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Information Systems Journal

ISSN: 1350-1917eISSN: 1365-2575

The Information Systems Journal (ISJ) is an international journal promoting the study of. and interest in. information systems. Articles are welcome on research. practice. experience. current issues and debates. The ISJ encourages submissions that reflect the wide and interdisciplinary nature of the subject and articles that integrate technological disciplines with social. contextual and management issues. based on research using appropriate research methods.The ISJ has particularly built its reputation by publishing qualitative research and it continues to welcome such papers. Quantitative research papers are also welcome but they need to emphasise the context of the research and the theoretical and practical implications of their findings.The ISJ does not publish purely technical papers. For the Editors" journal website please clickhere. Aims and Scope .

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Insect Science

ISSN: 1672-9609eISSN: 1744-7917

Insect Science is an international journal, which publishes original peer-reviewed, research papers from any entomological discipline. The emphasis of the journal is on the adaptation and evolutionary biology of insects from their molecules to ecosystems including: ecology and IPM; behaviour and social biology; molecular biology; physiology, biochemistry and toxicology; genetics and development; and systematics and evolution. Reviews, special features, commentaries, book reviews, and proceedings of workshops and conferences are published in the journal.

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Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management

ISSN: 1551-3777eISSN: 1551-3793

The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) publishes two journals: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (ET&C) and Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry is dedicated to furthering scientific knowledge and disseminating information on environmental toxicology and chemistry, including the application of these sciences to risk assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management focuses on the application of science in environmental decision-making, regulation, and management, including aspects of policy and law, and the development of scientifically sound approaches to environmental problem solving. Together, these journals provide a forum for professionals in academia, business, government, and other segments of society involved in the use, protection, and management of the environment for the enhancement of ecological health and human welfare. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM) is published quarterly by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). The journal is devoted to bridging the gap between scientific research and the use of sound science in decision-making, regulation, and environmental management. IEAM aims to be the premier scientific journal for presenting new information, promoting dialogue, and fostering new methods for analysis of biological, ecological, chemical, engineering, environmental, physical and social science research applicable to the advancement of environmental policy and regulation, environmental management strategies, and sound approaches to environmental problem-solving. IEAM provides a peer-reviewed international forum for communicating new ideas and information from environmental science professionals in academia, business, government, and nongovernmental organizations. The journal welcomes scientific, social, and regulatory information through critical reviews, original research, commentaries, policy analyses, case studies, and special series. IEAM strives to provide a unique position in the peer-reviewed literature, focusing on continually evolving collaborations by offering perspectives from diverse disciplines and a variety of stakeholders. The internationally recognized scientists, academicians, and policy specialists who serve as subject matter Editors, members of the Editorial Board, and manuscript reviewers reflect this diversity of views and experience in each of the following major topic areas:

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Integrative Zoology

ISSN: 1749-4869eISSN: 1749-4877
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Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management

ISSN: 1550-1949eISSN: 2160-0074
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Intensive Care Medicine

eISSN: 1432-1238
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Internal Medicine Journal

ISSN: 1444-0903eISSN: 1445-5994

The Internal Medicine Journal, formerly known as the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, is the official journal of the Adult Medicine Division of The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP). Its purpose is to publish high-quality internationally competitive peer-reviewed original medical research, both laboratory and clinical, relating to the study and research of human disease. Papers will be considered from all areas of medical practice and science. The Journal also has a major role in continuing medical education and publishes review articles relevant to physician education. Except where otherwise stated, articles are peer reviewed.

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International Cybersecurity Law Review

eISSN: 2662-9739

International Economic Review

ISSN: 0020-6598eISSN: 1468-2354

The International Economic Review was established in 1960 to provide a forum for modern quantitative economics. From its inception, the journal has tried to stimulate economic research around the world by publishing cutting edge papers in many areas of economics, including econometrics, economic theory, macro, and applied economics.

