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Culture, Health & Sexuality

ISSN: 1369-1058eISSN: 1464-5351

Culture, Health & Sexuality is a leading international environment for the publication of papers in the fields of culture, health and sexuality. The journal is broad and multi-disciplinary in focus, publishing papers on methodology as well as those that are empirical and conceptual in nature. It offers a forum for debates on policy and practice, adopting a practitioner focus where appropriate. Culture, Health and Sexuality takes a genuinely international stance in its consideration of key issues and concerns, as reflected in the composition of the editorial board. More specifically, the journal aims to: * Provide an international forum for the analysis of culture and health, health beliefs and systems, social structures and divisions, and the implications for these for sexual health, and individual, collective and community wellbeing. * Provide an environment in which the policy and practice implications of research in the fields of culture and health, and culture and reproductive and sexual health, can be considered. * Offer a setting for critical scholarly debate about how best to analyse the cultural dimensions of health issues in general, and reproductive and sexual health issues in particular. Peer Review Integrity All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Current Eye Research

ISSN: 0271-3683eISSN: 1460-2202

The principal aim ofCurrent Eye Research is to provide rapid publication of full papers, short communications and minireviews, all of high quality. Current Eye Research publishes articles encompassing all the areas of eye research. Subject areas include the following: clinical research, anatomy, physiology, biophysics, biochemistry, pharmacology, developmental biology, microbiology and immunology.

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Current Medical Research and Opinion

ISSN: 0300-7995eISSN: 1473-4877
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Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology

ISSN: 1556-9527eISSN: 1556-9535
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CyTA - Journal of Food

ISSN: 1947-6337eISSN: 1947-6345

The Food Additives and Contaminants - Surveillance Database is a searchable database containing all the surveillance data published in Food Additives and Contaminants Part B (FAC B) since its launch in June 2008. Search results may be viewed on screen. or downloaded into standard reports or spreadsheets by simply clicking a button. You may search the entire database by following the linkVisit FAC B Database. or alternatively you may choose to move from a FAC B article through to the specific dataset that corresponds to the article you are viewing. There are links to the relevant datasets from all FAC B articles. All subscribers to the FAC B journal will be granted access to the entire database. Pay-per-view customers will be granted access to the datasets corresponding to the articles that they have purchased. but they will not be able to search the full database. Please follow the link if you wish to visit the database now.

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Cyber-Physical Systems

ISSN: 2333-5777eISSN: 2333-5785

Cyber-Physical Systems is an international interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing the highest quality research in the rapidly-growing field of cyber-physical systems / Internet-of-Things.

Publications will cover theory, algorithms, simulations, architectures, implementations, services and applications of state-of-the-art research in this exciting field.

The journal welcomes submissions in the following key areas of interest:

A. Networks and Networked Systems where intelligent entities exchange information to achieve improved overall performance for both cyber and physical components. Particular areas of interests include:
• sensor, vehicular, robot, camera, aerial and social smartphone networks
• wireless networking technologies and autonomous ad hoc networks
• internet of things and machine-to-machine communications
• networked infrastructure management with applications such as smart power grids and transportation systems
• network enabled computation, coordination, and actuation
• scalability of complex networks

B. Modelling and Control where mathematical and computational methods are developed and applied to facilitate innovative design, in-depth analysis, and novel insights of the fundamental principles.
Particular areas of interests include:
• control theory with a clear cyber-physical tone such as networked control, distributed optimization, and distributed learning
• autonomy with applications in mobile sensor networks, internet connected cars, etc.
• modelling of tightly integrated physical processes, software, computation platforms, and networks

C. Data Management where novel methods are developed to reliably gather, store, transfer, and analyse large amount of data and dataflow.
Particular areas of interests include:
• data management and processing (e.g. big data, cloud computing)
• location and tracking based services
• smart cameras and computer vision based context management
• web of things.

D. Software and Hardware where novel designs and implementations of test-beds, platforms, and software will significantly improve the speed, efficiency, and reliability of next generation CPS.  Particular areas of interests include:
• embedded systems applications (pervasive computing, real-time control technologies)
• resource-constrained systems (low power, energizing, device miniaturization)
• standards and middleware.

E. Other Emerging Areas where new challenges, new ideas, and new principles are shaping. For example,
• incentive, security, trust, and privacy issues in CPS
• smart living technologies such as smart city, smart home and office, wearable devices, learning devices, etc.
• social M2M networks, social impact of CPS, creative aspects.

