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Applied Soft Computing

ISSN: 1568-4946eISSN: 1872-9681

Applied Soft Computing is an international journal promoting an integrated view of soft computing to solve real life problems. Soft computing is a collection of methodologies, which aim to exploit tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth to achieve tractability, robustness and low solution cost. The focus is to publish the highest quality research in application and convergence of the areas of Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computing, Rough Sets and other similar techniques to address real world complexities.Applied Soft Computing is a rolling publication: articles are published as soon as the editor-in-chief has accepted them. Therefore, the web site will continuously be updated with new articles and the publication time will be short.Major Topics:The scope of this journal covers the following soft computing and related techniques, interactions between several soft computing techniques, and their industrial applications:• Ant Colony• Chaos Theory• Evolutionary Computing• Fuzzy Computing• Hybrid Methods• Immunological Computing• Morphic Computing• Neuro Computing• Particle Swarm• Probabilistic Computing• Rough Sets• WaveletThe application areas of interest include but are not limited to:• Agricultural Machinery and Produce• Autonomous Reasoning• Bio-inspired Systems• Biomedical Engineering• Condition Monitoring• Consumer Electronics• Data Mining• Data Visualisation• Decision Support • Engineering Design Optimisation• Fault Diagnosis• Human-Machine Interface• Industrial Electronics• Intelligent Agents• Intelligent Information Retrieval• Internet Tools• Manufacturing Systems• Motion Control and Power Electronics• Multi-objective Optimisation• Nano and Micro-systems• Power and Energy• Process and System Control• Process Optimisation• Reactive Distributed AI• Robotics• Signal or Image Processing• System Identification and Modelling • Systems Integration• Telecommunications• Time Series Prediction• Virtual Reality• Vision or Pattern Recognition

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Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research

ISSN: 1985-9899eISSN: 2536-0051

Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research is an academic, open access, peer reviewed journal owned by Arabian Gulf University, which welcomes both theoretical and empirical submissions in natural resources sciences, medical sciences, biotechnology, computer science and applications, innovation, entrepreneurship, and management sciences, and educational sciences

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Archeologia e Calcolatori

ISSN: 1120-6861eISSN: 1120-6861
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Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering

ISSN: 1134-3060eISSN: 1886-1784

Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering provides an active forum for the dissemination of results in both research and advanced practice in computational engineering, with particular emphasis on mechanics and its related areas. The journal exclusively publishes extended state-of-the-art reviews in selected areas, a unique feature of the journal. Reviews published in the journal not only offer a survey of the current literature, but also a critical exposition of the topic in its full complexity. A partial list of topics includes modeling; solution techniques and applications of computational methods in a variety of areas (e.g., liquid and gas dynamics, solid and structural mechanics, bio-mechanics, etc.); variational formulations and numerical algorithms related to implementation of the finite and boundary element methods; finite difference and finite volume methods; and other basic computational methodologies.

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Archives of Design Research

ISSN: 1226-8046eISSN: 2288-2987

Argument and Computation

ISSN: 1946-2166eISSN: 1946-2174

Argument and Computation aims to promote the interaction and cross-fertilisation between the fields of argumentation theory and computer science. It will be of interest to researchers in the fields of artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, computer science, logic, philosophy, argumentation theory, psychology, cognitive science, game theory and economics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Argumentation and cognitive architecturesArgumentation and computational game theoryArgumentation and defeasible reasoningArgumentation and nonmonotonic logicsArgumentation and Decision TheoryArgumentation and Logic ProgrammingArgumentation and game semanticsSoftware for teaching argumentation skillsArgumentation-based interaction protocolsArgumentation-based semantics of programsArgumentation in natural language processingArgumentation in human computer interactionArgumentation in multi-agent systemsComputational models of natural argumentDialogue games and conversation policiesDispute resolution and mediation systemsElectronic democracy and public deliberationLegal and medical applicationsModels of bargaining and economic interactionReasoning about action through argumentationComputational tools for argumentation support In order to distinguish itself from the competition, the new journal will not solicit papers that are wholly within the theory of argumentation without application (practical or theoretical) with in artificial intelligence or computer science, nor will it solicit computational work that fails to employ argumentation as a core focus.The journal will accept full articles, describing novel theoretical or applied research in any of the areas of interest; reviews, condensing and critiquing an appropriate subfield of research; system descriptions, focusing on implementations (typically offering online access or downloadable code) and letters, providing pithy polemic on burning issues. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Artificial Intelligence

