Workplace Health & Safety: Promoting Environments Conducive to Well-Being and Productivity, formerly AAOHN Journal, is the official publication of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc. This peer-reviewed Journal is published monthly and offers original articles of professional interest to the occupational and environmental health nurse for more than 60 years.
World Mycotoxin Journal' is to receive an Impact Factor and will be included in the Thomson Reuters' 2010 Journal Citation Report that will be released mid-year 2011.
Die "Zeitschrift fu¨r Gesundheitspsychologie" wurde gegru¨ndet, um dem raschen Anwachsen gesundheitspsychologischer Forschung sowie deren Relevanz fu¨r verschiedene Anwendungsfelder gerecht zu werden. Gesundheitspsychologie versteht sich als wissenschaftlicher Beitrag der Psychologie zur Fo¨rderung und Erhaltung von Gesundheit, zur Verhu¨tung und Behandlung von Krankheiten, zur Bestimmung von Risikoverhaltensweisen, zur Diagnose und Ursachenbestimmung von gesundheitlichen Sto¨rungen sowie zur Verbessung des Systems gesundheitlicher Vorsorge. Die Zeitschrift fu¨r Gesundheitspsychologie will Theorie und Anwendung psychologischer Ansa¨tze bei der Analyse von Gesundheit und Krankheit fo¨rdern. Dazu werden Ergebnisse empirischer bzw. experimenteller Analysen ebenso publiziert wie fundierte, anwendungsorientierte Beitra¨ge, methodische Entwicklungen sowie umfassende, kritische Literaturanalysen.
Zoonoses and Public Health brings together veterinary and human health researchers and policy-makers by providing a venue for publishing integrated and global approaches to zoonoses and public health. The Editors will consider papers that focus on timely collaborative and multi-disciplinary research in zoonoses and public health. This journal provides rapid publication of original papers, reviews, and potential discussion papers embracing this collaborative spirit. Papers should advance the scientific knowledge of the sources, transmission, prevention and control of zoonoses and be authored by scientists with expertise in areas such as microbiology, virology, parasitology and epidemiology. Articles that incorporate recent data into new methods, applications, or approaches (e.g. statistical modeling) which enhance public health are strongly encouraged.
Online-only and open access, npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine is the only fully-indexed scientific journal devoted to the management of respiratory diseases in primary care. Part of the Nature Partner Journals series, npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine is published in a partnership between Nature Publishing Group and Primary Care Respiratory Society UK