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Ethik in der Medizin

ISSN: 0935-7335

Die Zeitschrift Ethik in der Medizin konzentriert sich auf die wissenschaftliche Erarbeitung, die interdisziplinäre Kommunikation und die Vermittlung von Ethik in der Medizin in allen Anwendungsbereichen. Mit Übersichts- und Originalarbeiten werden Grundinformationen bereitgestellt und Fallstudien exemplarisch kommentiert. In Verbindung mit Ethikkommissionen und öffentlichen Beratungsgremien werden entsprechende Texte, Verlautbarungen und Verordnungen veröffentlicht. Ethik in der Medizin dient sowohl dem grundsätzlichen ethischen Diskurs als auch der Förderung des praktischen Entscheidungsverhaltens im Medizinischen Alltag.

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European Journal of Futures Research

ISSN: 2195-4194eISSN: 2195-2248

There is a significant need for European futures research as European countries face numerous substantial problems: at the same time they seek to make a contribution to solving global challenges. European regions “share” common experiences, divisions and conflicts – which altogether build a rich resource for critical examination as well as forward-looking renewal.  European integration after World War II has reshaped political, economic and social relations in Europe and beyond. Therefore, the future of Europe will also depend on the further development of the European Union in its wider transnational and global contexts. Consequently, the journal seeks to foster thorough analysis of key European policies, such as those for research and education.  Nonetheless, topics addressed in the journal are not limited to the (development of the) European Union: we invite articles that raise questions about European futures more generally. Interdisciplinary research is as welcome as are disciplinary studies, ranging from the social sciences and humanities to the natural sciences and engineering. Besides its empirical focus the journal promotes discussions about European traditions and perspectives in futures research. Another objective is to advance the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of futures studies.  Possible fields of research and topics include but are not limited to:Society: demographic change: migration: gender and social relations: welfare society: inclusion and exclusion Politics: economic, financial, and political integration in the European Union: political participation and citizenship: European identity building: EU research, innovation, and (higher) education policies:  Economy and Business Sectors: futures of work and labour, production and consumption: competitiveness and technological innovations: growth and, sustainable development: social environment and entrepreneurship: futures of leisure, sports and tourism: Science and Technology: technology foresight and technology assessment: technoscience: radical technologies: logistics, transport and mobility: media and telecommunication: human enhancement: young generations and new technologies: European citizens and the broadband society: X-cutting Issues: gender-specific and diversity perspectives: sustainability: environmental challenges and the greening of Europe: climate change policies: Methodology and Methods: futures studies in comparative perspective: new research methods: integration of qualitative and quantitative methods: future-related uncertainties, risks, and ignorance:

Philosophy of Science: epistemological and ontological questions: theory of futures studies: “new” forms of knowledge: post-positivist research approaches: ethical questions:

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European Transport Research Review

ISSN: 1867-0717eISSN: 1866-8887

The European Transport Research Review – An Open Access Journal (ETRR) is an online scientific platform aiming at disseminating research results in the field of transport. The main scope and mission of the Journal is to provide a forum for the publication of high quality scientific papers in the field of transport in general, and a dissemination medium for new ideas and developments that originate in, or are of interest to, the European transport research community. The Journal was established by the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI).

Journal’s concept and primary characteristics are: first, it is the open access configuration that makes it easily and widely available through the internet to all readers with a minimum of constraints and costs: second, it provides focus on issues of special interest to European transport research, its funding bodies and supervising organisations: third, it is clearly oriented towards both researchers and practitioners.The Journal considers primarily papers, on both theoretical as well as applied research, whose excellence and content represent an important contribution to transport research in Europe. Papers dealing with theoretical or applied research outside Europe are also encouraged to be submitted for publication, as long as their results are of relevance to European transport concerns, or can contribute to scientific knowledge or best practice transfer between researchers in Europe and their counterparts in other continents.Contributors are advised to submit papers that fit at least in one of the areas of interest identified by the Journal. However, the Editorial Board can also consider papers that are not directly related to these areas but are considered of interest or of particular concern to the aims and goals of the Journal. Papers published in the Journal are subjected to peer-review in accordance with standard international practices for scholarly journals., In addition, the Journal will also periodically publish information papers, as well as book and conference reviews regarding transport policy and research in Europe.

