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Cellular Microbiology

ISSN: 1462-5814eISSN: 1462-5822

Cellular Microbiology aims to publish significant contributions on the intersection of microbial and host-cell biology that strongly advance understanding of unique biological processes and mechanisms. The scope includes the host cell responses and interactions elicited by prokaryotic, viral, fungal and parasitological microorganisms that illuminate exploitation of host cell structures, function and signalling pathways, and may include modulation or alteration of immune responses. Mechanistic insight obtained through robust biochemical, genetic, cellular, and bioimaging technologies are expected to support observational data. In addition to mammalian and plant systems, papers addressing other hosts such as invertebrate systems are encouraged. Because viruses are inherently dependent upon the host cell, virology-based submissions to Cellular Microbiology should advance knowledge of the interaction of viruses and host cells.

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Center for Migration Studies special issues

eISSN: 2050-411X
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Ceramic Transactions

ISSN: 1042-1122

Cereal Chemistry

ISSN: 0009-0352eISSN: 1943-3638

Cereal Chemistry® is the premier international archival journal in cereal science. No other journal surpasses it in the quantity and quality of juried, original research. Research presented in Cereal Chemistry explores raw materials, processes, products utilizing cereal (corn, wheat, oats, rice, rye, etc.), oilseeds, and pulses, as well as analytical procedures, technological tests and fundamental research in the cereals area.Cereal Chemistry is abstracted and/or indexed in: Biological Abstracts, Biological and Agricultural index, Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents, Excerpta Medica, Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews, Science Citation Index, Dairy Science Abstracts, Field Crop Abstracts, Herbage Abstracts, Plant Breeding Abstracts, Review of Plant Pathology, Soils and Fertilizers, Weed Abstracts, Flour Milling and Baking Research Association (FMBRA). .

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ChemBioEng Reviews

eISSN: 2196-9744
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ISSN: 2196-0216eISSN: 2196-0216

ChemElectroChem showcases exceptional international research over the entire scope of electrochemistry. It is published on behalf of Chemistry Europe, an association of 16 European chemical societies.

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ISSN: 1860-7179eISSN: 1860-7187

Aims and Scope Download Flyer With an impact factor of 3.232 (2009).ChemMedChemon its way to become a premier journal at the interface of chemistry. biology and medicine.ChemMedChemis made in Europe. but publishes primary as well as critical secondary and tertiary information from authors across and for the world. Its mission is to integrate the wide and flourishing field of medicinal and pharmaceutical sciences. ranging from drug design and discovery to drug development and delivery. from molecular modeling to combinatorial chemistry. from target validation to lead generation and ADMET studies—to name just a few topics. Contents ChemMedChempublishes an attractive mixture of: Short Communications and Full PapersMinireviews and ReviewsHighlights and ConceptsBook and Multimedia ReviewsFields of Interest ChemMedChemtears down the walls between chemistry. biology. and medicine: drug design and discoverydrug development and deliverytarget validationlead generationADMET studiesscreeningbiological activity studiescombinatorial techniquesmolecular modelingsynthesis of biologically active compoundsmetabolism in drug actionsmolecular recognition at receptorsinteraction of ligands and receptorsapplications of NMR and X-ray crystallography ChemMedChemis accepted for coverage in MEDLINE. ISSN: 1860-7179 (print). 1860-7187 (online). CODEN: CHEMGX. Volume 6. 12 Issues in 2011. Masthead Masthead(PDF) –[Show history][Hide history] How to cite:To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science). please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'ChemMedChem' (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal).

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eISSN: 2199-692X
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eISSN: 2367-0932
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ISSN: 1439-4235eISSN: 1439-7641

ChemPhysChem is one of the leading chemistry/physics interdisciplinary journals (ISI Impact Factor (2009: 3.453) for physical chemistry and chemical physics. ChemPhysChem is an international source for important primary and critical secondary information across the whole field of physical chemistry and chemical physics. It integrates this wide and flourishing field ranging from Solid State and Soft-Matter Research, Electro- and Photochemistry, Femtochemistry and Nanotechnology, Complex Systems, Single-Molecule Research, Clusters and Colloids, Catalysis and Surface Science, Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry , and many more topics.

