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Brain organoid and systems neuroscience journal

ISSN: 2949-9216

Brain stimulation

ISSN: 1876-4754

Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health

eISSN: 2666-3546
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Brain, Behavior, and Immunity

ISSN: 0889-1591eISSN: 1090-2139

Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, founded in 1987, is the official journal of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society (PNIRS). This innovative journal publishes peer-reviewed basic, experimental, and clinical studies dealing with behavioral, neural, endocrine, and immune system interactions in humans and animals. It is an international, interdisciplinary journal devoted to investigation of the physiological systems that integrate behavioral and immunological responses. The journal welcomes original research in neuroscience, immunology, integrative physiology, behavioral biology, psychiatry, psychology, and clinical medicine and is inclusive of research at the molecular, cellular, social, and organismic levels. The journal features online submission and review, leading to timely publication of experimental results. There are no submission fees or page charges for Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, which is published eight times a year. Detailed instructions for authors can be found at areas include:Neurochemical and hormonal mechanisms that convey messages to and from the immune system and brain;Stress and immunity, including the role of stress-related hormones and neurotransmitters on the immune system and brain;Actions of cytokines and growth factors on neuronal and glial cells to regulate behavior, cognition, clinical pain and neuroendocrine function;Clinical translational research, such as depression, other mental disorders, fatigue, chronic inflammatory diseases;Roles of hormones, growth factors, and cytokines in the immune and central nervous systems;Inflammation, neuroscience, and behavior;Neuroimmunopharmacology and the immunomodulating effects of psychotropic drugs and drugs of abuse;Nutrition, the brain, behavior and immunity;Sleep, exercise, immunity, and health;Roles of cytokines, hormones, and neurotransmitters in the aging immune system and brain;Cancer, brain, and immunity;Regulation of nerve injury and repair by the immune system;Psychosocial, behavioral, and neuroendocrine influences on immunity and on the development and progression of immunologically-mediated disease processes;Genomics of behavior and immunity.

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Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology

ISSN: 0104-0014eISSN: 0034-7094

The Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology is the official journal of the Brazilian Anesthesiology Society. It publishes articles classified into the following categories:
• Scientific articles (clinical or experimental trials)
• Clinical information (case reports)
• Reviews
• Letters to the Editor
• Editorials.

The journal focuses primarily on clinical trials, with scope on clinical practice, aiming at providing applied tools to the anesthesiologist and critical care physician.

The Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology accepts articles exclusively forwarded to it. Articles already published in other journals are not accepted. All articles proposed for publication are previously submitted to the analysis of two or more members of the Editorial Board or other specialized consultants.

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Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases

ISSN: 1413-8670

To publish relevant documents in the area of microbiology, infection and immune response to infectious agents.

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Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy

ISSN: 1413-3555eISSN: 1809-9246

BJPT is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers original research articles on topics related to the professional activity of physical therapy and rehabilitation, including clinical, basic or applied studies on the assessment, prevention, and treatment of movement disorders.

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eISSN: 1532-3080

Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly

ISSN: 1043-321X

With more than 180,000 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed each year in the United States, specialists in many major medical disciplines-including surgery, obstetrics/gynecology, oncology, radiation therapy, diagnostic radiology, and medical management- will benefit from insightful and up-to-date information in Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly. Each issue of Breast Diseases includes more than 60 article abstracts with insightful commentary on the latest developments in the diagnosis, treatment, screening, and prevention of breast diseases. Breast Diseases provides the expertise and perspective of some of the top physician editors in the world on this important subject.

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British Journal of Anaesthesia

ISSN: 0007-0912eISSN: 1471-6771

Founded in 1923, one year after the first anaesthetic journal was published by the International Anaesthesia Research Society, BJA remains the oldest and largest independent journal of anaesthesia. It became the journal of The College of Anaesthetists in 1990. The College was granted a Royal Charter in 1992. Although there are educational links between BJA and the College, the journal retains editorial independence.BJA publishes original articles in all branches of Anaesthesia. Submitted manuscripts are subject to stringent review to ensure that the journal only contains papers of the highest standard.

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British Journal of Medical and Surgical Urology

ISSN: 1875-9742
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British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

ISSN: 0306-5456eISSN: 0306-5456

The Journal no longer exists. It has been passed on to Wiley and continues as BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

ISSN: 0266-4356

Journal of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons:• Leading articles on all aspects of surgery in the oro-facial and head and neck region• One of the largest circulations of any international journal in this field• Dedicated to enhancing surgical expertise.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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British Journal of Plastic Surgery

ISSN: 0007-1226
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British Veterinary Journal

ISSN: 0007-1935

Building and Environment

ISSN: 0360-1323eISSN: 1873-684X

Building and Environment is an international journal that publishes original research papers and review articles related to building science and human interaction with the built environment.The Journal invites research articles conveying robust, tested knowledge on:•technologies and integrated systems for high performance buildings and cities•thermal, acoustic, visual, air quality building science and human impacts•tools for the design and decision-making community, including tested computational, economic, educational and policy tools.•solutions for mitigating environmental impacts and achieving low carbon, sustainable built environments.The Journal is focused on new knowledge, rigorously verified with measurement and analysis, related to the environmental performance of buildings in different scales, ranging from cities, communities, buildings, to building systems and assemblies.

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Bulletin de l Institut Pasteur

ISSN: 0020-2452

Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques

ISSN: 0007-4497

Founded in 1870, by Gaston Darboux, the Bulletin publishes original articles covering all branches of pure mathematics.During the last few years the Bulletin has published contributions by T. Aubin, H. Bauer, R. Beals, L. De Branges, L. Carleson, A. Chang, G. Choquet, J. Dixmier, J.P. Demailly, L. Ehrenpreis, P. Erdös, B. Gaveau, P. Greiner, A. Koranyi, T. Levasseur, P. Malliavin, H. Moscovici, O.G. Pisier, H. Rosenberg, E. Stein, M. Talagrand, A. Tognoli, A. Varchenko, N. Varopoulos, A. Weinstein, H. Widom, M. Yor.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Bulletin du Cancer

ISSN: 0007-4551eISSN: 1769-6917

From Biology to Clinical practice : a modern approach of oncologyWhile giving space to review articles and paying more attention to biological aspects, the Bulletin du Cancer maintains a highly scientific clinical and therapeutic approach.The Bulletin du Cancer is one of the best scientific publications in the French language in the realm of cancerology. It is listed in the leading international databases.The Bulletin du Cancer is the official organ of the French Cancer Society.The online version of Bulletin du Cancer is available. All articles published since 1997 can now be accessed online. Recent articles are available by pay per view or by subscription while older ones have free access.

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Bulletin du Cancer/Radiothérapie

ISSN: 0924-4212