Drug Metabolism Reviews consistently provides critically needed reviews of an impressive array of drug metabolism research-covering established, new, and potential drugs; environmentally toxic chemicals; absorption; metabolism and excretion; and enzymology of all living species. Additionally, the journal offers new hypotheses of interest to diverse groups of medical professionals including pharmacologists, toxicologists, chemists, microbiologists, pharmacokineticists, immunologists, mass spectroscopists, as well as enzymologists working in xenobiotic biotransformation.
Drug and Chemical Toxicology publishes full-length research papers, review articles and short communications that encompass a broad spectrum of toxicological data surrounding risk assessment and harmful exposure. Manuscripts are considered according to their relevance to the journal.
Drugs: education, prevention & policy is a refereed journal which aims to provide a forum for communication and debate between policy makers, practitioners and researchers concerned with social and health policy responses to legal and illicit drug use and drug-related harm. The journal publishes multi-disciplinary research papers, commentaries and reviews on policy, prevention and harm reduction issues regarding the use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. It is journal policy to encourage submissions which reflect different cultural, historical and theoretical approaches to the development of policy and practice.The Editor welcomes contributions based on original research, policy discussion, evaluations of policy and practice, literature reviews, and papers which examine historical and cultural aspects of substance use and social responses to use and problematic use.Short contributions are also welcome for two new sections in the journal:Policy News will aim to provide information and discussion on current policy developments and issues of national or international importance in prevention or harm reductionConference Reports is intended to provide brief accounts, from the contributor’s point of view, of the themes and outcomes from national or international conferences.Read More: http://informahealthcare.com/page/dep/Description.
Dr. Arun S. Mujumdar received the Doctor Honoris Causa Award from Lodz Technical University in June 2008! Find out more This multidisciplinary, English-language journal explores, in depth, the science, technology, and engineering of drying, dewatering, and related topics. Articles in Drying Technology cover transport phenomena in porous media, heat and mass transfer in single or multiphase systems, evaporation, solid/liquid separation, powder technology, fluidization, agglomeration, gas-solid systems, humidity and solid moisture content measurements/control, and more. Publication Office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Dynamical Systems: An International Journal is published four times a year in print and electronic editions. The primary goal of Dynamical Systems: An International Journal (founded as Dynamics and Stability of Systems) is to act as a forum for communication across all branches of modern dynamical systems, and especially to facilitate interaction between theory and applications. This journal aims to publish high quality research articles in the theory and applications of dynamical systems, especially (but not exclusively) nonlinear systems. Advances in the following topics will be addressed by the journal: * Differential equations * Bifurcation theory * Hamiltonian and Lagrangian dynamics * Hyperbolic dynamics * Ergodic theory * Topological and smooth dynamics * Random dynamical systems * Applications in technology, engineering and natural and life sciences There is no formal page limit and longer manuscripts will be considered; however the Editors intend to offer fast refereeing to short papers (less than 5000 words or 8 typed pages). As the remit of the Journal is fairly wide, authors are requested to present their work in a way that enables a wide audience to understand the context and motivation of the results in their article. Papers should present a major advancement either in the theory or applications of dynamics; articles that are minor improvements of previously published results will not be considered. High quality papers describing the application of the modern theory of dynamics to practical problems in other disciplines and reports of experiments or numerical simulations are also welcome, as long as they clearly illustrate important theoretical issues or highlight deficiencies in the theoretical development of dynamical systems. Contributions of a purely theoretical nature are likewise encouraged, provided that their relevance to applications is clearly described. The Journal also publishes occasional review articles and special issues. Peer Review All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Now in its 37th year, EDPACS is the world's longest running IT Audit newsletter. Published monthly, the newsletter supports the audit and control community with highly-regarded guidance in the fields of audit, control, and security. In addition, EDPACS regularly explores current and emerging issues around IT governance.The newsletter provides essential information for managing the integrity of a modern, evolving enterprise. Feature articles by leading practitioners provide advice and guidance on the issues IT auditors, information security practitioners, and other IT managers and staff face today, or will struggle with tomorrow.EDPACS strives to provide pragmatic solutions to current issues through the publication of comprehensive articles which allow various topics to be explored 8220;in depth8221;. EDPACS also covers the CISA Examination content areas: The IS audit process Management, planning, and organization of information systems Technical infrastructure and operational planning Protection of information assets Disaster recovery and business continuity Business application system development, acquisition, implementation, and maintenance Business process evaluation and risk management.
Emerging Microbes & Infections: Animal & Environment (EMI: Animal & Environment) is a peer-reviewed open access journal publishing groundbreaking scientific research on emerging pathogenic organisms from animals or environment which have inter- and intra-species transmission potential with a specific focus on those influenced by the change of environment.
Building on the legacy of its sister Journal Emerging Microbes & Infections (EMI), which has become a global leading scientific journal in the field of human emerging infectious diseases, EMI: Animal & Environment expands the horizons of emerging infectious disease research to report novel findings on the growing importance of animal-based infections and environmental impact on both human and animal pathogens.
EMI: Animal & Environment encourages an interdiscplinary approach to investigating emerging organisms and infections in animals as well as any environmental factors associated with such infections.
Aims & Scope
The scope of the EPE Journal is to supply all experts in the field of power electronics and drives, with the most recent information on the rapid evolution in the field of power electronics, drives and industrial applications.
Alongside contributions from scientists, the Journal also wants to attract contributions from those who are designing and producing power electronics systems and those who are involved in the applications of those systems in industrial processes.
In addition to original research articles, information is supplied on new products, industrial developments, company portraits, the EPE Association as well as international organizations such as the European Commission.
