Awareness of gender as a central feature of all aspects of everyday life and society has become more and more widespread. Appropriately social sciences research is reflecting this increasing concern with gender, especially in the field of work and organization where this journal is focused. Gender, Work & Organization is the first journal to bring together a wide range of interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research in this field into a new international forum for debate and analysis. Contributions are invited from all disciplinary perspectives including anthropology, history, labour economics, law, philosophy, politics, psychology, and sociology.
Genes to Cells provides an international forum for the publication of papers describing important aspects of molecular and cellular biology. The journal aims to present papers that provide conceptual advance in the relevant field. Particular emphasis will be placed on work aimed at understanding the basic mechanisms underlying biological events.
Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer will offer rapid publication of original full-length research articles , perspectives , reviews , letters to the editors , as well as editorial commentaries on genetic analysis as related to the study of neoplasia. Particular emphasis will be placed on work combining molecular and cytogenetic analyses of the genomic alterations of cancer cells. While preference will be given to research using analytical approaches, descriptive studies and case reports will also be welcomed, particularly when they offer insights regarding basic biologic mechanisms or the clinical management of neoplastic disorders. Specific areas covered will include:
Genetic Epidemiology is a peer-reviewed journal for discussion of research on the genetic causes of the distribution of human traits in families and populations. Emphasis is placed on the relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors to human disease as revealed by genetic, epidemiological, and biologic investigations. Incorporation of underlying biology and population genetics into conceptual models is favored. The Journal seeks original articles comprising either applied research or innovative statistical, computational, or genomic methodologies that advance studies in genetic epidemiology. Other types of reports are encouraged, such as letters to the editor, topic reviews, and perspectives from other fields of research that will likely enrich the field of genetic epidemiology.
Geoarchaeology is an interdisciplinary journal published six times per year (in January, March, May, July, September and November). It presents the results of original research at the methodological and theoretical interface between archaeology and the geosciences and includes within its scope: interdisciplinary work focusing on understanding archaeological sites, their environmental context, and particularly site formation processes and how the analysis of sedimentary records can enhance our understanding of human activity in Quaternary environments. Manuscripts should examine the interrelationship between archaeology and the various disciplines within Quaternary science and the Earth Sciences more generally, including, for example: geology, geography, geomorphology, pedology, climatology, oceanography, geochemistry, geochronology, and geophysics. We also welcome papers that deal with the biological record of past human activity through the analysis of faunal and botanical remains and palaeoecological reconstructions that shed light on past human-environment interactions. The journal also welcomes manuscripts concerning the examination and geological context of human fossil remains as well as papers that employ analytical techniques to advance understanding of the composition and origin or material culture such as, for example, ceramics, metals, lithics, building stones, plasters, and cements.
The field of geobiology explores the relationship between life and the Earth's physical and chemical environment. Geobiology, launched in 2003, aims to provide a natural home for geobiological research, allowing the cross-fertilization of critical ideas, and promoting cooperation and advancement in this emerging field. We also aim to provide you with a forum for the rapid publication of your results in an international journal of high standing. We are particularly interested in papers crossing disciplines and containing both geological and biological elements.Geobiology invites submission of high-quality articles in the following areas:Origins and evolution of lifeEvolution of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphereThe sedimentary rock record and geobiology of critical intervalsPaleobiology and evolutionary ecologyEnvironmental microbiologyBiogeochemistry and global elemental cyclesMicrobe-mineral interactionsBiomarkersMolecular ecology and phylogeneticsGeobiology offers as standard practice double-blind reviewing, in which both authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other. This feature, while new to this area of science, is usual in other rapidly progressing and highly competitive disciplines. We supply this service to ensure the highest quality publication procedures, whereby all submitted manuscripts receive equal treatment and all criticism is truly free and fair.
Geographical Research is the international journal of the Institute of Australian Geographers, the national body representing academic and professional geographers in Australia. The primary objective of Geographical Research is to advance geographical research across the discipline and especially to encourage research at the human-physical geography interface. The journal also supports the Institute's Study Groups in Cultural Geography, Economic Geography, Environmental Sustainability, Geographical Information Systems, Indigenous Issues, Physical Geography and Rural Geography. Short papers from practising (professional) geographers, and in geographical education, are particularly welcome. Through the Institute and our publisher, Wiley-Blackwell, Geographical Research has reciprocal subscription links with Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. Geographical Research is published in February, May, August and November each year.