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International Endodontic Journal

ISSN: 0143-2885eISSN: 1365-2591

The International Endodontic Journal is a leading international forum for publications in the field of Endodontology; the branch of dental sciences dealing with health, injuries to and diseases of the pulp and periradicular region, and their relationship with systemic well-being and health. The International Endodontic Journal is published monthly and strives to publish original articles of the highest quality to disseminate scientific and clinical knowledge; all manuscripts are subjected to peer review. Original scientific articles are published in the areas of biomedical science, applied materials science, bioengineering, epidemiology and social science relevant to endodontic disease and its management, and to the restoration of root-treated teeth. In addition, review articles, reports of clinical cases, book reviews, summaries and abstracts of scientific meetings and news items are accepted. The International Endodontic Journal is essential reading for general dental practitioners, specialist endodontists, research, scientists and dental teachers. Online Submission has been introduced

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International Finance

ISSN: 1367-0271eISSN: 1468-2362

International Finance publishes lucid, policy-relevant writing in macroeconomics and finance backed by rigorous theory and empirical analysis. In addition to the core double-refereed articles, the journal publishes non-refereed themed book reviews by invited authors, debate pairings on contemporary economic challenges featuring top scholars and commentary pieces by major policy figures.

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International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology

ISSN: 2042-6976eISSN: 2042-6984
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International Insolvency Review

ISSN: 1180-0518eISSN: 1099-1107

International Insolvency Review has a dual mission which is conveniently encapsulated in its title. Insolvency itself, as a subject of unquestioned - indeed, increasing - importance properly commands international interest as an area of study and critical comment. Practitioners and academics alike are aware of the global affinities that exist between the essential circumstances of insolvency, its functional aspects, and the impact of these elements upon the ways in which debtor-creditor relations are conducted. Solutions and innovations developed within one jurisdiction thus have immediate interest and relevance for those working elsewhere. The challenge is constantly experienced of finding appropriate ways of adapting new methods and processes into the different structures of other systems confronted by functionally similar problems. This Review exists in part to serve as a medium for the dissemination of information about recent or impending developments in insolvency law and practice which are likely to be of international interest or significance, and to serve as an archival source for the related documentation. The second connotation of our chosen title however is a direct reflection of the fact that many cases of insolvency actually contain an international - or cross-border - element, whether by virtue of the dispersal of creditors, or assets, between two or more different jurisdictions, or by virtue of the fact that the debtor's affairs and circumstances, or the legal structure of certain transactions, generate questions of a multi-jurisdictional character. In an age of increasing international activity at every level, instances of cross-border insolvency are also on the increase, and their specially complex problems are perforce coming to the attention of a steadily widening community of scholars and practitioners, and also legislators and regulators - indeed all who are in some way concerned with the phenomenon of insolvency and feel called to address its profound and abiding challenges in the most appropriate and resourceful ways currently conceivable. The cross-border aspects of insolvency therefore feature prominently in the pages of this Review. Our principal aims are therefore to provide authoritative information and comment about major issues and developments in the field of insolvency, viewed in an international perspective. The Review is a refereed journal, published thrice yearly, in which every item has been subjected to a rigorous evaluation by the Editor working in conjunction with the members of the Editorial Board. The Board consists of some twenty members, each of whom is a distinguished academic, judge or practitioner having an established international reputation in the field of insolvency, with particular emphasis on its cross-border and comparative dimensions. The contents of each Issue include scholarly articles providing an authoritative treatment of topics of current interest and concern to its international readership. Other features can include case comments, book reviews and notices, special communications and editorial intelligence regarding significant developments. English translations of important new legislation or conventions applicable to international insolvency are published in the Documentation section. Professor Ian F. Fletcher.

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International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering

ISSN: 2040-7939eISSN: 2040-7947

Please note that the journal's title from January 2010 onwards will be The International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. The new Aims and Scope is effective immediately. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering is an international journal which publishes both full length and short refereed papers describing significant developments in numerical methods and their application to biomedical engineering problems. Contributions are encouraged in all areas of biomedical engineering, such as patient-specific modelling, biofluid and biosolid mechanics, tissue engineering, cardiovascular and respiratory mechanics, tumour modelling, medical imaging and image processing, visualisation, meshing, numerical modelling of organs, drug delivery, surgical simulation, micro- and nano- mechanics, multiscale problems, human body electromagnetics, molecular biology, medical device design, health care models and numerical methods specially designed for biomedical problems. Authors are reminded that application of a standard numerical procedure to a standard problem is not within the scope of this journal. Manuscripts that present solutions to realistic and new biomedical problems using standard numerical procedures should provide evidence of mesh convergence.

