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Parallel Processing Letters

ISSN: 0129-6264eISSN: 1793-642X

Parallel Processing Letters (PPL) aims to rapidly disseminate results on a worldwide basis in the field of parallel processing in the form of short papers. It fills the need for an information vehicle which can convey recent achievements and further the exchange of scientific information in the field. This journal has a wide scope and topics covered include:

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Proceedings of the Singapore National Academy of Science

ISSN: 0219-6077eISSN: 1793-7051
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Quarterly Journal of Finance

ISSN: 2010-1392eISSN: 2010-1406
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Random Matrices: Theory and Applications

ISSN: 2010-3263eISSN: 2010-3271
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Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences

ISSN: 2424-9424eISSN: 2529-752X
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Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies

ISSN: 0219-0915eISSN: 1793-6705
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Reviews in Mathematical Physics

ISSN: 0129-055XeISSN: 1793-6659

Reviews in Mathematical Physics fills the need for a review journal in the field, but also accepts original research papers of high quality. The review papers - introductory and survey papers - are of relevance not only to mathematical physicists, but also to mathematicians and theoretical physicists interested in interdisciplinary topics. Original research papers are not subject to page limitations provided they are of importance to this readership. It is desirable that such papers have an expository part understandable to a wider readership than experts. Papers with the character of a scientific letter are usually not suitable for RMP.

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Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology

ISSN: 1793-6268eISSN: 1793-8058
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Reviews of Solar Energy

ISSN: 2315-4756eISSN: 2315-4764
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ISSN: 2010-3247eISSN: 2010-3255
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Singapore Dental Journal

ISSN: 0377-5291eISSN: 2214-6075

The Singapore Dental Journal (SDJ) is the official, peer-reviewed publication of the Singapore Dental Association. It is published annually, in December, by Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd. The SDJ is indexed in MEDLINE and PUBMED.

The SDJ aims to advance the practice of dentistry and care of patients among members of the Association and dentists in the region through the dissemination of information and research findings in the field of dental science and technology.The scope of the journal covers all fields related to the present day practice of dentistry, and includes Restorative Dentistry (Operative Dentistry, Dental Materials, Prosthodontics and Endodontics), Preventive Dentistry (Periodontics, Orthodontics, Paediatric Dentistry, Public Health and Health Services), Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery and Oral Pathology. Articles pertaining to dental education and the social, political and economic aspectsof dental practice are also welcomed. Articles are divided into four types: Reviews, Scientific/Clinical Articles, Case Reports/Techniques, Posters.For more details, please contact the Editorial Office at

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Singapore Economic Review

ISSN: 0217-5908eISSN: 1793-6837
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Stochastics and Dynamics

ISSN: 0219-4937eISSN: 1793-6799

This interdisciplinary journal is devoted to publishing high quality papers in modeling, analyzing, quantifying and predicting stochastic phenomena in science and engineering from a dynamical system's point of view.Papers can be about theory, experiments, algorithms, numerical simulation and applications. Papers studying the dynamics of stochastic phenomena by means of random or stochastic ordinary, partial or functional differential equations or random mappings are particularly welcome, and so are studies of stochasticity in deterministic systems.Occasionally, invited expository papers will also be published.

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Surface Review and Letters

ISSN: 0218-625XeISSN: 1793-6667

This international journal is devoted to the elucidation of properties and processes that occur at the boundaries of materials. The scope of the journal covers a broad range of topics in experimental and theoretical studies of surfaces and interfaces. Both the physical and chemical properties are covered. The journal also places emphasis on emerging areas of cross-disciplinary research where new phenomena occur due to the presence of a surface or an interface. Representative areas include surface and interface structures; their electronic, magnetic and optical properties; dynamics and energetics; chemical reactions at surfaces; phase transitions, reconstruction, roughening and melting; defects, nucleation and growth; and new surface and interface characterization techniques.

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Systems Research Forum

ISSN: 1793-9666eISSN: 1793-9674
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ISSN: 2339-5478
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ISSN: 0219-4384
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The International Journal of Accounting

ISSN: 1094-4060eISSN: 2213-3933
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The Journal of Hand Surgery

ISSN: 0218-8104eISSN: 1793-6535

Hand Surgery is an international journal, written in English, devoted to injury and disease of the hand and upper limb and related research. The journal has been established to represent the thoughts and experiences of hand surgeons within the Asia-Pacific region. The journal will publish scientific articles, including case reports, articles on surgical techniques, letters to the Editor, and information regarding meetings and education programmes. The editorial board is drawn from hand surgeons of high standing throughout the world. The journal will accept submissions in English from all countries and will encourage contributions worldwide. It is intended that Hand Surgery reach the high standards attained by the British and European, and American volumes of the Journal of Hand Surgery, and that these three journals complement each other.

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The Journal of Indian and Asian Studies

ISSN: 2717-5413eISSN: 2717-5766