Cyber-Physical Systems encourages original articles in these areas, including technical contributions, short communications, and novel surveys. The journal will make special effort to encourage submissions from authors working in industry. Proposals for special issues in cutting-edge and newly-developing areas of cyber physical systems are encouraged, and should be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief.

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Cybernetics and Systems

ISSN: 0196-9722eISSN: 1087-6553

Cybernetics and Systems serves as an international forum for the publication of the latest developments in cybernetics. The journal exposes scientists from diverse disciplines to important new methods in cybernetics, while drawing attention to novel applications of these methods to problems from many areas of research. Strictly refereed contributions present original research based on empirical verification, spanning a broad range of interests, from artificial intelligence to economics. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Data Science in Science

eISSN: 2694-1899
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Designed Monomers and Polymers

ISSN: 1568-5551eISSN: 1568-5551

Designed Monomers and Polymers (DMP) provides a forum for the prompt publication of peer-reviewed, English-language papers on all areas of macromolecular design and application. Emphasis will be placed on the macromolecular preparations including the synthesis, characterization and application of monomers. The experimental part should be provided in such detail (including specific observations, precautionary notes, use of new materials, techniques, and their possible problems, etc.) that it could be reproduced by any researcher wishing to repeat the work. The subjects of macromolecular science, initiators, macroinitiators for macromolecular design, as well as the kinetics, mechanism and modeling aspects of polymerization, will be included too.

Designed Monomers and Polymers provides an interface between organic, and polymer chemistries and aims to bridge the gap between monomer synthesis and the design of new polymers. The subject of monomers may include old monomers but new methods of synthesis. Authors must show the evidence for polymerization (including polycondensation, sequential combination, oxidative coupling, radiation, plasma polymerization, etc.) for new monomers. The field of monomers encompasses functional prepolymers of various architectures such as hyperbranched polymers, telechelic polymers, macromonomers, or dendrimers.

Articles on monomers have been scattered over a vast number of journals: there is no polymer journal that covers a specialized subject such as monomers, whereas monomers are the building blocks of polymers. Designed Monomers and Polymers seeks to redress the balance by providing an international forum for addressing the issue of monomers and the art and science of macromolecular design.

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees.


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Developmental Neurorehabilitation

ISSN: 1751-8423eISSN: 1751-8431

Developmental Neurorehabilitation aims to enhance recovery and rehabilitation in children with brain injury and neurological disorders.It focuses on a truly developmental perspective: the longitudinal consequences of neurological insult during childhood and the impact of such injury in later life. It covers childhood neurological disorders and treatment, encompassing factors of lifespan, neurological recovery and intervention at experimental, clinical and theoretical levels.In order to best serve clinicians and researchers, we seek to include an equal representation of basic and clinical research on development, recovery and rehabilitation. With a focus on translational research, we wish to actively pursue the interchange of ideas, and problems connecting basic and clinical scientists.Contributions are welcomed in the following formats: * ORIGINAL RESEARCH - empirical investigations from clinical and animal research * SUBJECT REVIEWS - topical reviews to increase awareness and discussion of future research and practice * PEER COMMENTARY - different perspectives on published reviews * VOICES FROM THE PAST - children, disability and rehabilitation in history * CASE STUDIES - the value of single case methodology in elucidating impairments and treatment efficacy * ETHICAL AND LEGAL PERSPECTIVES - implications of change in the law and of new research.

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Diagnostic Devices with Microfluidics

ISSN: 978-1-4987-7293-8 (e-book)eISSN: 978-1-4987-7294-5

This book provides a current view of the research and commercial landscape of diagnostics devices, particularly those that utilize microscale technologies, intended for both patient and laboratory use. Common diagnostic devices that are based on microfluidic principles include glucose sensors for diabetic patients and over-the-counter pregnancy tests. Other diagnostic devices are being developed to quickly test a patient for bacterial and viral infections, and other diseases. The chapters, written by experts from around the world, discuss how to fabricate, apply, and market microfluidic diagnostic chips – for lab and at-home use. Most importantly, the book also contains a discussion of topics relevant to the private sector, including patient-focused, market-oriented development of diagnostics devices.

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Diatom Research

ISSN: 0269-249XeISSN: 2159-8347

Diatom Research is the journal of the International Society for Diatom Research. The journal is published quarterly, in March, June, September and December, and welcomes manuscripts on any aspect of diatom biology. In addition to full-length papers, short notes and reviews of recent literature are published which need not contain all the sections required for full-length papers; we see these as being necessary to record information which is of interest but which cannot be followed up in detail. Discursive 8220;Opinion8221; papers are encouraged which would not necessarily follow the normal lay-out. If extremely long papers are to be offered, the author(s) should contact the editors first to discuss any problems. Book reviews, obituaries and meeting reports can be published. All papers will be subject to critical review by the editors and referees, as appropriate to their content. Papers will be accepted in English only.

