Psychology of Religion and Spirituality® publishes peer-reviewed, original articles related to the psychological aspects of religion and spirituality.The journal publishes articles employing experimental and correlational methods, qualitative analyses, and critical reviews of the literature. Papers evaluating clinically relevant issues surrounding training, professional development, and practice are also considered.
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Psychology, Public Policy, and Law® provides a forum to critically evaluate the contributions of psychology and related disciplines (hereinafter psychology) to public policy and legal issues, and vice versa. It is intended to appeal to law professors, legal professionals, judges, and public policy analysts, as well as psychology researchers and practitioners working at the interface of the three fields. The journal publishes theoretical and empirical articles that critically evaluate the contributions and potential contributions of psychology to public policy and legal issues; assess the desirability of different public policy and legal alternatives in light of the scientific knowledge base in psychology; articulate research needs that address public policy and legal issues for which there is currently insufficient theoretical and empirical knowledge; present empirical work that makes a significant contribution to the application of psychological knowledge to public policy or the law; and examine public policy and legal issues relating to the conduct of psychology and related disciplines (e.g., human subjects, protection policies; informed consent procedures). Although some of these issues may be addressed in articles currently being submitted to traditional law reviews, this publication uniquely provides peer review, scientific and legal input, and editorial guidance from psychologists and lawyers. Through publication in a single forum, it will also focus attention of scholarly, public policy, and legal audiences on such work.
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Rehabilitation Psychology® is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that is dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of rehabilitation psychology.Rehabilitation Psychology is the official journal of APA's Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology). It is dedicated to the service of the Division and the broader fields of psychology and rehabilitation.Rehabilitation psychologists consider the entire network of biological, psychological, social, environmental, and political factors that affect the functioning of persons with disabilities or chronic illness. Given the breadth of rehabilitation psychology, the journal's scope is broadly defined.Suitable submissions include papers describing experimental investigations survey research evaluations of specific interventions outcome studies historical perspectives relevant public policy issues conceptual/theoretical formulations with implications for clinical practice reviews of empirical research detailed case studies professional issuesPapers will be evaluated for their importance to the field, scientific rigor, novelty, suitability for the journal, and clarity of writing. The primary determinant of editorial decisions is whether the paper enlarges both the understanding of important psychological problems in rehabilitation and the capacity to offer effective assistance in ameliorating those problems.
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School Psychology Quarterly® publishes empirical studies and literature reviews of the psychology of education and services for children in school settings, encompassing a full range of methodologies and orientations, including educational, cognitive, social, cognitive behavioral, preventive, cross-cultural, and developmental perspectives.Focusing primarily on children, youth, and the adults who serve them, School Psychology Quarterly publishes research pertaining to the education of populations across the life span.We welcome manuscripts from scholars throughout the world, including research from multi-site international projects and work that has the potential to be adapted to and implemented around the globe to address the needs of diverse populations, cultures, and communities.Papers linking innovative empirical research with practice and public policy in the USA and elsewhere will also be considered.
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Training and Education in Professional Psychology® is dedicated to enhancing supervision and training provided by psychologists. The journal will publish manuscripts that contribute to and advance professional psychology education.
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Traumatology: An International Journal (TMT) is a primary online-only reference for professionals who study and treat people exposed to highly traumatic events, such as terrorist bombings, war, fires, accidents, criminal and familial abuse, hospitalization, major illness, abandonment, and sudden unemployment. Whichever helping profession you belong to, TMT will help you better understand how to work with disaster victims and their families.
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