Discrete & Computational Geometry (DCG) is an international journal of mathematics and computer science, covering a broad range of topics in which geometry plays a fundamental role.
It publishes geometric papers on such topics as- polytopes, spatial subdivision, packing, covering, and tiling, configurations and arrangements, and geometric graphs;- geometric algorithms and their complexity, convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulation, and range searching;- solid modeling, computer graphics, image processing, pattern recognition, and motion planning;- computational topology, discrete differential geometry, geometric probability, and real algebraic geometry.The journal also accepts papers with a distinct geometric flavor in such areas as graph theory, mathematical programming, combinatorial optimization, algebraic geometry, geometry of numbers, crystallography, data analysis, machine learning, and robotics.The journal also encourages additional material such as short videos, anDiscrete Optimization publishes research papers on the mathematical, computational and applied aspects of all areas of integer programming and combinatorial optimization. In addition to reports on mathematical results pertinent to discrete optimization, the journal welcomes submissions on algorithmic developments, computational experiments, and novel applications (in particular, large-scale and real-time applications). The journal also publishes clearly labelled surveys, reviews, short notes, and open problems. Manuscripts submitted for possible publication to Discrete Optimization should report on original research, should not have been previously published, and should not be under consideration for publication by any other journal.If you have any questions or comments about the journal please email: disopt@elsevier.comBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Displays is the international journal covering the research and development of display technology, its effective presentation and perception of information, and applications and systems including display-human interface.Technical papers on practical developments in Displays technology provide an effective channel to promote greater understanding and cross-fertilization across the diverse disciplines of the Displays community. Original research papers solving ergonomics issues at the display-human interface advance effective presentation of information. Tutorial papers covering fundamentals intended for display technologies and human factor engineers new to the field will also occasionally featured.Coverage includes:Technology: display devices including emissive displays; such as OLEDs/ELs and PDPs, and non-emissive displays; such as LCDs and electro-phoretic/chromic displays, projection displays/tiled screens, new display technologies and applications to the flexible displays and E-papers, materials/components and drive-electronics for displays, displays for extreme environments, 3-D displays and virtual environment, auditory and tactile displays.Display-human systems: examples include TV/smart TVs and mobile instruments, display electronics, image/signal processing, color coding and reproduction, display-human interface, user interfaces for multimedia systems, graphical user interface design, image/graphic design guidelines and standards, extreme environments.Human Factors: perception and its cortical representation; universal access, extreme environments, measurements and assessments of visual performance, image quality, and color appearance/reproduction, human factors for virtual environment.Index bound in last issue of calendar year.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
The international journal Distributed Computing provides a forum for original and significant contributions to the theory, design, specification and implementation of distributed systems. Topics covered by the journal include but are not limited to: design and analysis of distributed algorithms; multiprocessor and multi-core architectures and algorithms; synchronization protocols and concurrent programming; distributed operating systems and middleware; fault-tolerance, reliability and availability; architectures and protocols for communication networks and peer-to-peer systems; security in distributed computing, cryptographic protocols; mobile, sensor, and ad hoc networks; internet applications; concurrency theory; specification, semantics, verification, and testing of distributed systems. In general, only original papers will be considered. By virtue of submitting a manuscript to the journal, the authors attest that it has not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. H
Distributed and parallel database technology has been the subject of intense research and development effort. Numerous practical application and commercial products that exploit this technology also exist. Since the mid-1990s, web-based information management has used distributed and/or parallel data management to replace their centralized cousins. The maturation of the field, together with the new issues that are raised by the changes in the underlying technology, requires a central focus for work in the area. Distributed and Parallel Databases provides such a focus for the presentation and dissemination of new research results, systems development efforts, and user experiences in distributed and parallel database systems. Distributed and Parallel Databases publishes papers in all the traditional as well as most emerging areas of database research, including: Data Integration, Data Sharing, Security and Privacy, Transaction Management, Process and Workflow Management, Information Extraction, Query Processin
Dynamic Games and Applications is devoted to the development of all classes of dynamic games, namely, differential games, discrete-time dynamic games, evolutionary games, repeated and stochastic games, and their applications in all fields, including:* biology:* computer science:* ecology:* economics:* engineering:* management science:* operations research:* political science:* psychology. DGAA seeks original research that makes significant methodological, conceptual, algorithmic, or empirical contributions to various disciplines. DGAA also considers work in static game theory and dynamic optimization provided that authors establish a clear, potential link to dynamic games. DGAA publishes regular papers, technical notes, survey articles, and case studies.All submissions should be original in nature. During the peer review process, to promote scientific honesty and high standards, submitted manuscripts go through one or more revision stages leading up to acceptance or rejection. Each paper is reviewed by at least two experts in the field.
