Established in 1930, the Nordic Journal of International Law has remained the principal forum in the Nordic countries for the scholarly exchange on legal development in the international and European domains. Combining broad thematic coverage with rigorous quality demands, it aims to present current practice and its theoretical reflection within the different branches of international law.
Oltre ad articoli di specialisti italiani e stranieri sull'intero arco tematico e cronologico della storia delle scienze e della tecnica, con i diversi approcci metodologici che la caratterizzano, «Nuncius» presta particolare attenzione alla documentazione primaria, bibliografica ed archivistica, offrendo così uno strumento indispensabile per l'approfondimento critico di un campo largamente interdisciplinare e in continua evoluzione.«Nuncius» provides an efficient mean of international communication and information for the historians of science. As well as articles on all aspects of the discipline, with the various methodological approaches which characterize it, «Nuncius» offers detailed bibliographical and archival documentation. It will thus constitute an indispensable instrument for the critical assessment of a constantly evolving discipline.
Founded in 1948 by Hellmut Ritter, Oriens is dedicated to studies extending our knowledge of the languages, literatures, and political, religious, and intellectual history of the Islamic World, Iran and Central Asia, and South and Southeast Asia to the nineteenth century. The journal encourages contributions concerning exchanges between all these regions from the Mediterranean to the farther regions of the Asian continent.
The periodical Oud Holland is the oldest surviving art-historical periodical in the world. It is entirely devoted to the visual arts in the Netherlands up to the mid-nineteenth century. Oud Holland is published four times a year. Every volume is richly illustrated, has at least 200 pages, and comes with a comprehensive printed index of names. From early 2008 with the first number of Volume 121, Brill will be the new publisher of this periodical. A subscription to Oud Holland includes access to all back volumes online.