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Management of Environmental Quality

ISSN: 1477-7835eISSN: 1758-6119

Management of Environmental Quality is an international forum designed to examine factors that impact the environment, their consequences, and how to manage them.

Maternal and Child Health Journal

ISSN: 1092-7875eISSN: 1573-6628

Maternal and Child Health Journal offers an exclusive forum for advancing scientific and professional knowledge of the maternal and child health (MCH) field. Peer-reviewed papers address MCH practice, policy, and research, exploring such topics as MCH epidemiology, demography, and health status assessment; Innovative MCH service initiatives; Implementation of MCH programs; MCH policy analysis and advocacy and MCH professional development. Exploring the full spectrum of the field, Maternal and Child Health Journal is an important tool for practitioners as well as academics in public health, obstetrics, gynecology, prenatal medicine, pediatrics, and neonatology.Sponsors include the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP), the Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health (ATMCH), and CityMatCH.

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Maternal and Child Nutrition

ISSN: 1740-8695eISSN: 1740-8709

The high profile of maternal and child nutrition has highlighted the need for a focused, well-respected and dedicated forum for the presentation of original research findings in this field. Maternal & Child Nutrition keeps the audience fully informed about new initiatives, the latest research findings and innovative ways of responding to changes in public attitudes. Drawing from global sources, the Journal provides an invaluable source of up-to-date information for health professionals, academics and service users with interests in maternal and infant nutrition. The scope of Maternal & Child Nutrition includes pre-conceptual nutrition, antenatal and postnatal maternal nutrition, women's nutrition throughout their reproductive years, and fetal, neonatal, infant and child nutrition, up to and including adolescence. Topics covered include:

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Maternal and Children’s Health

eISSN: 2813-8996

The Journal welcomes research on the periconceptional, perinatal and neonatal periods of pregnancy and on the development of the child to emerging adulthood and beyond, keeping in mind the concept of the developmental origins of adult health and disease.
Optimal health, development, and well-being from preconception to adulthood are central to the formation of human capital. The journal acts as a discussion forum on the dynamic interplay between genes, environments, and developmental time within the framework of adversity and resilience. Research grounded in multiple streams of investigation and looking at policies and interventions about health promotion and disease prevention for maternal and children’s health, is of particular interest.

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Medical Care

ISSN: 0025-7079eISSN: 1537-1948

Rated as one of the top ten journals in healthcare administration, Medical Care is devoted to all aspects of the administration and delivery of healthcare. This scholarly journal publishes original, peer-reviewed papers documenting the most current developments in the rapidly changing field of healthcare. Medical Care reports on the findings of original investigations into issues related to the research, planning, organization, financing, provision, and evaluation of health services.Ranked 5th among 62 in Health Care Sciences & Services with an Impact Factor of 3.194 (2008 Journal Citation Reports174;, Thomson Reuters, 2009)Website:

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Medicina del Lavoro

ISSN: 0025-7818

Medycyna Pracy

ISSN: 0465-5893eISSN: 2353-1339
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Mental Health & Prevention

eISSN: 2212-6570

Considering that insights in primary and secondary prevention of mental disorders are becoming ever increasingly important in health care, economics and health political aspects, Mental Health & Prevention serves as a peer reviewed and multidisciplinary communication platform, covering all aspects of mental health and its preservation. Mental Health & Prevention publishes reviews, original research and other papers related to research on prevention to support the psychological development of human beings from early childhood across the life span until the old age. The journal focuses on preventive strategies of mental disorders in childhood and adolescence, antisocial and violent behavior, drug addiction, mood or stress-related disorders, eating- and sleep disorders, psychoses and schizophrenia, and dementia.Within its broad scope the journal also welcomes articles from other subject fields like social, occupational and somatic medicine, epidemiology and health service research.

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Microbiology Australia

ISSN: 1324-4272eISSN: 2201-9189

Military Medicine

ISSN: 0026-4075eISSN: 1930-613X
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Molecular and Cellular Toxicology

ISSN: 1738-642XeISSN: 2092-8467

Molecular & Cellular Toxicology (MCT) is owned and published by the Korean Society of Toxicogenomics and Toxicoproteomics. It is published four times a year in a printed version. Its editorial policies are the responsibility of the editor, the associated editors, and the editorial board under the general authority of the publications committee and the council.

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eISSN: 2452-0748
NanoImpact is a multidisciplinary journal that focuses on nanosafety research and areas related to the impacts of manufactured nanomaterials on human and environmental systems and the behavior of nanomaterials in these systems. As such it will publish in the following areas:
  • Human Nanotoxicology - nano-bio interactions and effects on human health;
  • Econanotoxicology - nano-bio interactions and effects on organism and ecosystem health;
  • Exposure - nanomaterial release, fate and behavior in the environment and human/engineered systems;
  • Risk Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment

Other areas, such as the development of methodological and modelling approaches and the development of materials and methods to enhance nanosafety, are appropriate if there is a clear and demonstrable link to the above themes.

Types of article NanoImpact publishes the following article types:

  • Original Research Articles: Demonstrate important new discoveries in the relevant fields;
  • Critical Reviews: Comprehensively summarize and evaluate the latest developments in the relevant field;
  • Frontiers: Identify potential new important areas in the relevant field.

Original Research Articles and Critical Reviews are limited to 7000 and 10000 words excluding figures, tables and references. A maximum of 6 figures/tables are allowed for research and review articles. Frontiers are limited to 2000 words, with up to an additional 3 figures and tables allowed. References are not included in this word limit. Longer articles can be considered if authors can provide a compelling argument in the cover letter. Editors will make the final decision.

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National health statistics reports

ISSN: 2164-8344

New Zealand Public Health Surveillance Report

ISSN: 1176-2888

Nicotine & Tobacco Research

ISSN: 1462-2203eISSN: 1469-994X

Nicotine & Tobacco Research is one of the world's few peer-reviewed journals devoted exclusively to the study of nicotine and tobacco.It aims to provide a forum for empirical findings, critical reviews, and conceptual papers on the many aspects of nicotine and tobacco, including research from the biobehavioral, neurobiological, molecular biologic, epidemiological, prevention, and treatment arenas.Along with manuscripts from each of the areas mentioned above, the editors encourage submissions that are integrative in nature and that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries.The journal is sponsored by the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT). It publishes twelve times a year.

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Noise & Health

ISSN: 1463-1741eISSN: 1998-4030

Noise and Health is the only International Journal devoted to research on all aspects of noise and its effects on human health. An inter-disciplinary journal for all professions concerned with auditory and non-auditory effects of occupational, environmental, and leisure noise. It aims to provide a forum for presentation of novel research material on a broad range of topics associated with noise pollution, its control and its detrimental effects on hearing and health. It will cover issues from basic experimental science through clinical evaluation and management, technical aspects of noise reduction systems and solutions to environmental issues relating to social and public health policy.

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Noise Control Engineering Journal

ISSN: 0736-2501

Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies

eISSN: 2245-0157

Nuclear Plant Journal

ISSN: 0892-2055

Obesity Medicine

eISSN: 2451-8476

Obesity is a disease of increasing global prevalence with serious effects on both the individual and society. Obesity Medicine focusses on health and disease, relating to the very broad spectrum of research in and impacting on humans.

It is an interdisciplinary journal that addresses mechanisms of disease, epidemiology and co-morbidities. Obesity Medicine encompasses medical, societal, socioeconomic as well as preventive aspects of obesity and is aimed at researchers, practitioners and educators alike.

Obesity Medicine is now Open for Submissions via

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