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Chemical Biology & Drug Design

ISSN: 1747-0277eISSN: 1747-0285

Chemical Biology & Drug Design is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that is dedicated to the advancement of innovative science, technology and medicine with a focus on the multidisciplinary fields of chemical biology and drug design. It is the aim of Chemical Biology & Drug Design to capture significant research and drug discovery that highlights new concepts, insight and new findings within the scope of chemical biology and drug design. The following scientific topics will exemplify the scope of the journal:.

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Chemie in unserer Zeit

ISSN: 0009-2851eISSN: 1521-3781

Produktinformationen Download Flyer Chemie in unserer Zeitinformiert zuverlässig über aktuelle Entwicklungen aus der Chemie und ihren Nachbardisziplinen. Der Leser erhält spannende Einblicke in alle Bereiche dieser zukunftsträchtigen Wissenschaft. dabei werden auch komplexe Sachverhalte verständlich aufbereitet. Namhafte Experten bringen Neuentwicklungen von großer Tragweite näher - farbig illustriert und leserfreundlich präsentiert. Von wissenschaftlichen Übersichten. studienbegleitenden Materialien. nachvollziehbaren Experimenten bis hin zu brisanten Themen aus Umweltchemie und aktueller gesellschaftlicher Diskussion. Übersichtsartikel und abwechslungsreiche Rubriken vermitteln Fachwissen auf unterhaltsame Art und geben eine Hilfe bei der Orientierung im Fachgebiet. Den Überblick behalten mitChemie in unserer Zeit ISSN: 0009-2851 (print). 1521-3781 (online). Band 45. 6 Ausgaben 2011. Zitate:Um sicher zu gehen. dass die Artikel in dieser Zeitschrift korrekt elektronisch erfasst werden (z.B. in CrossRef oder ISI Web of Science). benutzen Sie beim Zitieren bitte folgende Abkürzung: 'Chem. Unserer Zeit' (die Zeichensetzung hängt vom Stil der zitierenden Zeitschrift ab).

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Chemistry & Industry

ISSN: 0009-3068eISSN: 2047-6329

The Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) is an international forum where science meets business on independent, impartial ground.

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Chemistry - A European Journal

ISSN: 0947-6539eISSN: 1521-3765

Chemistry - A European Journal has established itself as a truly international journal with top quality contributions (2009 ISI Impact Factor 5.382). It is the international forum for the publication of outstanding Communications and Full Papers from all areas of chemistry and related fields. Based in Europe Chemistry - A European Journal increases the visibility of European chemistry and attracts authors and readers from around the world. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed, and electronic processing ensures accurate reproduction of text and data, plus short publication times. The Reviews and Minireviews deal with topics of high current interest in any area of chemistry. An additional Concepts section provides nonspecialist readers with a useful conceptual guide to unfamiliar areas and experts with new angles on familiar problems. ISSN: 0947-6539 (print), 1521-3765 (online), CODEN: CEUJED Volume 17. 52 Issues in 2011. Masthead (PDF) How to cite: To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science), please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Chem. Eur. J.' (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal).

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Chemistry and Biodiversity

ISSN: 1612-1872eISSN: 1612-1880

Aims and Scope Download Flyer The journal aims to elucidate the overlap between the chemical and biological sciences. CHEMISTRY and BIODIVERSITY demonstrates how chemistry can contribute to our understanding of biodiversity with the ultimate goal of benefiting from our preserving nature. Chemistry and Biodiversitypublishes articles on all aspects of biodiversity studied at the molecular and macromolecular levels. Papers include full-length original research articles. short communications. invited reviews. and commentaries. The Impact Factor is 1.926 (2009 Journal Citation Reports. Thomson Reuters. 2010) and the journal is indexed in Pubmed/MEDLINE. CHEMISTRY and BIODIVERSITY is the official journal of the Center for the Study of Biological Complexity (CSBC). Virginia Commonwealth University. USA If you would like to receive an e-mail as soon as a new issue has been published. simply click on 'Set E-Mail Alert' above. Registration is easy. fast and free. ISSN: 1612-1872 (print). 1612-1880 (online). Volume 8. 12 Issues in 2011. How to cite:To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science). please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Chem. Biodiv.' (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal). Readership All chemists and chemically interested scientists from life-science community Keywords Biocatalysis.

