Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami provides a common forum for scientists and engineers working in the areas of earthquakes and tsunamis to communicate and interact with one another and thereby enhance the opportunities for such cross-fertilization of ideas. The Journal publishes original papers pertaining to state-of-the-art research and development in Geological and Seismological Setting; Ground Motion, Site and Building Response; Tsunami Generation, Propagation, Damage and Mitigation, as well as Education and Risk Management following an earthquake or a tsunami.
World Scientific is proud to announce the launch of a new online submission system, Editorial Manager (EM), for Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. One of the industry standard systems used by major academic publishers, EM provides a full online solution for manuscript submission, peer-review, and tracking. ¦Authors can submit their LaTeX or MS-Word manuscript source files at the submission stage and check review progress from their web accounts ¦Referees can submit reports easily through the easy-to-use web interface and have access to their assignments online anytime ¦Editors can manage and monitor submissions, send reminders to referees and keep up-to-date via automatic email alerts.
This journal publishes original research papers on nonlinear hyperbolic problems and related topics, of mathematical and/or physical interest. Specifically, it invites papers on the theory and numerical analysis of hyperbolic conservation laws and of hyperbolic partial differential equations arising in mathematical physics. The Journal welcomes contributions in:*Theory of nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, addressing the issues of well-posedness and qualitative behavior of solutions, in one or several space dimensions.*Hyperbolic differential equations of mathematical physics, such as the Einstein equations of general relativity, Dirac equations, Maxwell equations, relativistic fluid models, etc.*Lorentzian geometry, particularly global geometric and causal theoretic aspects of spacetimes satisfying the Einstein equations.*Nonlinear hyperbolic systems arising in continuum physics such as: hyperbolic models of fluid dynamics, mixed models of transonic flows, etc.*General problems that are dominated (but not exclusively driven) by finite speed phenomena, such as dissipative and dispersive perturbations of hyperbolic systems, and models from statistical mechanics and other probabilistic models relevant to the derivation of fluid dynamical equations.*Convergence analysis of numerical methods for hyperbolic equations: finite difference schemes, finite volumes schemes, etc.The Journal aims to provide a forum for the community of researchers who are currently working in the very active area of nonlinear hyperbolic problems, and will also serve as a source of information for the users of such research.There is no a priori limitation on the length of submitted manuscripts, and even long papers may be published.
JIKM is a refereed journal published quarterly by World Scientific and dedicated to the exchange of the latest research and practical information in the field of information processing and knowledge management. The journal publishes original research and case studies by academic, business and government contributors on all aspects of information processing, information management, knowledge management, tools, techniques and technologies, knowledge creation and sharing, best practices, policies and guideline.
JIOHS serves as an international forum for the publication of the latest developments in all areas of photonics in biology and medicine. JIOHS will consider for publication original papers in all disciplines of photonics in biology and medicine, including but not limited to:
This Journal is intended as a forum for new developments in knot theory, particularly developments that create connections between knot theory and other aspects of mathematics and natural science. The stance is interdisciplinary due to the nature of the subject.Knot theory as a pure mathematical discipline is subject to many forms of generalization (higher-dimensional knots, knots and links in other manifolds, non-spherical knots, recursive systems analogous to knotting). Knots live in a wider mathematical framework (classification of three and higher dimensional manifolds, quantum groups, combinatorics, algorithms and computational complexity, category theory, algebraic topology, topological quantum field theories).Papers that will be published include: * new research in the theory of knots and links, and their applications; * new research in related fields; * tutorial and review papers.With this Journal, we hope to serve well researchers in knot theory and related areas of topology, researchers using knot theory in their work, and scientists interested in becoming informed about current work in the theory of knots and its ramifications.
The Journal of Mathematical Logic (JML) provides an important forum for the communication of original contributions in all areas of mathematical logic and its applications. It aims at publishing papers at the highest level of mathematical creativity and sophistication. JML intends to represent the most important and innovative developments in the subject.
This journal has as its objective the publication and dissemination of original research (even for "revolutionary concepts that contrast with existing theories" & "hypothesis") in all fields of engineering-mechanics that includes mechanisms, processes, bio-sensors and bio-devices in medicine, biology and healthcare. The journal publishes original papers in English which contribute to an understanding of biomedical engineering and science at a nano- to macro-scale or an improvement of the methods and techniques of medical, biological and clinical treatment by the application of advanced high technology.Journal's Research Scopes/Topics Covered (but not limited to): * Artificial Organs, Biomechanics of Organs. * Biofluid Mechanics, Biorheology, Blood Flow Measurement Techniques, Microcirculation, Hemodynamics. * Bioheat Transfer and Mass Transport, Nano Heat Transfer. * Biomaterials. * Biomechanics & Modeling of Cell and Molecular. * Biomedical Instrumentation and Biosensors. * Biomedical Signal Processing Techniques. * Bio-Microelectromechanical Systems, Microfluidics. * Bio-Nanotechnology and Clinical Application. * Bird and Insect Aerodynamics. * Cardiovascular/Cardiac mechanics. * Cardiovascular Systems Physiology/Engineering. * Cellular and Tissue Mechanics/Engineering. * Computational Biomechanics/Physiological Modelling, Systems Physiology. * Clinical Biomechanics. * Hearing Mechanics. * Human Movement and Animal Locomotion. * Implant Design and Mechanics. * Mathematical modeling. * Mechanobiology of Diseases. * Mechanics of Medical Robotics. * Muscle/Neuromuscular/Musculoskeletal Mechanics and Engineering. * Neural- & Neuro-Behavioral Engineering. * Orthopedic Biomechanics. * Reproductive and Urogynecological Mechanics. * Respiratory System Engineering. * Sports Mechanics, Joint Mechanics, RSA, Motion Analysis. * Therapeutic Physics and Rehabilitation Engineering. * Other topics that implicate 'mechanics' in medicine, biology and healthcare. Papers may be theoretical (including computational), experimental or both. The journal will publish occasional Book Reviews, Letter to Editors, Technical Notes, Rapid Communications as well as Review Papers, of advance in a specific aspect of engineering-mechanics research in medicine, biology and healthcare. We welcome 'First paper's in answering the waiting expectation of our young colleagues/community. Special issues with cutting-edge, new frontiers, niche topics and in collaboration with international conferences/symposia are also welcome.
World Scientific is proud to announce the launch of a new online submission system, Editorial Manager (EM), for Journal of Musculoskeletal Research. One of the industry standard systems used by major academic publishers, EM provides a full online solution for manuscript submission, peer-review, and tracking. Authors can submit their LaTeX or MS-Word manuscript source files at the submission stage and check review progress from their web accounts Referees can submit reports easily through the easy-to-use web interface and have access to their assignments online anytime Editors can manage and monitor submissions, send reminders to referees and keep up-to-date via automatic email alerts The "Online Ready" section features articles which have been formatted, checked, and finalized. These articles are citable by their volume number, article ID, and DOI.
This journal is devoted to the rapidly advancing research and development in the field of nonlinear interactions of light with matter. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, fundamental nonlinear optical processes, novel nonlinear material properties, guided waves and solitons, intense field phenomena, and their applications in laser and coherent lightwave amplification, guiding, switching, modulation, communication and information processing. Original papers, comprehensive reviews and rapid communications reporting original theories and observations are sought for in these and related areas. This journal will also publish proceedings of important international meetings and workshops. It is intended for graduate students, scientists and researchers in academic, industrial and government research institutions.