The EPE Journal is recognized as a truly European specialized Journal on power electronics, drives and applications of a very high scientific and technological level. The Journal is in close relation with the bi-annual EPE Conference, the leading European Conference in the field, which brings manufacturers, researchers and users together.
Eastern European Screen Studies provides the world-wide community of Eastern European film and media scholars with a platform for debate. The journal covers screen cultures of Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine, just as well as cinemas of Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Yugoslavia as now non-existent states with historic cinematic tradition. It encourages authors to cover production, consumption and textual characteristics of films and other forms of the moving image and locate the material in national, as well as transnational perspectives, reflecting the convergence of various trends in world cinema, such as festivalization and the emergence of new distribution platforms that simultaneously re-establish and transcend geopolitical and cultural borders.
The journal editors are keen to publish articles on all types of moving image, both arthouse and popular films, television programmes and music videos, films produced for theatrical release, as well as amateur films and those for educational, industrial and advertising purposes.
Eastern European Screen Studies is edited by a board of experienced, internationally recognised experts in the field. The journal publishes 3 issues per year. Each year one or two special issues are published, devoted to phenomena which are under-researched in the existing literature. We are open to suggestions for specific themes from potential guest editors.
All papers submitted to Eastern European Screen Studies undergo initial editorial screening. Once deemed suitable, research articles are sent out for rigorous double-anonymized peer review by at least two independent referees. Instructions for Authors can be found here.
Econometric Reviews probes the limits of econometric knowledge, featuring regular, state-of-the-art refereed articles and book reviews, as well as retrospective, critical, and readable surveys of current or developing topics. Special issues of the journal are developed by a world-renowned editorial board which brings together leading experts on a variety of specific themes in econometrics. Reviews of books, software, and benchmarking of existing software are also within the scope of the journal. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 191.6.
Casopis "Ekonomska istraživanja" izrastao je iz casopisa "Gospodarstvo Istre, uslijed njegovog preoblikovanja i proširivanja tematskih podrucja obuhvata. "Gospodarstvo Istre" svojom je tematikom pokrivalo niz znacajnih gospodarskih problema i aktualnosti svojstvenih istarskog regiji u razdoblju od 1988. do 1997. godine.Uslijed sve zapaženije uloge te istaknutijih potreba za proširivanjem tematskih podrucja, casopis "Gospodarstvo Istre" mijenja naziv u "Ekonomska istraživanja" u okviru kojeg sve znacajnije mjesto pocinju zauzimati radovi koji svojom tematikom pokrivaju znanstvene aktualnosti iz šireg okruženja jugoistocne Europe.Prateci rastuci udio stranih autora, casopis proširuje uredništvo i tim recenzenata kojeg danas sacinjava niz strucnjaka iz relevantnih znanstvenih institucija u zemlji i inozemstvu osiguravajuci na taj nacin održanje kvalitete i prepoznatljivosti casopisa u široj znanstvenoj, gospodarskoj te cjelokupnoj društvenoj javnosti.
Editors’ Bulletin is a forum for best practice on journal management, shared experiences from journal Editors, updates on initiatives which will further enhance your journal, industry news and an insight into the global team who publish your journals at Taylor & Francis, Routledge and Psychology Press.
The Editors' Bulletin is published three times a year, in April, August and December.
Regular sections include:
We welcome your feedback or article suggestions. Wherever possible, we feature articles written by current journal Editors. If you would like to contribute to Editors' Bulletin , or to simply to pass on a comment, please get in touch at bulletin@tandf.co.uk.
This peer-reviewed journal wishes to encourage international debate about change in schools, especially, but not only, schools in challenging contexts. This includes research relating to learning and teaching in the classroom, the curriculum, teacher professional development and the relationships between schools, their communities and the broader education system. The journal also publishes research on innovative programmes in pre-service teacher education. In general, articles on leadership and management are not the focus of the journal, unless they are related to curriculum leadership. Contributions are published mainly in the form of empirical research articles and original theoretical works, as well as book review articles.
Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia is the official journal of the Society of Egyptian Anesthesiologists. The journal is published quarterly (one volume per year beginning in January) by the Society of Egyptian Anesthesiologists. The contents of this journal are organized by the Society of Egyptian Anesthesiologists. The journal is a peer reviewed journal and is a multi-disciplinary journal in the field of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Resuscitation and will address the modern achievements in this field. The contributions are from all over the world. The journal publishes original papers, CME articles, case reports and briefs.
Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (EJBAS):
Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (EJBAS):
Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences publish original articles, short communications, review articles, and case reports. The Egyptian journal of basic and Applied Sciences is the official publication of Mansoura University and is published by Mansoura University in collaboration with Elsevier and is edited by an international group of eminent researchers.
This well-established journal publishes original theoretical and applied papers of permanent reference value related to the broad field of electromechanics, electric machines, and power systems. Specific topics covered include: rotating electric machines - new methods of analysis, computation, and design; advances in materials used in electric machines (e.g. permanent magnets and superconductors); solid-state control of electric machines; linear motors; new types of electric machines; electromagnetic fields in energy converters; control aspects of electrical machines; power system planning; reliability and security; transmission and distribution; dispatching and scheduling; high voltage of dc systems; power system protection; power system stability; and related topics. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, publishes peer-reviewed research articles on the biological effects and medical applications of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (from extremely-low frequency to radiofrequency). Topic examples include in vitro and in vivo studies, epidemiological investigation, mechanism and mode of interaction between non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and biological systems. In addition to publishing original articles, the journal also publishes meeting summaries and reports, and reviews on selected topics. .