Recent times have seen an expansion of theoretical and empirical research on real estate using the paradigms and methodologies of finance and economics. Examples of this research include the working and structure of markets, the role of various institutional arrangements, the attention given mortgages and asset securitization, risk management and valuation, and public policy and regulation. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics provides a forum for the publication of this research. Coverage includes urban economics, housing, regional science and public policy.Officially cited as: J Real Estate Finance Econ
The Journal of Regulatory Economics serves as a high quality forum for the analysis of regulatory theories and institutions by developing rigorous foundations for the economics of regulation. It provides researchers, policymakers, and institutions with current perspectives on both theory and practice. This journal publishes both theoretical and applied works, including experimental research. It addresses research on all aspects of regulation, including traditional problems of natural monopoly, antitrust and competition policy, incentive regulation, deregulation, auction theory, new policy instruments, health and safety regulation, environmental regulation, insurance and financial regulation, hazardous and solid waste regulation, universal service obligation, and consumer product regulation.Officially cited as: J Regul Econ
The Journal of Risk and Insurance is the flagship journal for the American Risk and Insurance Association. The JRI is the most well recognized academic risk management and insurance journal in the world and is currently indexed by the American Economic Association's Economic Literature Index, the Finance Literature Index, the Social Sciences Citation Index, ABI/Inform, Business and Company ASAP, Lexis-Nexis, Dow Jones Interactive, and others. All back issues, i.e., 1933-2001, are now available on JSTOR. The Journal of Risk and Insurance publishes rigorous, original research in insurance and risk management. This includes the following areas of specialization: 1. Industrial organization of insurance markets; 2. Management of risks in the private and public sectors; 3. Insurance finance, financial pricing, financial management; 4. Economics of employee benefits, pension plans, and social insurance; 5. Utility theory and demand for insurance; 6. Asymmetric information, moral hazard, and adverse selection; 7. Insurance regulation; 8. Econometric, actuarial, and statistical methodology; 9. Economics of insurance institutions; 10. Insurance cycles and economic cycles of insurance markets; Both theoretical and empirical submissions are encouraged. Empirical work must provide tests of hypotheses based on sound theoretical foundations.
The Journal of Risk and Uncertainty features both theoretical and empirical papers that analyze risk-bearing behavior and decision-making under uncertainty. The journal serves as an outlet for important, relevant research in decision analysis, economics, and psychology. Among the topics covered in the journal are decision theory and the economics of uncertainty, psychological models of choice under uncertainty, risk and public policy, experimental investigations of behavior under uncertainty, and empirical studies of real-world, risk-taking behavior. Articles begin with an introductory discussion explaining the nature of the research and the interpretation and implications of the findings at a level that is accessible to researchers in other disciplines.Officially cited as: J Risk Uncertain
This exciting new Journal will focus on social entrepreneurship and social innovation across a range of sectors and cultural settings. There will be three key criteria behind the Journal. Firstly, sociality: by which is meant strategic primacy being given to a clearly defined social purpose or public benefit that can be identified by organisational type (eg charity, co-operative), output (a normatively defined public benefit), or sector (eg health, education). This includes a range of public benefit externalities including positive environmental and sustainability impacts.Secondly, innovation: by which is meant conventional notions of entrepreneurial bricolage or Schumpeterian disruptive, systematic change supplied to social or economic systems. To date, much of social entrepreneurship scholarship has emerged from business schools and has - as a consequence - tended to focus on organisational, strategic, and financial issues. The perspective has largely been to use business models to explore social innovation, and particularly, social enterprise (social entrepreneurship that moves towards self-funding). The approach has largely been 'what can social entrepreneurship learn from business perspectives'. This is an important part of the scholarly picture, but the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship will have a far broader remit. The vision for the Journal is as a high quality, multi-disciplinary publication that embraces and encourages work on social entrepreneurship from a range of scholarly perspectives beyond - but including - business and management and which accepts that social entrepreneurship has much to offer in its own right to business, and the third and public sectors. Primary amongst these disciplines will be: social policy and political science; anthropology; sociology; not-for-profit management; finance; organizational theory; strategy; social geography; (development) economics; ethics and moral philosophy; and social psychology. However, the Journal will be open to work in any scholarly tradition with the twin caveats that the work is squarely focused on social entrepreneurship, as defined above, and that it is high quality. Thirdly, market-orientation: by which is meant, not