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Eye & Contact Lens: Science and Clinical Practice

eISSN: 1542-233X

Dedicated to the medical and surgical management of refractive disorders, Eye and Contact Lens: Science and Clinical Practice is published for ophthalmologists, optometrists, and other eye care specialists. Each issue provides original peer-reviewed articles and online dialogue on leading developments and practical clinical applications. Coverage includes contact lenses, refractive surgery, cornea, ocular surface disease, glaucoma, and related anterior segment subjects. Eye and Contact Lens is the journal of the Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists (CLAO). Website: :

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Family and Community Health

ISSN: 0160-6379eISSN: 1550-5057

FCH is a peer-reviewed journal that provides practical information and addresses the common goals of health care practitioners, regardless of area of practice, in teaching the essentials of self-care, family and community healthcare, and health promotion and maintenance.This practical quarterly presents creative, multidisciplinary perspectives and approaches for effective public and community health programs. Each issue focuses on a single timely topic and addresses issues of concern to a wide variety of population groups with diverse ethnic backgrounds, including children and the elderly, men and women, and rural and urban communities.

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Frontiers of Health Services Management

ISSN: 0748-8157eISSN: 2475-2797
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Gastroenterology Nursing

ISSN: 1042-895XeISSN: 1538-9766

Gastroenterology Nursing is the only evidence-based journal for nurses specializing in gastroenterology and endoscopic procedures.Cover to cover, Gastroenterology Nursing delivers the information nurses need to stay ahead in this specialty. The journal keeps gastroenterology nurses and associates informed of the latest developments in techniques, equipment, diagnostics, and therapy. The only professional nursing journal covering this area, Gastroenterology Nursing is an invaluable resource for current SGNA guidelines, new GI procedures, pharmacology, career development, and certification review. Its lively editorial style and illustrations make the journal a pleasure to read and consult. Continuing education contact hours in each issue. Website:

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Global Reproductive Health

eISSN: 2473-3709
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Harvard Review of Psychiatry

ISSN: 1067-3229eISSN: 1465-7309

The Harvard Review of Psychiatry is the authoritative source for scholarly reviews and perspectives on a diverse range of important topics in psychiatry. Founded by the Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry, the journal is peer-reviewed and not industry sponsored. It is the property of President and Fellows of Harvard College and is affiliated with all of the Departments of Psychiatry at the Harvard teaching hospitals. Articles encompass all major issues in contemporary psychiatry, including (but not limited to) neuroscience, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, history of psychiatry, and ethics. In addition to scholarly reviews, perspectives articles, and columns, the journal includes a Clinical Challenge section that presents a case followed by discussion and debate from a panel of experts.

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Health Care Management Review

ISSN: 0361-6274eISSN: 1550-5030

Celebrating 35 years of publishing excellence, Health Care Management Review (HCMR) is a peer-reviewed journal that addresses the full range of challenges and concerns busy health care managers and academics face every day. Articles tackle issues that are timely, interest researchers, inform future research, and affect how health care facilities are organized.Written by leading health care executives and guided by a blue-ribbon panel of experts, the journal presents:High-level, reader-friendly content to support administrative practice decisionsStrategies for gaining market share including managing reimbursement, sustainable networks and partnerships, and joint venturesTechniques to thrive amidst the health care workforce shortage, create a positive organizational culture, and motivate staffIdeas to bridge the gap between clinical practice arenas and administration.

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Health Care Manager

ISSN: 1525-5794eISSN: 1550-512X

The Health Care Manager (HCM) provides practical, applied management information for managers in institutional health care settings. This distinguished quarterly journal, written for every health care professional in a managerial or supervisory role, focuses on strengthening management and supervisory skills. The Health Care Manager cuts across interdisciplinary lines and offers proven approaches for motivating people more powerfully, getting them to work more productively, and enhancing your enjoyment of managing.Website:

Health Data Matrix

ISSN: 1936-2994eISSN: 1937-8696

Health Physics

ISSN: 0017-9078eISSN: 1538-5159

Medicine's nuclear age continues to be a guiding force today, demanding current information dedicated to radiation and its effects. Health Physics identified this need over forty years ago and continues to help health physicists, nuclear chemists, and medical doctors stay on the cutting edge of the discipline. The journal's unique features allow readers to communicate freely on the topics that interest them the most, through original papers, forums and editorials. Coverage ranges from epidemiology to physiological responses with reports on the latest findings in both theoretical and applied disciplines of radiation safety. A quarterly supplement, Operational Radiation Safety, deals with practical application of the skills essential to this field.Published MonthlyWebsite:

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Healthcare Food and Nutrition Focus

ISSN: 1090-2260

Healthy Aging Research

eISSN: 2261-7434
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Hearing Journal

ISSN: 0745-7472

You may qualify for a free subscription. Visit Subscription Services at for more information The most widely circulated journal in hearing health care, The Hearing Journal informs hearing healthcare providers of the latest developments in an interesting format. This journal includes feature articles on major issues affecting the hearing impaired, technical and investigative reports, and industry news.Sign up for HJ's free monthly e-newsletter, The Ear Hears, here.

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Heart Insight

ISSN: 1934-5917
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ISSN: 0270-9139eISSN: 1527-3350

The premier publication in the field of liver disease, Hepatology publishes original, peer-reviewed articles concerning all aspects of liver structure, function and disease. Each month, the distinguished Editorial Board monitors and selects only the best articles on subjects such as immunology, chronic hepatitis, viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, genetic and metabolic liver diseases and their complications, liver cancer, and drug metabolism.

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Hepatology Communications

eISSN: 2471-254X

Hepatology Communications is a peer-reviewed, online-only open access journal for fast dissemination of high quality basic, translational, and clinical research in hepatology.


Abstracting and Indexing Information

  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
  • PubMed via PMC deposit (NLM)
  • Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
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Holistic Nursing Practice

ISSN: 0887-9311eISSN: 1550-5138

Holistic Nursing Practice is a peer-reviewed journal that provides nurses and educators with information on holistic approaches to nursing practice in clinical settings. HNP takes a complete mind and body approach to nursing, addressing both clinical and psychosocial concerns. Each issue provides in-depth focus on timely topics applicable to daily clinical practice. Emphasis is on health-oriented, biobehavioral research of importance to nurses at every level, in every setting. Provocative, innovative analyses of controversies inherent to holistic nursing practice are included. Innovative and stimulating, this bimonthly is an essential resource for integrating holistic care in multidisciplinary clinical practice.

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Home Healthcare Now

ISSN: 2374-4529eISSN: 2374-4537
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Home Healthcare Nurse

ISSN: 0884-741XeISSN: 1539-0713

Available to the Illinois Homecare Council members only! Home Healthcare Nurse is the professional, contemporary journalserving the educational and communication needs of home care and hospicenurses, from the clinical needs of the staff nurse to the operational and legislative issues facing the administrator. The journal is highly interactive and timely, focusing on themultidimensional, interdisciplinary and specialty practice areas of homecare nursing. Clinical, operational, and educational home care nursingissues are the core of the publication. Plentiful columns and featuresfocus on practical, up-to-date approaches to everyday situations, as wellas analysis and interpretation of how healthcare trends affect the homecare nurse's practice. Website:

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Human Andrology

eISSN: 2090-6056
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