ISSN: 0004-3702

Artificial Intelligence, which commenced publication in 1970, is now the generally accepted premier international forum for the publication of results of current research in this field. The journal welcomes foundational and applied papers describing mature work involving computational accounts of aspects of intelligence. Specifically, it welcomes papers on:Artificial Intelligence and PhilosophyAutomated reasoning and inferenceCase-based reasoningCognitive aspects of AICommonsense reasoningConstraint processingHeuristic searchHigh-level computer visionIntelligent interfacesIntelligent roboticsKnowledge representationMachine learningMultiagent systemsNatural language processingPlanning and theories of actionReasoning under uncertainty or imprecisionThe journal reports results achieved; proposals for new ways of looking at AI problems must include demonstrations of effectiveness. Papers describing systems or architectures integrating multiple technologies are welcomed. Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) also invites papers on applications, which should describe a principled solution, emphasize its novelty, and present an in-depth evaluation of the AI techniques being exploited. The journal publishes an annual issue devoted to survey articles and also hosts a "competition section" devoted to reporting results from AI competitions. From time to time, there are special issues devoted to a particular topic; such special issues always have open calls.Artificial Intelligence caters to a broad readership. Papers that are heavily mathematical in content are welcome but should be preceded by a less technical introductory section that is accessible to a wide audience. Papers that are only mathematics, without demonstrated applicability to Artificial Intelligence problems may be returned.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Artificial Intelligence Review

ISSN: 0269-2821eISSN: 1573-7462

Artificial Intelligence Review publishes state-of-the-art research reports and critical evaluations of applications, techniques and algorithms in artificial intelligence, cognitive science and related disciplines. It serves as a forum for the work of researchers and application developers from these fields. Artificial Intelligence Review also presents refereed survey and tutorial articles, as well as reviews and commentary on significant developments.

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Artificial Intelligence and Law

ISSN: 0924-8463eISSN: 1572-8382

Artificial Intelligence and Law is an international forum for the dissemination of original interdisciplinary research in the following areas: Theoretical or empirical studies in artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive psychology, jurisprudence, linguistics, or philosophy which address the development of formal or computational models of legal knowledge, reasoning, and decision making. In-depth studies of innovative artificial intelligence systems that are being used in the legal domain. Studies which address the legal, ethical and social implications of the field of Artificial Intelligence and Law.Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Computational models of legal reasoning and decision making: judgmental reasoning, adversarial reasoning, case-based reasoning, deontic reasoning, and normative reasoning. Formal representation of legal knowledge: deontic notions, normative modalities, rights, factors, values, rules. Jurisprudential theories of legal reasoning. Specialized logics for law. Psychological and linguistic studies concerning legal reasoning. Legal expert systems: statutory systems, legal practice systems, predictive systems, and normative systems. AI and law support for legislative drafting, judicial decision-making, andpublic administration. Intelligent processing of legal documents: conceptual retrieval of cases and statutes, automatic text understanding, intelligent document assembly systems, hypertext, and semantic markup of legal documents. Intelligent processing of legal information on the World Wide Web, legal ontologies, automated intelligent legal agents, electronic legal institutions, computational models of legal texts. Ramifications for AI and Law in e-Commerce, automatic contracting and negotiation, digital rights management, and automated dispute , resolution. Ramifications for AI and Law in e-governance, e-government, e-Democracy, and knowledge-based systems supporting public services, public dialogue and mediation. Intelligent computer-assisted instructional systems in law or ethics. Evaluation and auditing techniques for legal AI systems. Systemic problems in the construction and delivery of legal AI systems. Impact of AI on the law and legal institutions. Ethical issues concerning legal AI systems. In addition to original research contributions, the Journal will include a Book Review section, a series of Technology Reports describing existing and emerging products, applications and technologies, and a Research Notes section of occasional essays posing interesting and timely research challenges for the field of Artificial Intelligence and Law. Financial support for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law is provided by the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.

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Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

ISSN: 0933-3657eISSN: 1873-2860

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine publishes original articles from a wide variety of interdisciplinary perspectives concerning the theory and practice of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, human biology, and health care.Particular attention is given to:• AI-based clinical decision making• Medical knowledge engineering• Knowledge-based and agent-based systems• Computational intelligence in bio- and clinical medicine• Intelligent medical information systems• AI in medical education• Intelligent devices and instruments• Automated reasoning and metareasoning in medicine• Methodological, philosophical, ethical, and social issues of AI in medicineAIIM features:• Original research contributions• Methodological reviews• Survey papers• Special issue articles• Position papers• Historical perspectives• Editorials• Guest editorials• Letters to the editor• Book reviewsThis journal is included inCITE - The Computational Intelligence Website!