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Evolution : Education and Outreach

ISSN: 1936-6426eISSN: 1936-6434

As of January 2013 Evolution: Education & Outreach is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. From 2013 onward all new articles published in the journal are freely and permanently available online for anyone, anywhere and at any time. This journal promotes accurate understanding and comprehensive teaching of evolutionary theory for a wide audience. Evolution: Education and Outreach addresses the question of why we should care about evolution by exploring the practical applications of evolutionary principles in daily life and the impact of evolutionary theory on culture and society throughout history. Targeting K-16 students, teachers and scientists alike, the journal presents articles to aid members of these communities in the teaching of evolutionary theory. It connects teachers with scientists by adapting cutting-edge, peer reviewed articles for classroom use on varied instructional levels. The journal features multi-authored papers written by teachers and scientists and offers teaching tools such as unit and lesson plans and classroom activities, as well as additional online content such as podcasts and powerpoint presentations.

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Forum Kinder- und Jugendsport

eISSN: 2730-7220

Frontiers of Business Research in China

eISSN: 1673-7431
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Global Public Policy and Governance

eISSN: 2730-6305
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Hispanic Health Care International

ISSN: 1540-4153
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ISSN: 0971-9555eISSN: 2277-3347
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IZA Journal of European Labor Studies

ISSN: 2193-9012eISSN: 2193-9012

The IZA Journal of European Labor Studies is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen, publishing high-quality international research on a wide range of issues of relevance for European labor markets. In its scope it is policy-oriented and focused on applied research work.The Journal aims at contributing to the current policy debate across Europe and within its various countries. This includes analyses of European labor policy dealing with concrete policy problems, reforms, proposals or issues that are of concern for policy-making.In general, the IZA Journal of European Labor Studies publishes high-quality original research articles. Occasionally the journal also invites articles that are reviews or syntheses of the literature which have a clear policy relevance and which draw concrete policy conclusions.To enable the journals to make all of their content open access, usually SpringerOpen journals levy an article-processing charge (APC) for each manuscript accepted after peer review.The publication costs for articles in the IZA Journal Series are covered by IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor, so authors do not need to pay an article processing charge. Authors are supposed to actively support the IZA journals by refereeing a certain number of articles. Referee reports will be due 21 days after you accept assignment.More detailed information about the journal can be found on its dedicated website at, where you can also access all articles. As an additional service, all articles are also hosted on SpringerLink, Springer’s online collection of STM books, journals, protocols and reference works.

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IZA Journal of Migration

ISSN: 2193-9039eISSN: 2193-9039

The IZA Journal of Migration is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen, covering all issues related to the economics of migration and ethnicity in developed or developing countries. The journal constitutes the first platform dedicated to fostering the international debate and to promoting publication excellence in the field of migration economics. The IZA Journal of Migration publishes original theoretical and applied contributions, including topics such as the determinants and consequences of human mobility in both sending and receiving regions and the analysis of migration experience – including the assimilation of migrants and their children, their occupational choices, the role of immigrants’ social networks and remittance behavior. Likewise, the journal encourages submissions of papers covering topics such as the economic analysis of ethnicity, ethnic identity, and language.At a broader level, the IZA Journal of Migration aims at providing policymakers with evidence-based insight on the economics of internal and international migration. As such, papers which focus on the role of migration policies dealing with the monitoring of immigration flows, the process of naturalization, and asylum or illegal migration are also welcome.To enable the journals to make all of their content open access, usually SpringerOpen journals levy an article-processing charge (APC) for each manuscript accepted after peer review.The publication costs for articles in the IZA Journal Series are covered by IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor, so authors do not need to pay an article processing charge. Authors are supposed to actively support the IZA journals by refereeing a certain number of articles. Referee reports will be due 21 days after you accept assignment.More detailed information about the journal can be found on its dedicated website at, where you can, also access all articles. As an additional service, all articles are also hosted on SpringerLink, Springer’s online collection of STM books, journals, protocols and reference works.

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International Criminology

eISSN: 2662-9976
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International Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

ISSN: 3059-3042eISSN: 3059-3042

The International Journal of Cognitive Therapy publishes papers of relevance to all scientific and clinical aspects of cognitive behavior therapy. The contents include empirical research studies, outcome trials, theoretical articles, literature reviews and meta-analyses, as well as reports on new manualized treatments or novel clinical case studies.