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International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

ISSN: 0029-5981eISSN: 1097-0207

The International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering publishes refereed papers describing significant developments in numerical methods that are applicable to engineering problems in solids, fluids, structures, fluid-structure interaction, nanotechnology, and multi-physics, multi-disciplinary and multi-scale problems. The Editors also encourage contributions in the areas of model reduction, uncertainty quantification, and verification and validation. Numerical examples that illustrate the methods or their accuracy are encouraged. However, papers dealing strictly with applications of existing methods or dealing with areas of research which are not cutting edge, as deemed by the editors, will not be considered for review. The journal publishes full-length papers, which should normally be less than 25 journal pages in length. Discussions of papers already in print are also considered. Two part papers will be discouraged unless considered necessary by the Editors.

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International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

ISSN: 0271-2091eISSN: 1097-0363

The International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids publishes refereed papers describing significant developments in computational methods that are applicable and relevant to cutting edge scientific and engineering problems in fluid mechanics, fluid dynamics, micro and bio fluidics, and fluid-structure interaction. Numerical methods for solving ancillary equations, such as transport and advection and diffusion, are also relevant. The Editors encourage contributions in the areas of multi-physics, multi-disciplinary and multi-scale problems involving fluid subsystems, verification and validation, uncertainty quantification, and model reduction. Numerical examples that illustrate the described methods or their accuracy are in general expected. Discussions of papers already in print are also considered. Papers dealing strictly with applications of existing methods must clearly identify and demonstrate the novelty of the approach and, in addition, add to the body of knowledge of numerical methods in fluids. The journal publishes full-length papers, which should normally be less than 25 journal pages in length. Two-part papers are discouraged unless considered necessary by the Editors.

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International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics

ISSN: 0363-9061eISSN: 1096-9853

Geomechanics is an interdisciplinary field dealing with the mechanical behaviour of, and fluid flow and transport phenomena in geomaterials (soils, rocks, concrete, ice, snow, powders and ceramics), and their role in diverse applications in geological, geotechnical, structural, earthquake, environmental, mining, offshore and petroleum engineering. The journal emphasizes contributions to the understanding of the complex properties of geomaterials through experimental measurements, and the development or novel use of analytical or numerical techniques to solve problems in geomechanics. Topics of interest in material behavior include instabilities and localization, interface and surface phenomena, fracture and failure, coupled chemo-hygro-thermo-mechanical problems, and time-dependent phenomena. Specifically within the scope of the journal fall the modelling and simulation of heterogeneous materials at different scales, including micromechanics, and any issue that bears upon difficulties encountered in modelling materials where the microstructure becomes important for macroscopically observed mechanical and physical properties. The scope also covers the solution of inverse problems including back analysis of in situ or laboratory tests, and stochastic methods. The journal is particularly interested in contributions that demonstrate the application of theoretical geomechanics in the solution of engineering problems.

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International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

ISSN: 0890-6327eISSN: 1099-1115

The International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing is concerned with the design, synthesis and application of estimators or controllers where adaptive features are needed to cope with uncertainties. The theory and application of adaptive systems and system identification are areas of interest. Contributions that bring together the expertise of the Control and Signal Processing communities, and explore the links between Adaptive Signal Processing and Control are encouraged. The area concerned with the design of estimators for uncertain systems that may not be strictly adaptive also falls within the scope of the journal. Signal processing that may not include adaptation but where the techniques could find application in adaptive systems, is also covered. The field of control and signal processing applications is a strong focus. This includes problems in the implementation of algorithms for real time signal processing and control. The topics of stability, convergence and numerical aspects of the algorithms are considered of importance. The related aspects of software engineering, expert systems, intelligent control and filtering algorithms are also of interest. Principal areas to be addressed include:

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International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology

ISSN: 1546-542XeISSN: 1744-7402

The International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology publishes cutting edge applied research and development work focused on commercialization of engineered ceramics, products and processes. The publication also explores the barriers to commercialization, design and testing, environmental health issues, international standardization activities, databases, and cost models. Designed to get high quality information to end-users quickly, the peer process is led by an editorial board of experts from industry, government, and universities. Each issue focuses on a high-interest, high-impact topic plus includes a range of papers detailing applications of ceramics. Papers on all aspects of applied ceramics are welcome including those in the following areas:.

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International Journal of Applied Glass Science

ISSN: 2041-1286eISSN: 2041-1294
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