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Family Medicine and Community Health

ISSN: 2305-6983eISSN: 2009-8774
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Frontline Gastroenterology

ISSN: 2041-4137eISSN: 2041-4145
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ISSN: 0017-5749eISSN: 1468-3288

Gut aims to publish original articles describing novel mechanisms of disease and new management strategies, both diagnostic and therapeutic, likely to impact on clinical practice within the foreseeable future.Gut is a leading international journal in gastroenterology and has an established reputation for publishing first class clinical research of the alimentary tract, the liver, biliary tree and pancreas. Gut delivers up-to-date, authoritative, clinically oriented coverage of all areas in gastroenterology. Regular features include articles by leading authorities, reports on the latest treatments for diseases, reviews and commentaries. The journal has an authoritative global Editorial Board and a growing international readership.

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ISSN: 1355-6037eISSN: 1468-201X

Heart (formerly British Heart Journal) is an international peer review journal that keeps cardiologists up to date with advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Topics covered include coronary disease, electrophysiology, valve disease, imaging techniques, congenital heart disease (fetal, paediatric and adult), heart failure, surgery, and basic science.Each issue contains an extensive continuing professional education section (Education in Heart) and JournalScan highlighting important papers from outside the cardiology literature.

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Injury Prevention

ISSN: 1353-8047eISSN: 1475-5785

Since its inception in 1995 Injury Prevention has been the preeminent repository of original research and compelling commentary relevant to this increasingly important field. An international peer review journal, Injury Prevention offers the best in science, policy, and public health practice to reduce the burden of injury in all age groups around the world. The journal publishes original research, opinion, debate and special features on the prevention of unintentional, occupational and intentional (violence-related) injuries.The journal is indexed by the National Library of Medicine, Index Medicus and Embase. Its Impact Factor for 2009 was 1.504, ranking in the top half of all public health journals.Injury Prevention is more than a collection of original articles, brief reports and methodological submissions. To ensure its appeal to both academics and front-line workers, Injury Prevention regularly includes a News and Notes section and other special features: program reports, guest editorials, commentaries, book reviews, and letters.Above all, the papers reflect the Journal's international orientation. Its large and distinguished editorial board represents 20 different countries. with a growing number of contributions from researchers and program planners in low and middle income countries.

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Integrated Healthcare Journal

eISSN: 2399-5351

integrated Healthcare Journal aims to support a joined-up and connected approach for healthcare design and delivery in which health and social care professionals, service providers, patients, patient groups, and carers are brought together to collaborate in a unified and integrated approach. The mission will be to improve all aspects of care for individuals and communities orientated around a person-centred philosophy.

Fragmentation of care and care gaps arising from a lack of optimal integration translate into negative experiences and outcomes for patients and unnecessary costs for healthcare providers. This will become increasingly problematic as patients in an ageing population present with ever more complex health and social care needs.

Effective integrated healthcare is a pathway to a more effective and efficient health system truly centred on the patient. The journal will present content related to initiatives and improvement approaches leading to greater levels of integration with a strong emphasis on co-design with patients, carers and families.

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JME Practical Bioethics

ISSN: 3049-8600eISSN: 3049-8600

JME Practical Bioethics is an open access, peer reviewed journal publishing translational and empirically focused bioethics research.


JME PB is a companion to Journal of Medical Ethics and is an official journal of the Institute of Medical Ethics.


The journal’s emphasis is on original research focused on qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the ethical aspects of practice, policy, law, education and research in health and social care. JME PB broadens the discourse in relation to ethics and human health by addressing both local and global societal challenges of the twenty-first century and beyond.

Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer

eISSN: 2051-1426

Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer is an open access, peer reviewed journal that encompasses all aspects of tumor immunology and cancer immunotherapy, from basic research through to clinical applications.The journal welcomes submissions in the following areas and other related topics:Basic Tumor ImmunologyTumor antigens, innate and adaptive anti-tumor immune mechanisms, immune regulation, immune response, cancer and inflammation, preclinical models, chemotherapy and radiotherapy interactions with the anti-tumor immune responseClinical/Translational Cancer ImmunotherapyFirst-in-man clinical trials, phase II/III clinical studies, immune monitoring investigations, tumor microenvironment, host genetics and clinical outcomeImmunotherapy BiomarkersPredictive/prognostic biomarker studies, gene expression studies in cancer immunotherapy, serological immune biomarkers, multiparameter flow cytometry-defined immune biomarkers, high content immunohistological studiesReviews/EditorialsTriggering discussion on hot topics and innovative concepts

Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer is the official journal of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC). The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit society of medical professionals that was established in 1984 to exchange, encourage and promote information about the promise and breakthroughs of biological therapies, including immunotherapy, for patients with cancer. SITC is the world's leading member society of medical professionals dedicated to advancing cancer immunotherapy through its initiatives, educational sessions, and collaborative endeavors. The society has become THE forum for innovative discussions in the field.