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Chemistry in Life Sciences

ISSN: 0365-6233eISSN: 1521-4184

Archiv der Pharmazie - Chemistry in Life Sciences is an international journal devoted to research and development in all fields of pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry. Emphasis is put on papers combining synthetic organic chemistry, structural biology, molecular modelling, bioorganic chemistry, natural products chemistry, biochemistry or analytical methods with pharmaceutical or medicinal aspects such as biological activity. The focus of this journal is put on original research papers, but other scientifically valuable contributions (e.g. reviews, minireviews, highlights, symposia contributions, discussions, and essays) are also welcome. Highlights in 2010.

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eISSN: 2365-6549

ChemistrySelect is the latest journal from ChemPubSoc Europe, an organization of 16 continental European chemical societies, and complements the existing titles published in collaboration with Wiley-VCH. The steady increase in submissions to the top titles is forcing them to become increasingly selective, and as such, often good research articles are failing to find a home within the ChemPubSoc Europe family of journals. To fill this considerable need, ChemPubSoc Europe decided to launch ChemistrySelect. A sister journal to Chemistry—A European Journal, ChemPlusChem and ChemistryOpen, ChemistrySelect offers researchers around the world a quality society-owned journal in which to publish their work.

Intended to cover, in the broadest sense, all areas of chemistry and adjacent fields, ChemistrySelect offers authors diverse scope and broad dissemination of their latest research. ChemistrySelect publishes Reviews, Full Papers and Communications covering all areas of the chemical sciences, from biochemistry and chemical biology, through to physical chemistry and materials sciences.

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eISSN: 2570-4206

Child & Family Social Work

ISSN: 1356-7500eISSN: 1365-2206

Child & Family Social Work provides a forum where researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and managers in the field exchange knowledge, increase understanding and develop notions of good practice. In its promotion of research and practice, which is both disciplined and articulate, the Journal is dedicated to advancing the wellbeing and welfare of children and their families throughout the world. Child & Family Social Work publishes original and distinguished contributions on matters of research, theory, policy and practice in the field of social work with children and their families. The Journal gives international definition to the discipline and practice of child and family social work.

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Child Abuse Review

ISSN: 0952-9136eISSN: 1099-0852

Child Abuse Review provides a forum for all professionals working in the field of child protection, giving them access to the latest research findings, practice developments, training initiatives and policy issues. The Journal's remit includes all forms of maltreatment, whether they occur inside or outside the family environment. Papers are written in a style appropriate for a multidisciplinary audience and those from outside Britain are welcomed. The Journal maintains a practice orientated focus and authors of research papers are encouraged to examine and discuss implications for practitioners. By always emphasising research/practice links, it is the Editors' aim to promote practice relevant research and to facilitate the use of research findings, to enhance good practice and influence policy. The Editorial Board, in all its activities, seeks to prevent discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, racial origin, culture, religious belief, language, disability, economic status or political views. The Journal has a policy of encouraging inclusive practice and for this reason authors are asked to consider the applicability of their work to all groups. Each issue includes a mix of refereed research and practice papers, training updates, case studies, brief communications, book reviews and a calendar of future events. Correspondence from readers is much welcomed, and it is hoped that these letters (edited where appropriate) will form a lively feature within the journal. The views expressed in the papers in this volume are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of BASPCAN, the Editorial Board or the organisations to which the authors are affiliated. Child Abuse Review published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd is the official journal for the British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect whose members receive the journal as a membership entitlement. For membership details contact BASPCAN, 17 Priory Street, York, YO1 6ET. Tel: 44 (0) 1904 613605. Fax: 44 (0) 1904 642239 CHILD ABUSE REVIEW Editorial Office:.

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