Dynamical Systems: An International Journal is published four times a year in print and electronic editions. The primary goal of Dynamical Systems: An International Journal (founded as Dynamics and Stability of Systems) is to act as a forum for communication across all branches of modern dynamical systems, and especially to facilitate interaction between theory and applications. This journal aims to publish high quality research articles in the theory and applications of dynamical systems, especially (but not exclusively) nonlinear systems. Advances in the following topics will be addressed by the journal: * Differential equations * Bifurcation theory * Hamiltonian and Lagrangian dynamics * Hyperbolic dynamics * Ergodic theory * Topological and smooth dynamics * Random dynamical systems * Applications in technology, engineering and natural and life sciences There is no formal page limit and longer manuscripts will be considered; however the Editors intend to offer fast refereeing to short papers (less than 5000 words or 8 typed pages). As the remit of the Journal is fairly wide, authors are requested to present their work in a way that enables a wide audience to understand the context and motivation of the results in their article. Papers should present a major advancement either in the theory or applications of dynamics; articles that are minor improvements of previously published results will not be considered. High quality papers describing the application of the modern theory of dynamics to practical problems in other disciplines and reports of experiments or numerical simulations are also welcome, as long as they clearly illustrate important theoretical issues or highlight deficiencies in the theoretical development of dynamical systems. Contributions of a purely theoretical nature are likewise encouraged, provided that their relevance to applications is clearly described. The Journal also publishes occasional review articles and special issues. Peer Review All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Now in its 37th year, EDPACS is the world's longest running IT Audit newsletter. Published monthly, the newsletter supports the audit and control community with highly-regarded guidance in the fields of audit, control, and security. In addition, EDPACS regularly explores current and emerging issues around IT governance.The newsletter provides essential information for managing the integrity of a modern, evolving enterprise. Feature articles by leading practitioners provide advice and guidance on the issues IT auditors, information security practitioners, and other IT managers and staff face today, or will struggle with tomorrow.EDPACS strives to provide pragmatic solutions to current issues through the publication of comprehensive articles which allow various topics to be explored 8220;in depth8221;. EDPACS also covers the CISA Examination content areas: The IS audit process Management, planning, and organization of information systems Technical infrastructure and operational planning Protection of information assets Disaster recovery and business continuity Business application system development, acquisition, implementation, and maintenance Business process evaluation and risk management.
EES Batteries is a premier journal, publishing exceptional battery and energy storage focused research. Delivering the same influence and reputation for quality which researchers associate with companion journal Energy & Environmental Science, EES Batteries is strongly interdisciplinary, welcoming influential, high impact and quality research across all scientific disciplines including chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering, computational/theoretical studies, and policy.
Exceptional research of significant and notable interest to the batteries research communities is welcomed. This includes but is not limited to:
• New battery concepts, materials, and systems
• Battery electrochemistry
• Electrode materials and composites
• Battery interfaces and interphases
• Advanced characterization tools and techniques
• Modelling, simulation and theoretical studies
• AI empowered battery science, technologies, and applications
• System integrations and applications with batteries
• Battery manufacturing, recycling, and scalability
• Safety, stability, and performance optimization
• Policy work and technoeconomic analyses
Research related to batteries in conjunction with fuel cells, supercapacitors, or capacitors is also within the scope of the journal.
EES Solar is a premier interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high-impact research focused on solar energy and photovoltaics. Building on the reputation of companion journal Energy & Environmental Science for high quality and influence, EES Solar aims to be a leading publication for groundbreaking studies that span a wide range of scientific disciplines, all connected by the thread of solar. The journal welcomes studies and analyses at all scales, from groundbreaking fundamental advances to interdisciplinary research across chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering, theory, and policy and technoeconomic analyses, for advancing the field of solar energy. Research that utilizes green materials and sustainable practices, championing developments that minimize environmental impact while achieving high performance is particularly encouraged.
EES Solar is the home for exceptional research that pushes the boundaries of solar research and its applications. This includes, but is not limited to:
• Solar cell and photovoltaic research
• Solar fuels and artificial photosynthesis
• Photocatalysts for energy and environmental applications
• Photothermal and photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion
• Photonics
• Light-matter interaction and spectroscopy
• Photovoltaic system design, solar power systems, and integration
• Modelling, simulation, and theoretical studies including AI and machine learning
• Policy work and technoeconomic analyses
EPJ Data Science is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand.
Data-driven science is rapidly emerging as a complementary approach to the traditional hypothesis-driven method. This revolution accompanying the paradigm shift from reductionism to complex systems sciences has already largely transformed the natural sciences and is about to bring the same changes to the techno-socio-economic sciences, viewed broadly. The journal EPJ Data Science addresses the challenges of the data revolution across academic disciplines: · how to extract meaningful data from systems with ever-increasing complexity· how to analyze data in ways that inspire new insights· how to generate data that is needed but not yet available· how to develop new empirical laws, or more fundamental theories, concerning the function of complex natural or artificial systems EPJ Data Science spans a broad range of research areas and applications with a focus on social systems, where it comprises those research lines that regard digital traces of human behavior as first-order objects for scientific investigation. This includes human and animal social behavior and interaction, economic and financial systems, management and business networks, socio-technical infrastructure, health and environmental systems, the science of science, as well as general risk and crisis scenario forecasting.
ETRI Journal publishes research papers in English on information and telecommunications (IT). With an international editorial committee and experts from around the world as reviewers, ETRI Journal publishes high-quality results on the latest and best developments from the global community. By attracting top researchers, ETRI Journal will continue to improve the quality of its published papers and assure its position alongside prestigious international journals in the IT field.
signal processing, wireless technology