IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials is an online journal published by the IEEE Communications Society for tutorials and surveys covering all aspects of the communications field. Telecommunications technology is progressing at a rapid pace, and the IEEE Communications Society is committed to providing researchers and other professionals the information and tools to stay abreast. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials focuses on integrating and adding understanding to the existing literature on communications, putting results in context. Whether searching for in-depth information about a familiar area or an introduction into a new area, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials aims to be the premier source of peer-reviewed, comprehensive tutorials and surveys, and pointers to further sources. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials publishes only articles exclusively written for IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials and go through a rigorous review process before their publication in the quarterly issues.
A tutorial article in the IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials should be designed to help the reader to become familiar with and learn something specific about a chosen topic. In contrast, the term survey, as applied here, is defined to mean a survey of the literature. A survey article in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials should provide a comprehensive review of developments in a selected area, covering its development from its inception to its current state and beyond, and illustrating its development through liberal citations from the literature. Both tutorials and surveys should be tutorial in nature and should be written in a style comprehensible to readers outside the specialty of the article.
The IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (CIM) publishes peer-reviewed articles that present emerging novel discoveries, important insights, or tutorial surveys in all areas of computational intelligence design and applications, in keeping with the Field of Interest of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE/CIS). Additionally, CIM serves as a media of communications between the governing body and its membership of IEEE/CIS. Authors are encouraged to submit papers on applications oriented developments, successful industrial implementations, design tools, technology reviews, computational intelligence education, and applied research.
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters is a rigorously peer-reviewed forum for publishing early, high-impact results in the areas of uni- and multiprocessor computer systems, computer architecture, microarchitecture, workload characterization, performance evaluation and simulation techniques, and power-aware computing. Submissions are welcomed on any topic in computer architecture, especially but not limited to: microprocessor and multiprocessor systems, microarchitecture and ILP processors, workload characterization, performance evaluation and simulation techniques, compiler-hardware and operating system-hardware interactions, interconnect architectures, memory and cache systems, power and thermal issues at the architecture level, I/O architectures and techniques, independent validation of previously published results, analysis of unsuccessful techniques, domain-specific processor architectures (e.g., embedded, graphics, network, etc.), real-time and high-availability architectures, reconfigurable systems.
LCA is a semi-annual forum for fast publication of new, high-quality ideas in the form of short, critically refereed, technical papers. Submissions are accepted on a continuing basis, and accepted letters will be published immediately in the IEEE Digital Library and in the next available print issue. Members of the Technical Committee on Computer Architecture will receive the print issue as a benefit of being a member. Authors should submit their manuscript through ScholarOne Manuscripts.
IEEE CG&A bridges the theory and practice of computer graphics. From specific algorithms to full system implementations, CG&A offers a unique combination of peer-reviewed feature articles and informal departments, including product announcements. Special applications sidebars relate research stories to commercial development. A cover story focuses on creative applications of the technology by an artist or designer. Published six times a year, CG&A is indispensable reading for people working at the leading edge of computer graphics technology and its applications in everything from business to the arts.
IEEE Design & Test offers original works describing the models, methods, and tools used to design and test microelectronic systems from devices and circuits to complete systems-on-chip and embedded software. The magazine focuses on current and near-future practice, and includes tutorials, how-to articles, and real-world case studies. The magazine seeks to bring to its readers not only important technology advances but also technology leaders, their perspectives through its columns, interviews, and roundtable discussions. Topics include semiconductor IC design, semiconductor intellectual property blocks, design, verification and test technology, design for manufacturing and yield, embedded software and systems, low-power and energy-efficient design, electronic design automation tools, practical technology, and standards.
IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine informs readers of activities in the IEEE EMC Society and educates members via practical technical papers and design tips.
The IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL), provides a forum for rapid dissemination of latest technical advances in embedded systems and related areas in embedded software. The emphasis is on models, methods, and tools that ensure secure, correct, efficient and robust design of embedded systems and their applications.
