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Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics

ISSN: 2199-2894eISSN: 2199-2908
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Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

eISSN: 1547-7355
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Journal of Horticultural Research

eISSN: 2300-5009
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Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity

ISSN: 2194-637XeISSN: 1932-0191
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Journal of Industrial Organization Education

ISSN: 1935-5041
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Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics

eISSN: 1613-4516
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Journal of Intelligent Systems

ISSN: 0334-1860eISSN: 2191-026X
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Journal of International Biotechnology Law

ISSN: 1612-6068eISSN: 1612-6076
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Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems

ISSN: 0928-0219eISSN: 1569-3945

This journal aims to present original articles on the theory, numerics and applications of inverse and ill-posed problems. These inverse and ill-posed problems arise in mathematical physics and mathematical analysis, geophysics, acoustics, electrodynamics, tomography, medicine, ecology, financial mathematics etc. Articles on the construction and justification of new numerical algorithms of inverse problem solutions are also published.Issues of the Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems contain high quality papers which have an innovative approach and topical interest.

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Journal of Japanese Linguistics

ISSN: 0197-3150eISSN: 2512-1413
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Journal of KONBiN

eISSN: 2083-4608
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Journal of Laboratory Medicine

ISSN: 2567-9430eISSN: 2567-9449
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Journal of Latin Linguistics

ISSN: 2194-8739eISSN: 2194-8747
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Journal of Literary Semantics

ISSN: 0341-7638eISSN: 1613-3838

The aim of the Journal of Literary Semantics is to concentrate the endeavors of theoretical linguistics upon those texts traditionally classed as "literary", in the belief that such texts are a central, not a peripheral, concern of linguistics.The Journal of Literary Semantics, founded by Trevor Eaton in 1972 and edited by him for thirty years, has pioneered and encouraged research into the relations between linguistics and literature. It is widely read by theoretical and applied linguists, narratologists, poeticians, philosophers and psycholinguists. JLS publishes articles on all aspects of literary semantics. The ambit is inclusive rather than doctrinaire. The journal publishes articles of a philosophical or theoretical nature that attempt to advance our understanding of the structures, dynamics, and significations of literary texts. This includes articles that relate the study of literature to other disciplines such as psychology, neurophysiology, mathematics, and history, as well as articles dealing with the educational problems inherent in the study of literature.Journal of Literary Semantics is a peer-reviewed journal of international scope.

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Journal of Literary Theory

ISSN: 1862-5290eISSN: 1862-8990
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Journal of Mathematical Cryptology

ISSN: 1862-2976eISSN: 1862-2984
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Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics

ISSN: 0340-0204eISSN: 1437-4358

The Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics serves as an international publication organ for new ideas, insights and results on non-equilibrium phenomena in science, engineering and related natural systems. The central aim of the journal is to provide a bridge between science and engineering and to promote scientific exchange on* newly observed non-equilibrium phenomena* analytic or fuzzy models for their interpretation* new methods to describe non-equilibrium phenomena.The journal addresses mechanical, chemical, and biochemical engineers, physicists, chemists and applied mathematicians, as well as computational scientists. Contributions should present novel approaches to analyzing, modeling and optimizing processes of engineering relevance such as transport processes of mass, momentum and energy, separation of fluid phases, reproduction of living cells, and many others. Highest priority is given to contributions which add to the basic understanding of non-equilibrium phenomena in engineering and related natural systems.The journal publishes scholarly research papers, invited review articles, short communications and “comment-and-reply-notes” on papers already published.

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Journal of Numerical Mathematics

ISSN: 1570-2820eISSN: 1569-3953

Stimulated by the advent of modern computers the developments in the field of numerical mathematics have been numerous in the past decades. However, the developments in the East and West went in different directions. Since its inception in 1993, the (East-West) Journal of Numerical Mathematics has promoted the exchange of ideas and results in numerical mathematics between scientists in Eastern Europe and Western countries and familiarized the world scientific community with the activities of researchers in Russia and other Eastern European countries.Due to political changes in the last decade, the exchange of research results has become easier and as a result, research results from Eastern European countries no longer form the emphasis of this journal. The Journal of Numerical Mathematics continues to contain high-quality papers on various topics in numerical mathematics as well as papers with significant mathematical content in the field of computational fluid dynamics and other areas of computational science from the international research community. Additionally, the journal will publish selected and refereed papers from workshops and conferences.

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Journal of Optical Communications

ISSN: 0173-4911eISSN: 2191-6322

This is the journal for all scientists working in optical communications. Journal of Optical Communications was the first international publication covering all fields of optical communications with guided waves. It is the aim of the journal to serve all scientists engaged in optical communications as a comprehensive journal tailored to their needs and as a forum for their publications. The journal focuses on the main fields in optical communications: Fibers: Theory of single-/ multimode step-/ graded-index fibers; theory of properties (dispersion, attenuation, etc.); manufacturing; materials; splicing and coupling; experimental results and measurements of parameters (attenuation, bandwidth, profile, mode- mixing, strength, etc.) Cables: Production methods; construction; measurements and results on test links; theory on influence of cabling to fibers; splicing and coupling; economic aspects; undersea-cables Sources: Technology of ternary and quaternary III-V compounds for LED and laser; theory; material research; measurements on behaviour and life-span; new experimental methods; coupling to fibers; new structures Detectors: Technology of all kind of detectors; new devices and structures; theory (especially on noise, multiplication and bandwidth); test procedures; experimental results; coupling with fibers Measurements and standards: Problem of standards for measurements and data sheets; investigation of test procedures; system standardization of elements (i.e. dimensions) Systems: Theory of system configuration, modulation methods (digital, multilevel, analogue); comparison between different systems; influence of elements on system behaviour; reports on test links; system properties (theoretical/experimental); system description and measurements Applications: Long distance links; high-bit-rate communication; databus-systems; CATV; special applications Integrated optics: Theory and experiments of integrated optical wave-guides (monomode, multimode) concerning optical communications/ as couplers, distributors, exchange elements, splitters, unidirectional elements; new technologies; materials (i.e. dielectrics, semiconductors); measurement-techniques; new devices.

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Journal of Osteopathic Medicine

eISSN: 2702-3648
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