The world of mobile communications is not a trend, but a phenomenon. IJMC, a fully refereed journal, publishes articles that present current practice and theory of mobile communications, mobile technology, and mobile commerce applications.
The International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing (IJMSSC) is a quarterly journal which provides an international forum for researchers, scholars, and engineers in the fields of system modeling, simulation and scientific computing to publish high-quality and refereed papers, and disseminate the latest theoretical results and their practical applications.
Most research and experiments in the fields of science, engineering and social studies have spent significant efforts to find rules from various complicated phenomena by observations, recorded data, logic derivations and so on. The rules are normally summarised as concise and quantitative expressions or "models". "Identification" provides mechanisms to establish the models and "control" provides mechanisms to improve the system's (represented by its model) performance. IJMIC has been set up to reflect the relevant generic studies in this area.
The scope of this journal covers Computational Physics, Physical Computation and related subjects. IJMPC aims at publishing both review and research articles on the use of computers to advance knowledge in physical sciences and the use of physical analogies in computation. Topics covered include: algorithms; astrophysics; atomic, molecular and chemical physics; computational biophysics; computational fluid dynamics; computer and information science; condensed matter physics, materials science; data analysis and computation in experimental physics; electromagnetism; high energy physics; nuclear and plasma physics; environmental physics; physical computation including neural nets, cellular automata and complex systems; quantum chemistry; statistical physics; symbolic manipulation; etc.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067) provides an advanced forum for chemistry, molecular physics (chemical physics and physical chemistry) and molecular biology. It publishes reviews, regular research papers and short notes.Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their theoretical and experimental results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. If there are computational results, the full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.
This inter-disciplinary, internationally-reviewed research journal covers all aspects of nanometer scale science and technology. Articles in any contemporary topical areas are sought, from basic science of nanoscale physics and chemistry to applications in nanodevices, quantum engineering and quantum computing. IJN will include articles in the following research areas (and other related areas):
Modern computer networks and communication systems are increasing in size, scope, and heterogeneity. The promise of a single end-to-end technology has not been realized and likely never will occur. The decreasing cost of bandwidth is increasing the possible applications of computer networks and communication systems to entirely new domains. Problems in integrating heterogeneous wired and wireless technologies, ensuring security and quality of service, and reliably operating large-scale systems including the inclusion of cloud computing have all emerged as important topics. The one constant is the need for network management. Challenges in network management have never been greater than they are today. The International Journal of Network Management is the forum for researchers, developers, and practitioners in network management to present their work to an international audience. The journal is dedicated to the dissemination of information, which will enable improved management, operation, and maintenance of computer networks and communication systems. The journal is peer reviewed and publishes original papers (both theoretical and experimental) by leading researchers, practitioners, and consultants from universities, research laboratories, and companies around the world. Issues with thematic or guest-edited special topics typically occur several times per year. Topic areas for the journal are largely defined by the taxonomy for network and service management developed by IFIP WG6.6, together with IEEE-CNOM, the IRTF-NMRG and the Emanics Network of Excellence. The taxonomy is available here.
The International Journal of Neural Systems is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal which covers information processing in natural and artificial neural systems. It publishes original contributions on all aspects of this broad subject which involves physics, biology, psychology, computer science and engineering. Contributions include research papers, reviews, short communications and Letters to the Editor.The journal presents a fresh, undogmatic attitude towards this multi-disciplinary field, aiming to be a forum for novel ideas and improved understanding of collective and cooperative phenomena in systems with computational capabilities.
The International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow provides a platform for the latest research and solutions involving computational numerical techniques and fluid dynamics to problems in heat and fluid flow.
Prediction through modelling forms the basis of engineering design. The computational power at the fingertips of the professional engineer is increasing enormously and techniques for computer simulation are changing rapidly. Engineers need models which relate to their design area and which are adaptable to new design concepts. They also need efficient and friendly ways of presenting, viewing and transmitting the data associated with their models. The International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields provides a communication vehicle for numerical modelling methods and data preparation methods associated with electrical and electronic circuits and fields. It concentrates on numerical modelling rather than abstract numerical mathematics. Contributions on numerical modelling will cover the entire subject of electrical and electronic engineering. They will range from electrical distribution networks to integrated circuits on VLSI design, and from static electric and magnetic fields through microwaves to optical design. They will also include the use of electrical networks as a modelling medium. PRINCIPAL TOPICS.