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Artificial Life

ISSN: 1064-5462eISSN: 1530-9185

Artificial Life is devoted to a new discipline that investigates the scientific, engineering, philosophical,and social issues involved in our rapidly increasing technological ability to synthesize life-like behaviorsfrom scratch in computers, machines, molecules, and other alternative media. By extending the horizons ofempirical research in biology beyond the territory currently circumscribed by life-as-we-know-it, the study of artificial life gives us access to the domain of life-as-it-could-be. Relevant topics span the hierarchy of biological organization, including studies of the origin of life, self-assembly, growth and development, evolutionary and ecological dynamics, animal and robot behavior, social organization, and cultural evolution.

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Artificial Life and Robotics

ISSN: 1433-5298eISSN: 1614-7456

Artificial Life and Robotics is an international journal publishing original technical papers and authoritative state-of-the-art reviews on the development of new technologies concerning artificial life and robotics, especially computer-based simulation and hardware for the twenty-first century. This journal covers a broad multidisciplinary field, including areas such as artificial brain research, artificial intelligence, artificial life, artificial living, artificial mind research, brain science, chaos, cognitive science, complexity, computer graphics, evolutionary computations, fuzzy control, genetic algorithms, innovative computations, intelligent control and modelling, micromachines, micro-robot world cup soccer tournament, mobile vehicles, neural networks, neurocomputers, neurocomputing technologies and applications, robotics, robus virtual engineering, and virtual reality. Hardware-oriented submissions are particularly welcome.

Publishing body: International Symposium on Artificial Life and RoboticsEditor-in-Chiei: Hiroshi Tanaka
Hatanaka R Apartment 101, Hatanaka 8-7A, Ooaza-Hatanaka, Oita city, Oita, Japan 870-0856 ©International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics

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ISSN: 1695-5951eISSN: 1695-5951

Aslib Journal of Information Management

ISSN: 2050-3806eISSN: 2050-3814

Aslib Journal of Information Management provides key insights into the latest international developments in the research and practice of information management and information science

Astronomy and Computing

ISSN: 2213-1337eISSN: 2213-1337

Astronomy and Computing focuses on the broad area between astronomy, computer science and information technology. The journal aims to publish the work of scientists and (software) engineers in all aspects of astronomical computing, including the collection, analysis, reduction, visualisation, preservation and dissemination of data, and the development of astronomical software and simulations. The journal covers applications for academic computer science techniques to astronomy, as well as novel applications of information technologies within astronomy.The journal is open to a broad range of contributions about the use of computing used in astronomy. It accepts regular scientific articles and review articles, but will also consider manuscripts on new software and data releases of astronomical surveys, and "reports on practice" which describe the outcomes (positive and negative) of the practical application of informatics techniques within astronomy research and operations. In general, manuscripts should make a valuable contribution to the field and should display an appropriate familiarity with previous work in the area and alternative approaches to the same problem. Providing a sustainable link to data or source code is strongly encouraged. All manuscripts are subject to peer-review.The journal welcomes contributions on a variety of topics including:Scientific software engineeringComputational infrastructureComputational techniques used for astrophysical simulationsVisualizationData management, archives, and virtual observatoryData analysis, data mining and statisticsData processing pipeline and automated systemsSemantics, data citation and data preservationWhy publish in Astronomy and Computing

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Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti : Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali

eISSN: 1825-1242

Australasian Journal of Information Systems

ISSN: 1449-8618

Australian Educational Computing

ISSN: 0816-9020eISSN: 1443-833X

Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy

ISSN: 2203-1693

Automated Software Engineering

ISSN: 0928-8910eISSN: 1573-7535

This journal details research, tutorial papers, survey and accounts of significant industrial experience in the foundations, techniques, tools and applications of automated software engineering technology. This includes the study of techniques for constructing, understanding, adapting, and modeling software artifacts and processes. Coverage in Automated Software Engineering examines both automatic systems and collaborative systems as well as computational models of human software engineering activities. In addition, it presents knowledge representations and artificial intelligence techniques applicable to automated software engineering, and formal techniques that support or provide theoretical foundations. The journal also includes reviews of books, software, conferences and workshops.

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