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ISSN: 1337-7892eISSN: 2196-6907
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Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi

eISSN: 2299-2324
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Graphene and 2D Materials

eISSN: 2299-3134
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ISSN: 1869-876XeISSN: 1869-8778
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Green Processing and Synthesis

eISSN: 2191-9550
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HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research

ISSN: 0933-1719eISSN: 1613-3722

Humor research draws upon a wide range of academic disciplines including anthropology, biology, computer science, education, family science, film studies, history, linguistics, literature, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physiology, psychology, and sociology. At the same time, humor research often sheds light on the basic concepts, ideas, and methods of many of these disciplines.HUMOR, the official publication of the International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS), was established as an international interdisciplinary forum for the publication of high-quality research papers on humor as an important and universal human faculty. The journal publishes original contributions in areas such as interdisciplinary humor research, humor theory, and humor research methodologies. Contributions take the form of empirical observational studies, theoretical discussions, presentations of research, short notes, reactions/replies to recent articles, book reviews, and letters to the editors.

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ISSN: 1018-1806eISSN: 2197-0483
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Herba Polonica

eISSN: 0018-0599
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Heterocyclic Communications

ISSN: 0793-0283eISSN: 2191-0197

The work of publishing houses like Freund Publishing house ltd, an Israel publishing house, is quite complicated. The editor chooses from the "manuscripts" submitted to the publishing house, previously published works, works published in other languages, or command works, works that fit the editorial line of its collections. After any corrections, it shall communicate the text to a printer in suitable technical characteristics of the book and the number of copies to print.

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High Speed Machining

eISSN: 2299-3975
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High Temperature Materials and Processes

ISSN: 0334-6455eISSN: 2191-0324
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Historische Bibliographie Online

ISSN: 1611-0102
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Historische Zeitschrift

ISSN: 0018-2613eISSN: 2196-680X

Begru¨ndet 1859 von Heinrich von Sybel. Fortgefu¨hrt von Friedrich Meinecke und Theodor Schieder. In Verbindung mit Johannes Fried, Birthe Kundrus, Hartmut Leppin, Werner Plumpe, Frank Rexroth, Andreas Ro¨dder, Karl Ubl, Uwe Walter und Gerrit Walther herausgegeben von Andreas Fahrmeir und Lothar Gall unter Mitwirkung von Ju¨rgen Mu¨ller und Eckhardt Treichel.

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Hong Kong Bulletin on Rheumatic Diseases

eISSN: 2415-153X
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Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation

ISSN: 1868-1883eISSN: 1868-1891
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Human Affairs: Postdisciplinary Humanities & Social Sciences Quarterly

ISSN: 1210-3055eISSN: 1337-401X

Human Affairs: Postdisciplinary Humanities & Social Sciences Quarterly (founded in 1990 as Human Affairs) is an international journal for humanities and social sciences published in English by the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia. It aims to bring together contributions from all traditional and non-traditional fields of humanities and social sciences which relate to crucial contemporary human affairs. The underlying editorial strategy is to advance human self-understanding and communication via publishing innovative theoretical, interpretative, critical and historical contributions transcending traditional disciplinary and cultural frontiers. By publishing original and theoretical articles, empirical studies and their interpretations, reviews and notes of both national and international authors, Human Affairs: Postdisciplinary Humanities & Social Sciences Quarterly serves the mission of fostering multicultural and international conversation concerning the whole range of human and social issues.

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Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry

eISSN: 2450-5102
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Hybrid Materials

eISSN: 2299-3940
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eISSN: 2353-3943
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ICL Journal

ISSN: 2306-3734eISSN: 1995-5855
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