In recent years there has been a growth of specialist journals within geological sciences. Nevertheless, there is an important role for a journal of an interdisciplinary kind. Traditionally, GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL has been such a journal and continues in its aim of promoting interest in all branches of the Geological Sciences, through publication of original research papers and review articles. The journal publishes Special Issues with a common theme or regional coverage e.g. Chinese Dinosaurs; Tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean, Triassic basins of the Central and North Atlantic Borderlands). These are extensively cited. The Journal has a particular interest in publishing papers on regional case studies from any global locality which have conclusions of general interest. Such papers may emphasize aspects across the full spectrum of geological sciences. Sedimentology and Geomorphology - facies analysis, regional sedimentary environments, basin analysis, process of sedimentation, general palaeogeographic reconstruction, diagenesis. [facies analysis, sequence stratigraphy, basin analysis, palaeography, diagenesis, especially in petroleum geology.] Palaeontology - macroevolution, extinctions, biostratigraphy, palaeoecology, functional morphology, biogeography, evolution, taphonomony, ichnology. Quaternary Geology and Environmental Change - recent climate and sea-level change, Quaternary fossils, glaciations. Tectonics and Structural Geology - including structural geology, strain analysis, fabrics, global tectonics, experimental deformation, Neotectonics, geophysics. Geochemistry and Geochronology - stable and unstable isotope studies, major and trace element studies, genetic geochemical modelling, fluid - rock interaction, applied geochemistry. Metamorphic Geology - regional studies, determination of T/P , fluid composition, crystallization paths, history of burial and uplift of large metamorphic areas. Volcanic and Igneous Geology - regional studies of igneous provinces, magma genesis, magma composition, magmatic product, igneous centres, petrological studies.
Geophysical Prospecting publishes the best in primary research on the science of geophysics as it applies to the exploration, evaluation and extraction of earth resources. Drawing heavily on contributions from researchers in the oil and mineral exploration industries, the journal has a very practical slant. Although the journal provides a valuable forum for communication among workers in these fields, it is also ideally suited to researchers in academic geophysics.
Geostandards & Geoanalytical Research is an international journal dedicated to advancing the science of reference materials, analytical techniques and data quality relevant to the chemical analysis of geological and environmental samples. Papers are accepted for publication following peer review.
German Economic Review (GER) publishes original research of general interest in a broad range of economic discplines, including macro- and microeconomics, public economics, business administration and finance. Authors are invited to submit papers devoted to policy analysis as well as theoretical and empirical papers. All submissions are refereed. The journal's internationally composed board of editors is committed to maintaining a high standard of quality. As the official journal of the Verein fur Socialpolitik (German Economic Association), German Economic Review is provided to all the members of the association. At the same time, the journal aims at a wider international audience and invites participation and subscriptions from economists around the world. GER is published four times a year, in English, and is available online.
* German Life and Letters was founded in 1936 by the distinguished British Germanist L.A. Willoughby and the publisher Basil Blackwell. In its first number the journal described its aim as 'engagement with German culture in its widest aspects: its history, literature, religion, music, art; with German life in general'. German LIfe and Letters has continued over the decades to observe its founding principles of providing an international and interdisciplinary forum for scholarly analysis of German culture past and present.
The ultimate aim of Gerodontology is to improve the quality of life and oral health of older people. The boundaries of most conventional dental specialties must be repeatedly crossed to provide optimal dental care for older people. In addition, management of other health problems impacts on dental care and clinicians need knowledge in these numerous overlapping areas. Bringing together these diverse topics within one journal serves clinicians who are seeking to read and to publish papers across a broad spectrum of specialties. This journal provides the juxtaposition of papers from traditional specialties but which share this patient-centred interest, providing a synergy that serves progress in the subject of gerodontology. Other areas of interest covered by Gerodontology include commissioning reviews of key issues from experts in the field, reporting on policy developments in the care of the older adult, invited papers from international symposia, education and debate, evidence-based dentistry to inform best practice and clinical papers with color illustrations, as well as maintaining existing strengths in high quality research.
GLIA is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes articles dealing with all aspects of glial structure and function. This includes anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, and pathology of glial cells.
Global Change Biology exists to promote understanding of the interface between all aspects of current environmental change and biological systems, including rising tropospheric O3 and CO2 concentrations, climate change, loss of biodiversity, and eutrophication. Both biological responses and feedbacks to change are included, and may be considered at any level of organization from molecular to biome. Studies which integrate across levels of organization to provide a mechanistic understanding are particularly encouraged. Studies may be experimental, observational or theoretical, and may concern aquatic or terrestrial and managed or natural environments. GCB concentrates on primary research articles, but operates a flexible policy regarding other submissions, which include Technical Papers, Mini-Reviews and Opinion Articles. Global Change Biology defines global change as any consistent trend in the environment - past, present or projected - that affects a substantial part of the globe. Examples include:
Global Ecology and Biogeography focuses on the emerging field of macroecology: the study of broad, consistent patterns in the ecological characteristics of organisms and ecosystems. The journal emphasizes studies that address general ecological hypotheses, explored and tested using data of broad geographic, taxonomic, or temporal scope. A variety of approaches are represented: empirical studies documenting ecological and biogeographic patterns, theoretical studies that explore the causes of those patterns, applied studies of impacts of anthropogenic influences, as well as methodological studies of the tools used to study these problems. Recent work published in Global Ecology and Biogeography has included topics such as broad-scale patterns of biodiversity, ecosystem responses to global climate change, historical and evolutionary biogeography, remote sensing of ecosystem properties, species abundance and species range patterns, and statistical methodologies. The journal was established in 1991 and is published in 6 issues a year. Global Ecology and Biogeography is published as part of a single subscription package with its sister journals Journal of Biogeography, and Diversity and Distributions. Together these journals provide comprehensive coverage of the fields of biogeography, ecology and biodiversity. The editors may decide to transfer material between the journals where this is deemed most suitable. All papers submitted to the journals are subject to peer review.