357XeISSN: 1475-3588

Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) publishes peer-reviewed research, innovations and reviews of relevance to practitioners, commissioners and researchers with an interest in child and adolescent mental health. Its principal aim is to foster evidence-based clinical practice and clinically orientated research. Wide ranging and international in coverage, CAMH includes reviews, original articles, preliminary reports and evaluations of innovative approaches and new service developments. The Editors aim to publish high-quality, evidence-based research of relevance to all professionals working with children and young people, including members of multi-disciplinary child and adolescent mental health services. The journal has regular sections of broader based interest - Measurement Issues, Innovations in Practice and Book News. Author Guidelines are published on the inside back cover and regularly updated on the journal website:

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Child: Care, Health and Development

ISSN: 0305-1862eISSN: 1365-2214

Child: care, health and development is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes papers dealing with all aspects of the health and development of children and young people. We aim to attract quantitative and qualitative research papers relevant to people from all disciplines working in child health. We welcome studies which examine the effects of social and environmental factors on health and development as well as those dealing with clinical issues, the organization of services and health policy. We particularly encourage the submission of studies related to those who are disadvantaged by physical, developmental, emotional and social problems. The journal also aims to collate important research findings and to provide a forum for discussion of global child health issues.

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Children & Society

ISSN: 0951-0605eISSN: 1099-0860

Children & Society is an international, interdisciplinary journal publishing high quality research and debate on all aspects of childhood and policies and services for children and young people. Children & Society embraces academic research, policy and practice in relation to the health, education and welfare of children from infancy through to adulthood. The journal informs all those who work with and for children, young people and their families by publishing innovative contributions on research and practice across a broad spectrum of topics, including: theories of childhood; children's everyday lives at home, school and in the community; children's culture, rights and participation; children's health and well-being; child protection, early intervention and prevention. We welcome top quality academic papers on these and other topics for submission to our panel of peer reviewers. Our aim is to be the journal of first choice for leading international childhood researchers and a forum for critical analysis and debate. Children & Society is a key resource for practitioners, policy-makers and scholars seeking an understanding of children and young people in contemporary societies and the issues that affect their lives. Children & Society is published by Blackwell on behalf of the National Children's Bureau, with an independent editorial board.

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China & World Economy

ISSN: 1671-2234eISSN: 1749-124X

The bi-monthly China & World Economy was launched in 1993 by the Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). It is the only English-language journal in China devoted to the topic of the Chinese economy. The journal aims to provide foreign readers with an objective, impartial, analytical and up-to-date account of the problems faced and progress made by China in its interaction with the world economy. Among its contributors are many distinguished Chinese economists from both academic and government circles. As such, it has become a unique window on China and is essential reading for all those concerned with China's development. China & World Economy promotes and organizes discussions on the following topics:

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ISSN: 0899-0042eISSN: 1520-636X

The main aim of the journal is to publish scientific work on the role of molecular asymmetry in both biologically active and non-biologically active molecules in respect to their pharmacological, biological, and chemical properties. Drugs, pesticides, and other xenobiotics will be a major interest. Papers on the chemistry (physiochemical, preparative synthetic, and analytical), pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, toxicology, and other biological aspects of chiral molecules will be published. Among the topics to be covered are stereospecific synthesis, stereoselective analysis, preparative separation of chiral molecules, the influence of chirality on pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, protein binding, biotransformation, etc.), the influence of chirality on pharmacodynamics (drug-receptor interactions, pharmacological and toxicological activity), and the influence of chirality on clinical pharmacology (therapeutic index and response, bioavailability, adverse drug reactions, drug-drug interactions). Papers will also be published on regulatory and legal aspects in the development, testing, and marketing of chiral compounds. In addition to original research papers, the journal will publish brief reviews, short communications, and conference reports. Book reviews will also appear.

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ISSN: 0748-3007eISSN: 1096-0031

Cladistics publishes high quality research papers on systematics, encouraging debate on all aspects of the field, from philosophy, theory and methodology to empirical studies and applications in biogeography, coevolution, conservation biology, ontogeny, genomics and paleontology. Cladistics is read by scientists working in the research fields of evolution, systematics and integrative biology and enjoys a consistently high position in the ISI® rankings for evolutionary biology.

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Clinical & Experimental Neuroimmunology

eISSN: 1759-1961
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Clinical & Experimental Allergy

ISSN: 0954-7894eISSN: 1365-2222

Clinical & Experimental Allergy strikes an excellent balance between clinical and scientific articles and carries regular reviews and editorials written by leading authorities in their field. In response to the increasing number of quality submissions, since 1996 the journals size has increased by over 30%. Clinical & Experimental Allergy is essential reading for allergy practitioners and research scientists with an interest in allergic diseases and mechanisms. Truly international in appeal, Clinical & Experimental Allergy publishes clinical and experimental observations in disease in all fields of medicine in which allergic hypersensitivity plays a part. Clinical & Experimental Allergy Reviews is a supplement series publishing the edited proceedings of international meetings and sponsored symposia, position papers, guidelines, special reports, and so on. It is allied to Clinical & Experimental Allergy and included with every subscription to the primary research journal.