The IEEE Engineering Management Review, the Society's "journal of practice," publishes papers and articles consisting of original content that serves those who manage technology, engineering and innovation (including non-engineers); engineers who hold strategic leadership responsibilities (even if outside of the practice of engineering); and upward-bound engineers with an interest in management as a profession.
Note: EMR Volumes 16-31 (1988-2001) are not currently included in IEEE Xplore.
Note: This publication may contain reprint articles for which IEEE does not hold copyright. Full-text is not available on IEEE Xplore for these articles.
IEEE Intelligent Systems serves users, managers, developers, researchers, and purchasers who are interested in intelligent systems and artificial intelligence, with particular emphasis on applications. Typically they are degreed professionals, with backgrounds in engineering, hard science, or business. The publication emphasizes current practice and experience, together with promising new ideas that are likely to be used in the near future. Sample topic areas for feature articles include knowledge-based systems, intelligent software agents, natural-language processing, technologies for knowledge management, machine learning, data mining, adaptive and intelligent robotics, knowledge-intensive processing on the Web, and social issues relevant to intelligent systems. Also encouraged are application features, covering practice at one or more companies or laboratories; full-length product stories (which require refereeing by at least three reviewers); tutorials; surveys; and case studies. Often issues are theme-based and collect articles around a contemporary topic under the auspices of a Guest Editor working with the EIC.
The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (ITSM) publishes peer-reviewed articles that provide innovative research ideas and application results, report significant application case studies, and raise awareness of pressing research and application challenges in all areas of intelligent transportation systems. In contrast to the highly academic publication of the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, the ITS Magazine focuses on providing needed information to all members of IEEE ITS society, serving as a dissemination vehicle for ITS Society members and the others to learn the state of the art development and progress on ITS research and applications. High quality tutorials, surveys, successful implementations, technology reviews, lessons learned, policy and societal impacts, and ITS educational issues are published as well. The ITS Magazine also serves as an ideal media communication vehicle between the governing body of ITS society and its membership and promotes ITS community development and growth.
This magazine provides a journal-quality evaluation and review of Internet-based computer applications and enabling technologies. It also provides a source of information as well as a forum for both users and developers. The focus of the magazine is on Internet services using WWW, agents, and similar technologies. This does not include traditional software concerns such as object-oriented or structured programming, or Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) or Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) standards. The magazine may, however, treat the intersection of these software technologies with the Web or agents. For instance, the linking of ORBs and Web servers or the conversion of KQML messages to object requests are relevant technologies for this magazine. An article strictly about CORBA would not be. This magazine is not focused on intelligent systems. Techniques for encoding knowledge or breakthroughs in neural net technologies are outside its scope, as would be an article on the efficacy of a particular expert system. Internet Computing focuses on technologies and applications that allow practitioners to leverage off services to be found on the Internet. Agents are one technology for doing so, independent of claims about intelligence. In fact, most of the useful agent technology being deployed on the Internet is distinct from the multi-user agent technology developed in the AI world. The latter typically focuses on architectures supporting beliefs, intentions, and other human-like characteristics. Such characteristics are typically not relevant to Internet agents. More important are system engineering issues such as Internet mobility, shared protocols, ontologies, registration, and routing. Network software and hardware per se are not in the scope of this magazine. On the other hand, hardware that permits faster execution of a specific Web technology, such as Java chips, would be covered.
IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal publishes articles on the latest advances, as well as review articles, on the various aspects of IoT. Topics include IoT system architecture, IoT enabling technologies, IoT communication and networking protocols such as network coding, and IoT services and applications. Examples are IoT demands, impacts, and implications on sensors technologies, big data management, and future Internet design for various IoT use cases, such as smart cities, smart environments, smart homes, etc. The fields of interest include: IoT architecture such as things-centric, data-centric, service-oriented IoT architecture; IoT enabling technologies and systematic integration such as sensor technologies, big sensor data management, and future Internet design for IoT; IoT services, applications, and test-beds such as IoT service middleware, IoT application programming interface (API), IoT application design, and IoT trials/experiments; IoT standardization activities and technology development in different standard development organizations (SDO) such as IEEE, IETF, ITU, 3GPP, ETSI, etc.
