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ACR Open Rheumatology

eISSN: 2578-5745
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AGU Advances

eISSN: 2576-604X
Publisher: Wiley Open Access | Society or Institution: American Geophysical Union
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Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica

ISSN: 0001-6349eISSN: 1600-0412

Published monthly, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica is an international journal dedicated to providing the very latest information on the results of both clinical, basic and translational research work related to all aspects of women’s health from around the globe. The journal regularly publishes commentaries, reviews, and original articles on a wide variety of topics including: gynecology, pregnancy, birth, female urology, gynecologic oncology, fertility and reproductive biology.


Acta, Obstetricia, Gynecologica, Scandinavica, gynecology, gynaecology, obstetrics, pregnancy, birth, female urology, fertility, gynecologic oncology, gynaecologic oncology

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Acute Medicine and Surgery

eISSN: 2052-8817
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Addiction Biology

ISSN: 1355-6215eISSN: 1369-1600

The focus of Addiction Biology is on neuroscience contributions, which aim at advancing our understanding regarding aspects on the action of drugs of abuse and addictive processes. Papers are accepted whose content is geared towards behavioral, molecular, genetic, biochemical, neuro-biological and pharmacological fields of animal experimentation and clinical research.

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Advanced Electronic Materials

eISSN: 2199-160X

Advanced Electronic Materials is an interdisciplinary forum for peer-reviewed, high-quality, high-impact research in the fields of materials science, physics, and engineering of electronic and magnetic materials. It includes research on physics and physical properties of electronic and magnetic materials, spintronics, electronics, device physics and engineering, micro- and nano-electromechanical systems, and organic electronics, in addition to fundamental research.

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Advanced Genetics

eISSN: 2641-6573
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Advanced Intelligent Systems

eISSN: 2640-4567
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Advanced Materials Interfaces

ISSN: 2196-7350eISSN: 2196-7350

Advanced Materials Interfaces publishes top-level research on interface technologies and effects. Considering any interface formed between solids, liquids, and gases, the journal ensures an interdisciplinary blend of physics, chemistry, materials science, and life sciences. Advanced Materials Interfaces was launched in 2014 and received an Impact Factor of 4.834 in 2018.

The scope of Advanced Materials Interfaces is dedicated to interfaces and surfaces that play an essential role in virtually all materials and devices. Physics, chemistry, materials science and life sciences blend to encourage new, cross-pollinating ideas, which will drive forward our understanding of the processes at the interface.

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Advanced Physics Research

eISSN: 2751-1200
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Advanced Science

eISSN: 2198-3844

multidisciplinary, materials science, chemistry, physics, life sciences

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Advanced Sensor Research

eISSN: 2751-1219
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eISSN: 2692-4560
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Aging Cell

ISSN: 1474-9718eISSN: 1474-9726

Aging Cell is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed, open access journal that aims to publish the highest quality, innovative research addressing fundamental issues in the biology of aging. For publication in Aging Cell, the work must provide a major new contribution to the understanding of aging and be of general interest to the community. Aging Cell seeks to cover all areas of geroscience, highlighting research that uncovers mechanistic aspects of the aging process, as well as the links between aging and age-related disease. Observations of novel aging processes without substantial mechanistic insight will be considered, but should be of especially high impact for the field. Topics including, but not limited to, nutrient-responsive signaling pathways, neuronal and endocrine signaling pathways, tissue interactions, genetic and epigenetic regulation and integrity, proteostasis, circadian rhythms, ROS and mitochondria, cellular senescence, stem cells, progerias and interventions that affect aging are encouraged. All experimental approaches, including plant models, are welcome. Papers that focus on the pathogenesis of a specific age-related pathology are also of interest, but should offer new insights into the fundamental links between aging and disease.

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Aging and Cancer

eISSN: 2643-8909
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Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring

eISSN: 2352-8729
Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring (DADM) is an open access, peer-reviewed, journal from the Alzheimer's Association® that will publish new research that reports the discovery, development and validation of instruments, technologies, algorithms, and innovative processes. Papers will cover a range of topics interested in the early and accurate detection of individuals with memory complaints and/or among asymptomatic individuals at elevated risk for various forms of memory disorders.

The expectation for published papers will be to translate fundamental knowledge about the neurobiology of the disease into practical reports that describe both the conceptual and methodological aspects of the submitted scientific inquiry. Published topics will explore the development of biomarkers, surrogate markers, and conceptual/methodological challenges. Publication priority will be given to papers that 1) describe putative surrogate markers that accurately track disease progression, 2) biomarkers that fulfill international regulatory requirements, 3) reports from large, well-characterized population-based cohorts that comprise the heterogeneity and diversity of asymptomatic individuals and 4) algorithmic development that considers multi-marker arrays (e.g., integrated-omics, genetics, biofluids, imaging, etc.) and advanced computational analytics and technologies.