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Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology

ISSN: 1442-6404eISSN: 1442-9071

Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology is the official journal of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists. The journal primarily publishes peer-reviewed original research and reviews dealing with all aspects of clinical practice and research in ophthalmology and vision science. Short articles are also welcomed for publication under the headings 'Clinicopathological Report', 'Clinical and Surgical Techniques', 'History of Ophthalmology' and 'Letters to the Editor'. Manuscripts dealing with 'Ophthalmic Hypothesis', and 'Developing World Ophthalmology' are encouraged. Reports of interesting and original cases may be published as 'Photographic Essays' or 'Clinical Case Notes' in Letters to the Editor. The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality, originality and significance of the research. Except where otherwise stated, manuscripts are peer reviewed by two anonymous reviewers, a Section Editor and the Editor in an average time of 2.5 months. The average time from original submission to publication, for manuscripts that are accepted, is 10 months. The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse any material for publication and advises that authors should retain copies of submitted manuscripts, figures and correspondence, as material cannot be returned. Final acceptance or rejection rests with the Editorial Board.

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Clinical Anatomy

ISSN: 0897-3806eISSN: 1098-2353

CLINICAL ANATOMY is the Official Journal of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists and the British Association of Clinical Anatomists . The goal of CLINICAL ANATOMY is to provide a medium for the exchange of current information between anatomists and clinicians. This journal embraces anatomy in all its aspects as applied to medical practice. Furthermore, the journal assists physicians in keeping abreast of new methodologies for patient management and informs educators of new developments in clinical anatomy and teaching techniques. CLINICAL ANATOMY publishes original and review articles of scientific, clinical, and educational interest. Papers covering the application of anatomic principles to the solution of clinical problems and/or the application of clinical observations to expand anatomic knowledge are welcomed.

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Clinical Cardiology

eISSN: 1932-8737
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Clinical Genetics

ISSN: 0009-9163eISSN: 1399-0004

Clinical Genetics links research to the clinic, translating advances in our understanding of the molecular basis of genetic disease for the practising clinical geneticist. The journal publishes high quality research papers, short reports, reviews and mini-reviews that connect medical genetics research with clinical practice.

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Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research

ISSN: 1523-0899eISSN: 1708-8208

The goal of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research is to advance the scientific and technical aspects relating to dental implants and related scientific subjects. Dissemination of new and evolving information related to dental implants and the related science is the primary goal of our journal.

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Clinical Oral Implants Research

ISSN: 0905-7161eISSN: 1600-0501

Clinical Oral Implants Research conveys scientific progress in implant dentistry and its related areas.

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Clinical Otolaryngology

ISSN: 1749-4478eISSN: 1749-4486

Clinical Otolaryngology is a bimonthly journal devoted to clinically-oriented research papers of the highest scientific standards dealing with:

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Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics

ISSN: 0009-9236eISSN: 1532-6535

Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (CPT) is the authoritative cross-disciplinary journal in experimental and clinical medicine devoted to publishing advances in the nature, action, efficacy, and evaluation of therapeutics. CPT welcomes original Articles and Reports in the emerging areas of translational, predictive and personalized medicine; new therapeutic modalities including gene and cell therapies; pharmacogenomics, proteomics and metabolomics; bioinformation and applied systems biology complementing areas of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, human investigation and clinical trials, pharmacovigilence, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacometrics, and population pharmacology.Commentaries and Point-Counterpoint provide a forum for perspectives in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics in the context of contemporary scientific, political, economic and social issues. State of the Art contributions summarize the latest advances in the science underpinning drug discovery, development, regulation and utilization. CPT highlights issues transforming the practice of clinical pharmacology, including ethics, education and public policy. Bench-to-bedside translation in therapeutics is presented in the context of clinical applications of basic pharmacology, discovery and translational medicine, and drug development.

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Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development

ISSN: 2160-763XeISSN: 2160-7648
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Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging

ISSN: 1475-0961eISSN: 1475-097X

Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging publishes reports on clinical and experimental research pertinent to human physiology in health and disease. The scope of the Journal is very broad, covering all aspects of the regulatory system in the cardiovascular, renal and pulmonary systems with special emphasis on methodological aspects. The Journal also features review articles on recent front-line research within these fields of interest. Covered by the major abstracting services including Current Contents and Science Citation Index, Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging plays an important role in providing effective and productive communication among clinical physiologists world-wide.

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Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy

ISSN: 1063-3995eISSN: 1099-0879

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy aims to keep clinical psychologists and psychotherapists up to date with new developments in their fields. The Journal will provide an integrative impetus both between theory and practice and between different orientations within clinical psychology and psychotherapy. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy will be a forum in which practitioners can present their wealth of expertise and innovations in order to make these available to a wider audience. Equally, the Journal will contain reports from researchers who want to address a larger clinical audience with clinically relevant issues and clinically valid research. This is a journal for those who want to inform and be informed about the challenging field of clinical psychology and psychotherapy.

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Clinical Reviews In Bone And Mineral Metabolism

eISSN: 1559-0119