J-BHI publishes original papers describing recent advances in the field of biomedical and health informatics where information and communication technologies intersect with health, healthcare, life sciences and biomedicine. Papers must contain original content in theoretical analysis, methods, technical development, and/or novel clinical applications of information systems. Topics covered by J-BHI include but are not limited to: acquisition, transmission, storage, retrieval, management, processing and analysis of biomedical and health information; applications of information and communication technologies in the practice of healthcare, public health, patient monitoring, preventive care, early diagnosis of diseases, discovery of new therapies, and patient specific treatment protocols leading to improved outcomes; and the integration of electronic medical and health records, methods of longitudinal data analysis, data mining and discovery tools. Manuscripts may deal with these applications and their integration, such as clinical information systems, decision support systems, medical and biological imaging informatics, wearable systems, body area/sensor networks, informatics in biological and physiological systems, personalized and pervasive health technologies (u-, p-, m- and e-Health), telemedicine, home healthcare and wellness management. Topics related to integration include interoperability, protocol-based patient care, evidence-based medicine, and methods of secure patient data.
Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Laboratory of Medicine
The scope of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP) is the Field of Interest of the IEEE Signal Processing Society: “The theory and application of filtering, coding, transmitting, estimating, detecting, analyzing, recognizing, synthesizing, recording, and reproducing signals by digital or analog devices or techniques. The term “signal” includes audio, video, speech, image, communication, geophysical, sonar, radar, medical, musical, and other signals.” The format of the journal allows the exploration, in depth, of a signal processing topic. This format allows the Society to not only provide issues on more mature signal processing topical areas, but also to explore new areas, particularly those at the nexus of other engineering disciplines that are dependent upon signal processing (e.g., biomedical engineering; language), as well as those not traditionally part of the engineering landscape (e.g., genetics; security; atmospheric prediction).
Additional Information
The Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP) solicits special issues on topics that cover the entire scope of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, as outlined in the SPS Constitution, Article II.
J-STSP only publishes papers that are submitted in response to a specific Call-for-Papers. These calls are listed on the JSTSP Upcoming Special Issues website, and instructions for submitting papers to a particular special issue can be found on the JSTSP Information for Authors webpage. The procedure for preparing and submitting a proposal for a special issue can be found on the Submitting a Proposal webpage. All special issue proposals are evaluated by our Senior Editorial Board for relevance, timeliness, technical merit, impact, and general interest to the Society.
Reproducible Research
The Transactions encourages authors to make their publications reproducible by making all information needed to reproduce the presented results available online. This typically requires publishing the code and data used to produce the publication's figures and tables on a website; see the supplemental materials section of the information for authors. It gives other researchers easier access to the work, and facilitates fair comparisons.
Supplementary Material
It is now possible to submit for review and publish in IEEE Xplore supporting supplementary material including Multimedia content such as speech samples, images, movies, code etc. A multimedia graphical abstract can also be displayed along with the traditional text. More information is available under Preparing Supplementary Materials at the IEEE Author Center.
Multi-disciplinary research in solid-state circuits using exploratory materials and devices for novel energy efficient computation beyond standard CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology. Focus is on the exploration of materials, devices and computation circuits to enable Moore’s Law to continue for computation beyond a 10 to 15 year horizon (beyond end of the roadmap for CMOS technologies) with the associated density scaling and improvement in energy efficiency. Examples of appropriate topics are research milestones in the integration of materials, devices and computation circuits based upon any of the following: Quantum electronic devices (e.g. tunneling), Spintronics and nanomagnetics, Straintronics (piezo-electric devices), Plasmonics, Functional materials, High fan-in, fan- out logic circuits, Reconfigurable and non-volatile computational circuits, Computational circuits comprehending the on-chip communication means.