only conventional economic market strategies (as in the case of social enterprises), but a wider sense of placing social entrepreneurship in a broader competitive landscape of funding, outputs, accountability and legitimacy, all focused on a relentless effort to improve performance and increase social impact. The Journal will be rigorously international in scope both in terms of its unit of analysis and its scholarly contributors. Social entrepreneurship is a truly global phenomenon and the Journal will recognise its culturally different manifestations across countries as well as explore key contrasts. Finally, the Journal will be unprescriptive with respect to methodology, accepting qualitative and quantitative work equally on merit. However, in order to build the academic credibility of social entrepreneurship going forward, there is currently a need to move away from both descriptive case studies and individual 'hero' accounts of social entrepreneurs, so the Journal will actively look to support both more theory-inflected work and broader empirical studies. This definition of social entrepreneurship includes both for and not-for-profit organisations, as well as public sector bodies, though it excludes all organisations whose primary purpose is profit-maximisation, irrespective of whether they also aim to do social good (this falls under quite the seperate heading of Corporate Social Responsibility which will not feature in the journal). Examples of Bottom of the Pyramid innovation will be considered for publication where the focal organisation aims first at social or environmental value creation by using a for-profit model. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
JTEP is international both in terms of authors and readership. Since it first appeared, more than 650 papers have been published from Europe, North America, the Pacific Rim/Australasia, Africa, Asia, and South America. This international variety is also reflected in the readership.Published three times a year, the journal covers all modes of transport and a wide variety of economic themes, including: Passenger Transport, Freight Transport, Shipping, Aviation, Transport Infrastructure, Environment & Energy, Traffic, Planning and Policy, Safety, Costs & Pricing, Competition, Evaluation, Productivity, Demand & Elasticities, Service Quality, Economies of Scale, Economics Regulation and Choice.
The Journal of Urban Economics provides a focal point for the publication of research papers in the rapidly expanding field of urban economics. It publishes papers of great scholarly merit on a wide range of topics and employing a wide range of approaches to urban economics. The Journal welcomes papers that are theoretical or empirical, positive or normative. Although the Journal is not intended to be multidisciplinary, papers by noneconomists are welcome if they are of interest to economists. Brief Notes are also published if they lie within the purview of the Journal and if they contain new information, comment on published work, or new theoretical suggestions.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) is devoted to the study and improvement of marketing and serves as a vital link between scholarly research and practice by publishing research-based articles in the substantive domain of marketing.
Manuscripts submitted for publication consideration in JAMS are judged on the basis of their potential contribution to the advancement of the science and/or practice of marketing. In order for a manuscript to be published in JAMS it must, at the minimum, meet the following criteria:
Focus on a substantive issue in the domain of marketingOffer fundamentally new insights that advance the fieldBe literature-based and scholarlyDemonstrate conceptual rigorProvide evidence of methodological rigor, if an empirical piece
JAMS is committed to providing authors with:
Timely and constructive reviewsSpecific and extensive directions (when necessary) for revising a manuscriptA decision to either accept or reject a manuscript as early as possible in the review process
The JAMS Editorial Office makes a concerted effort to ensure manuscript turnaround in fewer than 40 days. However, because JAMS is committed to ensuring that reviews are fair, informed, objective, and constructive, there may be occasional instances in which the turnaround time is longer.
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing (JEoA) is an international academic journal that publishes original theoretical and empirical research dealing with the interaction between demographic change and the economy. JEoA encompasses both microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives and offers a platform for the discussion of topics including labour, health, and family economics, social security, income distribution, social mobility, immigration, productivity, structural change, economic growth and development. JEoA also solicits papers that have a policy focus.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of the Japanese and International Economies publishes original reports of research devoted to academic analyses of the Japanese economy and its interdependence on other national economies. The Journal also features articles that present related theoretical, empirical, and comparative analyses with their policy implications. Book reviews are also published.Research Areas Include:• Analyses of the interdependence between the Japanese and Western economies• General analyses of economic theory and policy• Reviews of other international issues related to the Japanese economy and to the economies of the Pacific Basin• Studies of the Japanese perspective on contemporary economic issues• Theoretical, empirical, and comparative analyses of Japanese markets and institutionsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: