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Journal of Asian Pacific Communication

ISSN: 0957-6851eISSN: 1569-9838
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Journal of Historical Linguistics

ISSN: 2210-2116eISSN: 2210-2124
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Journal of Historical Pragmatics

ISSN: 1566-5852eISSN: 1569-9854

The Journal of Historical Pragmatics provides an interdisciplinary forum for theoretical, empirical and methodological work at the intersection of pragmatics and historical linguistics. The editorial focus is on socio-historical and pragmatic aspects of historical texts in their sociocultural context of communication (e.g. conversational principles, politeness strategies, or speech acts) and on diachronic pragmatics as seen in linguistic processes such as grammaticalization or discoursization.

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Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education

ISSN: 2212-8433eISSN: 2212-8441
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Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict

ISSN: 2213-1272eISSN: 2213-1280
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Journal of Language and Politics

ISSN: 1569-2159eISSN: 1569-9862

The Journal of Language and Politics (JLP) represents a forum for analysing and discussing the various dimensions in the interplay of language and politics. The basic assumption is that the language of politics cannot be separated from the politics of language. The notion of ’Political Discourse’ does not remain limited to the ’institutional’ field of politics (e.g. parliamentary discourse, election campaigns, party programmes, speeches, etc.) but opens to all linguistic manifestations that may be considered to be political, provided that it is convincingly argued what makes them ’political’. In order to illuminate new and old forms of political discourses inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives and elaborated linguistic methodologies have to complement each other.Articles should bring together sociological concepts, political theories, and historical analysis. Methodologies can be qualitative or quantitative and must be well grounded in linguistics or other relevant disciplines. They may focus on different dimensions (pragmatics, semantics, social cognition, semiotics) of political discourse. Since political discourses overlap with other discourses, e.g. economic and scientific discourses, perspectives of interdiscursivity and intertextuality are considered to be important. Articles based on ethnographic studies will be particularly welcome.The Journal of Language and Politics welcomes review papers of any research monograph or edited volume which takes a discourse-analytical approach to the study of language and politics, as broadly conceived above. If you are interested in reviewing any recent, relevant text please email and we can arrange for a copy to be sent to you.The Journal of Language and Politics is associated with the book series Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society, and Culture, edited by Ruth Wodak and Greg Myers.This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, International Political Science Abstracts, and in the following Thomson Reuters (ISI) services: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, Journals Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, Current Contents/Arts & Humanities, European Reference Index for the Humanities, LLBA, TSA OnlineSample issue: JLP 7:1 .

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Journal of Language and Pop Culture

ISSN: 2950-578XeISSN: 2950-5798

The Journal of Language and Pop Culture (JLPop) provides the prime outlet for the growing amount of research in pop cultural linguistics, the study of language use in pop culture data. Pop culture here is conceptualized in a broad sense to include artifacts with a commercial, entertainment-based purpose that are mediated and represent largely fictional, scripted/performed content. This includes pop music, television, comics and cartoons, video games, social media, as well as other forms of entertainment and trends that are widely accessible in mainstream society.

The journal is open to contributions from all linguistic subfields that engage with pop culture and performed language, including sociolinguistics, pragmatics, stylistics, corpus linguistics, conversation analysis, (critical) discourse analysis, media linguistics, and applied linguistics/language education. Multimodal and interdisciplinary approaches are especially encouraged and, while English is typically seen as the primary language of pop culture, studies are invited on all languages.

JLPop also produces special issues and publishes its articles Online First.

Journal of Language and Sexuality

ISSN: 2211-3770eISSN: 2211-3789
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Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages

ISSN: 0920-9034eISSN: 1569-9870

The Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages (JPCL) aims to provide a forum for the scholarly study of pidgins, creoles, and other contact language varieties, from multi-disciplinary perspectives. The journal places special emphasis on current research devoted to empirical description, theoretical issues, and the broader implications of the study of contact languages for theories of language acquisition and change, and for linguistic theory in general. The editors also encourage contributions that explore the application of linguistic research to language planning, education, and social reform, as well as studies that examine the role of contact languages in the social life and culture, including the literature, of their communities.

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Journal of Second Language Pronunciation

ISSN: 2215-1931eISSN: 2215-194X

The Journal of Second Language Pronunciation is a scholarly journal devoted to research into the acquisition, perception, production, teaching, assessment, and description of prosodic and segmental pronunciation of second languages in all contexts of learning. The journal encourages research that connects theory and practice, enhances our understanding of L2 phonological learning processes, and provides connections between L2 pronunciation and other areas of applied linguistics such as pragmatics, CALL, and speech perception.
The Journal publishes papers in four main areas: experimental, instructed, and naturalistic research about second language pronunciation; review articles that synthesize research perspectives of key pronunciation issues from different disciplines;teaching-oriented papers detailing successful practices and research-based instruction; and reviews of technology and books focused on second language pronunciation.

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Korean Linguistics

ISSN: 0257-3784eISSN: 2212-9731
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Language Ecology

ISSN: 2452-1949eISSN: 2452-2147
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Language International: The business resource for a multilingual age

ISSN: 0923-182X
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Language Problems and Language Planning

ISSN: 0272-2690eISSN: 1569-9889

Language Problems and Language Planning is published in cooperation with the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. This international multi-lingual journal publishes articles primarily on political, sociological, and economic aspects of language and language use. It is especially concerned with relationships between and among language communities, particularly in international contexts, and in the adaptation, manipulation, and standardization of language for international use. Articles deal with language policy, language management, and language use in international organizations, multinational enterprises, etc., and theoretical studies on global communication, language interaction, and language conflict.This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, JCR/Social Sciences Edition, ERIC, INIST, Int. Bibliography of Social Sciences, Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA, MLA Bibliography, Sociological Abstracts, European Reference Index for the Humanities, TSA Online.

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Language Teaching for Young Learners

ISSN: 2589-2053eISSN: 2589-207X
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Language and Dialogue

ISSN: 2210-4119eISSN: 2210-4127
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Language, Interaction and Acquisition

ISSN: 1879-7865eISSN: 1879-7873
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Languages in Contrast: International Journal for Contrastive Linguistics

ISSN: 1387-6759eISSN: 1569-9897
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Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism

ISSN: 1879-9264eISSN: 1879-9272
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Linguistic Landscape

ISSN: 2214-9953eISSN: 2214-9961
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