Each issue of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) is devoted to a specific technical topic and thus provides to JSAC readers a collection of up-to-date papers on that topic. These issues are valuable to the research community and become valuable references. The technical topics covered by JSAC issues span the entire field of communications and networking. JSAC publishes only papers that are submitted in response to a Call-for-Papers. These calls are published in JSAC issues and other publications of the IEEE Communications Society as appropriate to the subject area of the call. Papers submitted for review for possible publication in a JSAC issue must be submitted to one of the Guest Editors listed in the Call-for-Papers. See "Information for Authors" found in any JSAC issue for additional instructions. Topics for JSAC issues are determined by the JSAC Editorial Board after review of proposals submitted by interested parties. All are invited to submit proposals. Instructions for submitting proposals are included in the Guidelines for Proposal preparation on the JSAC website. Recent issue themes included: Network Coding for Wireless Communication Networks, Wireless and Pervasive Communications for Healthcare, Network Infrastructure Configuration, Broadband Access Networks: Architectures and Protocols, Body Area Networking: Technology and Applications, Underwater Wireless Communication Networks, Game Theory in Communication Systems, Exploiting Limited Feedback in Tomorrow’s Communication Networks.
IEEE Latin America Transactions (IEEE LATAM) is an interdisciplinary journal focused on the dissemination of original and quality research papers / review articles in Spanish and Portuguese of emerging topics in three main areas: Computing, Electric Energy and Electronics. Some of the sub-areas of the journal are, but not limited to: Automatic control, communications, instrumentation, artificial intelligence, power and industrial electronics, fault diagnosis and detection, transportation electrification, internet of things, electrical machines, circuits and systems, biomedicine and biomedical / haptic applications, secure communications, robotics, sensors and actuators, computer networks, smart grids, among others.
IEEE Micro addresses users and designers of microprocessors and microprocessor systems, including managers, engineers, consultants, educators, and students involved with computers and peripherals, components and subassemblies, communications, instrumentation and control equipment, and guidance systems. Contributions should relate to the design, performance, or application of microprocessors and microcomputers. Tutorials, review papers, and discussions are also welcome. Sample topic areas include architecture, communications, data acquisition, control, hardware and software design/implementation, algorithms (including program listings), digital signal processing, microprocessor support hardware, operating systems, computer aided design, languages, application software, and development systems.
IEEE MultiMedia contains technical information covering a broad range of issues in multimedia systems and applications. Articles discuss research as well as advanced practice in hardware/software and are expected to span the range from theory to working systems. Especially encouraged are papers discussing experiences with new or advanced systems and subsystems. To avoid unnecessary overlap with existing publications, acceptable papers must have a significant focus on aspects unique to multimedia systems and applications. These aspects are likely to be related to the special needs of multimedia information compared to other electronic data, for example, the size requirements of digital media and the importance of time in the representation of such media. The following list is not exhaustive, but is representative of the topics that are covered: Hardware and software for media compression, coding & processing; Media representations & standards for storage, editing, interchange, transmission & presentation; Hardware platforms supporting multimedia applications; Operating systems suitable for multimedia applications; Storage devices & technologies for multimedia information; Network technologies, protocols, architectures & delivery techniques intended for multimedia; Synchronization issues; Multimedia databases; Formalisms for multimedia information systems & applications; Programming paradigms & languages for multimedia; Multimedia user interfaces; Media creation integration editing & management; Creation & modification of multimedia applications. The primary goal of the magazine is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present new findings and discuss experiences with multimedia systems and applications. In addition, the magazine keeps readers informed of the state of the art in the multimedia arena, including technical trends and research directions.
As currently defined, IEEE Network covers the following areas: 1. network protocols and architectures, 2. Protocol design and validation, 3. Communication software and its development and test, 4. Network control and signalling, 5. network management, 6. Practical network implementations including local area networks, (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), and wide area networks, (WANs), 7. Switching and processing in integrated (voice/data) networks and network components, 8. Micro-to-host communication.