Topic coverage spans the discipline, encompassing basic research on clinical cognitive and/or behavioral processes; clinical science; psychopathology and treatment mechanisms; innovative assessment and treatment technologies; expert perspectives on specific clinical problems and diverse populations; international treatment dissemination, and critical issues in translating research to practice.

The journal also presents special issues devoted to specific themes or topics and welcomes proposals for special issues on timely topics.

International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials

ISSN: 1976-0485eISSN: 2234-1315

The International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (IJCSM) provides a forum targeted for engineers and scientists around the globe to present and discuss various topics related to concrete, concrete structures and other allied materials incorporating cement, cementitious binder, and polymer or fiber in conjunction with concrete. These forums give participants an opportunity to contribute their knowledge for the advancement of society. Topics include, but are not limited to, research results on:Properties and performance of concrete and concrete structuresAdvanced and improved experimental techniquesLatest modeling methodsPossible improvement and enhancement of concrete propertiesStructural and microstructural characterizationConcrete applicationsFiber reinforced concrete technologyConcrete waste management IJCSM also publishes review articles, as well as short communications and discussions. IJCSM is currently published quarterly under the auspice of the Korea Concrete Institute. In addition, scholars from over 17 countries have contributed as editorial staff and judges for IJCSM, helping the world’s top scholars to publish their best research papers.

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International Journal of Emergency Medicine

ISSN: 1865-1372

International Journal of Emergency Medicine is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. It is the only international, peer-reviewed, open access journal for emergency medicine.Many countries around the world are recognizing this relatively new specialty and increasing their focus on training and research. However, current journals concentrate mainly on the US, UK, and Australia: there are no adequate journals which address the needs of the global community. The International Journal of Emergency Medicine will shed light on how the specialty is being practiced in various countries, which will not only further education, but also stimulate evidence-based improvement in practice and further research.International Journal of Emergency Medicine is directed towards physicians and medical personnel undergoing training or working within the field of emergency medicine. It focuses on the practice of emergency medicine in a variety of settings, from urban emergency departments to rural clinics, including humanitarian and disaster situations. The content is diverse and features case reports with discussion on evidence-based practice, clinical images with spot diagnosis, systematic reviews, brief research reports, quality improvement and innovations. IJEM is an open access journal, which provides free access to its articles to anyone, anywhere, at any time, without the need for a subscription.    For additional information, please visit the journal's website at:

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International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

ISSN: 2251-6832eISSN: 2008-9163
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International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies

ISSN: 1855-3362eISSN: 2232-6022

The International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS) is aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue and exchanges between societies, developing human resources, and assuring greater mutual understanding in the Euro-Mediterranean region. To accomplish this objective, the journal seek to publish high quality research papers and case studies. The topics of papers include, but are not limited to: Politics, Sociology, Economics, Human Geography and Environment, Business and Management, Education, International Relations, and History. Thematic issues are published on: Civil Protection, De-Pollution of the Mediterranean, Alternative Energies, Maritime and Land Highways, Higher Education and Research, and Business Development in the Mediterranean.

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International Journal of Geo-Engineering

ISSN: 2092-9196eISSN: 2198-2783

The goal of this interdisciplinary journal is to provide a forum to discuss the knowledge and experience of geo-engineering from fundamentals to cutting edge technologies.

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International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

ISSN: 1823-0334

The International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering is a peer-reviewed, international and interdisciplinary journal that provides a forum for cross-disciplinary research contributions covering a broad spectrum of issues pertaining to the mechanical and machining properties of materials as well as materials science, and how they apply to materials used in equipment and structures. Important topics include: nanomaterial, material synthesis and characterization, principles of the micro-macro transition; elastic behavior; plastic behavior; high-temperature creep, fatigue, and fracture; as well as metals, polymers, ceramics, intermetallics, and their composites. Other areas of interest are: tribology, joining; mechanical behavior; environmental effects, machining; nonconventional machining, materials processing; constitutive relations; and microstructure property relationships. The journal also deals with problems of  kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies,  theory of machines and mechanisms, vibration and balancing of machine parts, stability of mechanical systems, mechanics of continuum, strength of materials, fatigue of materials, hydromechanics, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, thermo fluids, nanofluids, energy systems, renewable and alternative energy, engine, fuels, and experimental methods in dynamics. The journal accepts Reviews, Theoretical and Experimental Works as contributions. The journal also publishes special issues with selected papers from relevant conferences.

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ISSN: 2096-241XeISSN: 2509-4696