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Journal of Clinical Pathology

ISSN: 0021-9746eISSN: 1472-4146

Journal of Clinical Pathology is a leading international journal covering all aspects of pathology. Diagnostic and research areas covered include histopathology, virology, haematology, microbiology, cytopathology, chemical pathology, molecular pathology, forensic pathology, dermatopathology, neuropathology and immunopathology. Each issue contains Reviews, Original articles, Short reports, Case reports, Correspondence, Book reviews and more. JCP has Editorial Board members from all around the world to ensure coverage of global research.

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Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

ISSN: 0143-005XeISSN: 1470-2738

The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health is a truly international journal that encompasses all aspects of epidemiology and public health. It publishes original research, opinions and materials concerned with the study and improvement of communities worldwide.

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Journal of Medical Ethics

ISSN: 0306-6800eISSN: 1473-4257

Journal of Medical Ethics is a leading international journal that reflects the whole field of medical ethics. The journal seeks to promote ethical reflection and conduct in scientific research and medical practice. It features original articles on ethical aspects of health care, as well as case conferences, book reviews, editorials, correspondence, news and notes. To ensure international relevance JME has Editorial Board members from all around the world including the US, Europe, Australasia and Far East.Subscribers to the Journal of Medical Ethics also receive Medical Humanities journal at no extra cost. JME is the official journal of the Institute of Medical Ethics.

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Journal of Medical Genetics

ISSN: 0022-2593eISSN: 1468-6244

Journal of Medical Genetics is a leading international publication covering original research in human genetics, including reviews of and opinion on the latest developments. Articles cover the genetic basis of human disease including germline cancer genetics, the clinical manifestations of genetic disorders, applications of molecular genetics to medical practice and the systematic evaluation of such applications. Each edition includes original articles, short reports, review articles, hypothesis articles, book reviews, online mutation reports and e-letters where readers are invited to comment on material published in the journal. With Editorial Board members from all around the world (including the US, Canada, Europe, Australasia and the Far East), JMG strives to represent and, more importantly, to participate in the shaping of trends and opinions in human genetics research worldwide.

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Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery

ISSN: 1759-8478eISSN: 1759-8486

The Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery (JNIS) aims to be the leading peer review journal for scientific research and literature pertaining to the field of neurointerventional surgery. The journal launch follows growing professional interest in neurointerventional techniques for the treatment of a range of neurological and neurovascular problems including stroke, aneurysms, vascular malformations, brain tumors, head and neck disorders, and spinal disease . Neurointerventional surgery deploys percutaneous techniques for intravascular, spinal, or direct puncture procedures, which minimize pain and the risk of complications, and enhance the speed of recovery.

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Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry

ISSN: 0022-3050eISSN: 1468-330X

JNNP's ambition is to publish the most ground-breaking and cutting-edge research from around the world. Encompassing the entire genre of neurological sciences, our focus is on the common disorders (stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, peripheral neuropathy, subarachnoid haemorrhage and neuropsychiatry), but with a keen interest in the Gordian knots that present themselves in the field, such as ALS. With early online publication, regular podcasts and an immense archive collection (with the longest half-life of any journal in clinical neuroscience), JNNP is a trail-blazer and not a follower. Subscribers to JNNP also have access to Practical Neurology and the Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery.

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Lupus Science & Medicine

eISSN: 2053-8790

lupus, systemic lupus nephritis, rheumatology

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Medical Humanities

ISSN: 1468-215XeISSN: 1473-4265

Medical Humanities is a leading international journal that reflects the whole field of medical humanities. Medical Humanities aims to encourage a high academic standard for this evolving and developing subject and to enhance professional and public discussion. It features original articles relevant to the delivery of healthcare, the formulation of public health policy, the experience of being ill and of caring for those who are ill, as well as case conferences, educational case studies, book, film, and art reviews, editorials, correspondence, news and notes. To ensure international relevance Medical Humanities has Editorial Board members from all around the world.

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Occupational and Environmental Medicine

ISSN: 1351-0711eISSN: 1470-7926

Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) is an international peer reviewed journal covering occupational and environmental health. We aim to be the definitive source for current information on occupational and environmental health worldwide.OEM welcomes original research submissions which relate to the full range of chemical, physical, ergonomic, biological and psychosocial hazards in the workplace and to environmental contaminants and their health effects. Research aimed at improving the evidence-based practice of occupational medicine and research on the development and application of novel methods, including biological and statistical techniques, is also of interest. In addition, we publish systematic reviews, editorials, commentaries and letters to the editor, which provide a forum for debate.

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Open Heart

eISSN: 2053-3624


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Practical Neurology

ISSN: 1474-7758eISSN: 1474-7766

The essential point of Practical Neurology is that it is practical in the sense of being useful for everyone who sees neurological patients and who wants to keep up to date, and safe, in managing them. In other words this is a journal for jobbing neurologists who plough through the tension headaches and funny turns week in and week out.

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Quality and Safety in Health Care

ISSN: 1475-3898eISSN: 1470-7934
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