Given the growing number of specialized manuscripts in the field of Alzheimer's and dementia research, DADM will provide an expanded platform to provide a) rapid communication and publication that facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas, b) integrating and translating knowledge across disciplines; disseminating basic and clinical information necessary for optimal translation of research into practical applications and interventions, c) increase knowledge in diverse areas of studies with potentials/implications for practical application related to early detection and/or interventions, d) formulating crucial experiments necessary for the rigorous testing of theories or their predictions, and e) identifying promising new directions of research and providing the impetus or the scientific foundation for new initiatives on interventions.

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Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association

ISSN: 1552-5260eISSN: 1552-5279

The mission of Alzheimer's & Dementia: Journal of the Alzheimer's Association is to bridge the knowledge gaps across a wide range of bench-to-bedside investigation. The journal publishes the results of studies in: behavior, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, pharmacology, physiology, protein chemistry, neurology, neuropathology, psychiatry, geriatrics, neuropsychology, epidemiology, sociology, health services research, health economics, political science and public policy. Content emphasizes interdisciplinary investigations, integrative/translational articles, related to: etiology, risk factors, early detection, disease modifying interventions, prevention of dementia and applications of new technologies in health services. The journal publishes • comprehensive reviews; • research articles; • information on clinical trials; • short reports;• in-depth perspectives/open-peer commentaries; • theoretical and/or translational papers that attempt integrate knowledge across discipline;• history & politics of science/brief biographies and, • abstracts of papers presented at international meetings. Negative results, particularly clinical trials, are published as short communications.The ultimate objective is to create a novel forum for: • rapid communication of new findings, ideas or perspectives; • disseminating knowledge, across the spectrum of basic to clinical studies, necessary for optimal translation of research findings into practical applications/interventions; • integrating knowledge across disciplines; • increase knowledge in diverse disciplines to promote early detection/diagnosis and/or interventions; • formulating new theories and/or strategies for the rigorous testing of theories or their predictions; • identifying promising new directions of research and, • providing the scientific impetus for new initiatives; or public policies concerning research on prevention and new models of health services.Alzheimer's & Dementia is indexed/abstracted in Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®), Current Contents®/Clinical Medicine, Neuroscience Citation Index®, and Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition.

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Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions

eISSN: 2352-8737

Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions (TRCI) is an open access, peer-reviewed, journal from the Alzheimer's Association® that covers translational research and clinical therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other age-related conditions affecting cognition, memory, and behavior. The journal will provide a rapid method for communication among a multidisciplinary clinical research audience involving the range of therapeutic interventions (e.g., drugs, biologicals, devices, and psychotherapeutic, psychosocial, and non-pharmacological modalities) from preclinical development to late stage trials and health technology assessment.

The focus is original, feature length research articles, systematic reviews, metaanalyses, brief reports, narrative reviews, commentaries, letters, perspectives, and research news that advance the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and cognitive impairment. The journal will publish on topics related to medicine, geriatrics, neuroscience, neurology, psychiatry, clinical psychology, bioinformatics, and health policy as they apply to preclinical and clinical therapeutics. It will focus on discovery, therapeutic development, clinical pharmacology, preclinical studies, and the application of neuropsychology, clinical ratings, clinical trials methods, neuroimaging, biomarkers, clinical research informatics, and other interdisciplinary approaches to clinical therapeutics and outcomes.

Given the growing number of specialized manuscripts in the field of Alzheimer's and dementia research, TRCI provides an expanded platform for the publication of clinical translational research. TRCI encourages the submission of manuscripts that describe preclinical research with a potential for clinical application, research from early human experimentation (experimental medicine) that may advance clinical treatment and prevention of Alzheimer pathology, neurodegeneration, and cognitive impairment.

Like Alzheimer's & Dementia, TRCI will publish manuscripts describing public health research with the potential for application for disease prevention or clinical therapeutics that bridges the laboratory and clinical settings, and laboratory studies of novel therapeutic interventions and new treatment paradigms. Expanding on the growing number of submissions to Alzheimer's & Dementia, TRCI will provide a rapid communication vehicle for manuscripts that focus on translation and clinical research methods, procedures, protocols, analytical approaches and regulatory science.

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Anaesthesia Reports

eISSN: 2637-3726
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Analytical Science Advances

eISSN: 2628-5452
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