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Autoimmune Diseases

ISSN: 2090-0422eISSN: 2090-0430

publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies on all aspects of autoimmunity. Articles focus on the basic biology and mechanism of the disease, and medical treatment of autoimmune diseases.

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ISSN: 0891-6934eISSN: 1607-842X

Current understanding of autoimmune disease is being increasingly underpinned by the new molecular sciences. Progress in this area has been little short of spectacular, and all clinical specialities now recognise autoimmunity as a major component of the diseases with which they are involved. Autoimmunity is an international, peer reviewed journal that publishes articles of clinical and basic science on the pathogenesis, immunology, genetics, molecular biology, and treatment of autoimmune diseases. In addition to the basic mechanisms and elements of the immune system, the journal focuses on the autoimmune processes associated with systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren syndrome, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and other systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases. The journal is not restricted to any disease type or clinical speciality, but reflects the areas where scientific progress is most rapid and clinical applications significant and widespread. The journal is valuable to clinicians and researchers in immunology and molecular biology. Read More:

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Autoimmunity Reviews

ISSN: 1568-9972eISSN: 1873-0183

Autoimmunity Reviews will publish up-to-date, structured reviews on diverse topics in autoimmunity, written by first-class experts in the field. The articles will include demonstrative illustrations and tables and will all have a "take-home" message.Articles will principally be invited by the Editors-in-Chief upon the recommendations of the international Editorial Board, and will cover all fields of autoimmunology, bridging the gap between basic and clinical sciences. Contributions in basic sciences will include those on the pathophysiology and mechanisms of disorders as well as genomics and proteomics; clinical contributions will focus upon the diseases, novel therapies and clinical associations.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical

ISSN: 1566-0702

The aim of the Journal is to stimulate, publish and disseminate original investigations on the autonomic nervous system: this includes the innervation of blood vessels and viscera, autonomic ganglia, efferent and afferent autonomic pathways, and autonomic nuclei and pathways in the central nervous system.The Editors will consider papers that deal with any aspect of the autonomic nervous system, including structure, physiology, pharmacology, biochemistry, development, evolution, ageing, behavioural aspects, integrative role and influence on emotional and physical states of the body. Interdisciplinary studies will be encouraged. Studies dealing with human pathology will be also welcome.The main types of contribution are full-length articles. These should be as concise as possible and should describe original research that materially advances knowledge of the autonomic nervous system.Short communications, book reviews and short review articles will be considered for publication.

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Avances en Diabetología

eISSN: 1134-3230
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Aviakosmicheskaia i ekologicheskaia meditsina = Aerospace and environmental medicine

ISSN: 0233-528X

Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine

ISSN: 2228-7930eISSN: 2228-7949
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Azerbaijan Medical Journal

ISSN: 0005-2523
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo Elm


ISSN: 1781-782X

BBA - General Subjects

ISSN: 0304-4165

BBA General Subjects accepts for submission either original, hypothesis-driven studies or reviews covering subjects in biochemistry and biophysics that are considered to have general interest for a wide audience. Manuscripts with interdisciplinary approaches are especially encouraged.Preferred topics include medically important biochemistry/biophysics research and emerging areas such as nanobiology (nanoparticles, nanotoxicology, nanomedicine), systems biology (genomics, proteomics, lipidomics, glycomics, bioinformatics based on experimental approaches), chemical biology (chemical compounds, drug mechanisms, synthesis of novel compounds, click chemistry), structural biology (crystallography, NMR, multimeric proteins, protein dynamics), novel complexes (pure natural compounds, synthetic compounds, protein complexes, nucleic acid derivatives), cellular signaling (receptor signaling, protein phosphorylation cascades, phosphatases, secondary messengers, transcription regulation, gene expression), glycobiology (sugar metabolites and metabolism, glycosylated proteins, membrane protein, glycosylation, glycomics), redox biology (redox switches, glutathione and thioredoxin systems, oxygen and nitrogen radical species, superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, nitric oxide, peroxides, hypoxia, redox regulation of transcription factors), neurobiology (neuronal growth factors and nerve signaling, glial cells, autonomic and central nervous systems), stem cells (differentiation, stem cell isolation and cultivation, growth factors), imaging methodologies and mechanistic characterization of compounds having biochemical importance and general interest (drug leads, toxicants, nutrients, metabolites).Authors must provide a sentence at submission stating the reason that the work described in the manuscript has general significance and interest to a wide audience. Claims of novelty do not suffice. The author statement will be used as an aid in the reviewing process and will be included in the final version of the accepted paper to orient readers of BBA General Subjects.

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ISSN: 2284-4503eISSN: 2284-4503

BJA Education

eISSN: 2058-5349

JA Education, formerly Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain, is a joint venture of the British Journal of Anaesthesia and The Royal College of Anaesthetists in the UK. It is also the official journal of The Faculty of Pain Medicine, The College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland, The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.

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BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

ISSN: 1470-0328eISSN: 1471-0528

BJOGis an editorially independent publication owned by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). Its aim is to publish the highest quality medical research in women"s health. worldwide. Aims and Scope BJOGis an editorially independent publication owned by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). The Journal publishes original. peer-reviewed work in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology. including contraception. urogynaecology. fertility. oncology and clinical practice. Its aim is to publish the highest quality medical research in women"s health. worldwide.

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BJPsych Advances

ISSN: 2056-4678eISSN: 2056-4686
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BJPsych Bulletin

ISSN: 2056-4694eISSN: 2056-4708
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BJS Open

eISSN: 2474-9842

BJS Open is an international, open access journal from the BJS Society, publishing high-quality work on all aspects of general surgery and related topics. The journal offers prompt publication of high-quality original research and presents new information related to surgery in general, encompassing all sub-specialist areas as well as elements of trauma and paediatric surgery that are relevant to general surgical practice, across the international surgical community.

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BJU International

ISSN: 1464-4096eISSN: 1464-410X

BJUI is constantly innovating to provide the urology community with a journal that is fresh in appearance and is easy to read. The journal is fully sectionalised and in full colour making it easier to use. BJUI aims to provide the very highest standard of research and clinical material for the urological community. These high standards are borne out by an increasing impact factor and a high rejection rate of 80%. BJUI publishes original articles, correspondence and book reviews on adult and pediatric urology. Clinical relevance is critical and the journal covers the entire breadth of urology under the following sections : Comments, Mini-Reviews, Urological Oncology (all areas of urological oncology as well as recent advances in diagnostic techniques.), Lower Urinary Tract, Sexual Medicine, Upper Urinary Tract, Reconstructive Urology, Paediatric Urology, Investigative Urology, Robotic & Laparoscopic Urology and the highly esteemed Surgery Illustrated. Authors can track their article online via the new service called Author Services, once it has been accepted, and follow it all the way through production. Accompanying BJUI are regular supplements on topics of current interest in urology.

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BMB Reports

ISSN: 1976-6696eISSN: 1976-670X
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BMC Anesthesiology

eISSN: 1471-2253

BMC Anesthesiology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of anesthesiology, critical care, perioperative care and pain management, including clinical and experimental research into anesthetic mechanisms, administration and efficacy, technology and monitoring, and associated economic issues.

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BMC Cancer

eISSN: 1471-2407

BMC Cancer is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of cancer research, including the pathophysiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancers. The journal welcomes submissions concerning molecular and cellular biology, genetics, epidemiology, and clinical trials.

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