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Digital Water: Knowledge Application & Hydroinformatics

eISSN: 2837-5807
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Disability and Rehabilitation

ISSN: 0963-8288eISSN: 1464-5165
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Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology

ISSN: 1748-3107eISSN: 1748-3115

Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology along with Disability and Rehabilitation seek to encourage a better understanding of all aspects of disability and to promote rehabilitation science, practice and policy aspects of the rehabilitation process. Taken together, both journals represent an important forum for the dissemination and exchange of ideas amongst global health practitioners and researchers. 

The mission of Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology is to advance the practice and science of interdisciplinary and integrative assistive technology service delivery and product design internationally so that persons with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and challenges to the performance of activities and participation in life roles, achieve enhanced functioning and life quality. 

Assistive technology focuses on both equipping individuals with the most appropriate technologies and also removing barriers to functioning that exist in the environment.  Topics range from everyday/mainstream to specialized devices, and include: exoskeltons and robotics; smart homes; information and communication technologies and computerized systems; ergonomics; universal design; ambient assistive technology; telerehabilitation; job and environmental accommodations; and methods of service delivery.  

Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology is an international and multidisciplinary journal, published six times a year. The Journal publishes review articles and original research on assistive technology devices, services, user experiences, education and training, and policies. The journal also publishes supplements, special issues and special sections. Because the field is broad, submissions include experimental investigations, survey research, case studies, systematic reviews and product development and testing. Theoretical and conceptual papers and the discussion of professional issues and international/national policies and standards are also published.

Subscribers to Disability and Rehabilitation receive Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology as part of their subscription, totaling 32 issues per year.

Click for the  Disability and Rehabilitation homepage.

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Disaster Health

ISSN: 2166-5044eISSN: 2166-5052

Aims & Scope: Disaster Health focuses on the intersection of disaster mental and behavioral health and disaster public health. As a rapid-publication, peer-reviewed scientific journal, Disaster Health prioritizes the publication of well-designed and well-executed studies, around the globe, across the complete spectrum of natural, human-generated and hybrid disasters as well as humanitarian crises and complex emergencies (including exposure to terrorism and military conflicts).

Disaster Health seeks manuscripts that contain strong research designs and demonstrate the effectiveness and efficacy of programs and interventions. Disaster Health examines the linkage between exposure to physical forces of harm in a disaster and the unique "signature" of mental and physical health impact.

Disaster Health solicits articles that also focus on disaster responders, including dimensions of personal, team and organizational preparedness and execution of disaster response duties.

Regarding individual response to disaster threat and impact, Disaster Health examines the full range of human response from personal mental health, wellness and resilience to psychological distress and psychopathology.

At the community level, Disaster Health explores community disaster prevention, risk reduction and resilience.

Across all themes, Disaster Health champions the evolution of the scientific evidence base.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Group, 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy Journal

ISSN: 2156-3306eISSN: 2156-6550

Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal(Formerly Cogeneration & Distributed Generation Journal) Jorge B. Wong, Ph.D., P.E., C.E.M, Editor-in ChiefIng. Jose Ramos-Saravia, Associate Editor This authoritative quarterly publication provides professional readers with the detailed information they need on the latest innovations and developments in the distributed generation and related alternative energy fields. Each issue includes original articles covering engineering design and analysis, operation and maintenance, management, economics, strategy, and policy approaches to distributed generation, cogeneration, district heating and cooling, as well as combined heat and power (CHP). Promising new innovations and projects involving cogeneration and distributed generation systems which use alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, hydrogen and hydroelectrics, fuel cells, cleantech technologies and other means of direct energy conversion are fully described and evaluated.

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Drug Delivery

ISSN: 1071-7544eISSN: 1521-0464

Drug Delivery serves the academic and industrial communities with peer reviewed coverage of basic research, development, and application principles of drug delivery and targeting at molecular, cellular, and higher levels. Topics covered include all delivery systems including oral, pulmonary, nasal, parenteral and transdermal, and modes of entry such as controlled release systems; microcapsules, liposomes, vesicles, and macromolecular conjugates; antibody targeting; protein/peptide delivery; DNA, oligonucleotide and siRNA delivery. Papers on drug dosage forms and their optimization will not be considered unless they directly relate to the original drug delivery issues. Published articles present original research and critical reviews.

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Drug Design and Discovery

ISSN: 1055-9612
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Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy

ISSN: 0363-9045eISSN: 1520-5762
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