Transition Studies Network was founded in 2002 as CEEUN-Central Eastern European
University Cooperation, with the aim to connect a group of experts and university faculty
in a program of cooperation devoted to research programs and specialized international
postgraduate and doctoral courses. The Network has grown fast and soon after the scientific
“voice” had been established with the Journal Transition Studies Review, published by Spring
Wien-New York. At the beginning, it was focusing on transition in Central and Southeast
Europe, interpreting CEEUN purely as European network. Soon later, the EU enlargement
of the aims and scope to Russia, Ukraine, Caucasus, the Black Sea and Mediterranean
regions was achieved. From 2005, a worldwide regional approach looking to Asia,
Latin America, Eurasia and Great Middle East has been implemented. To the previous
CEEUN, TSN-Transition Studies Network had been taking the heritage and the “aims and
scope” were recently better integrated.Transition Studies Network has progressively involved in the last ten years more than 400
internationally well known members and 95 university departments, institutes and research
centres and is engaged in many areas and programs. The scientifi c interests and fi elds are
covering: Europe and the World, future approach to EU enlargement, the global governance
economic, fi nancial and policy framework and impact, where it focuses especially on growth
theories, innovation and human capital, main advanced industrial sectors technologies,
investments, international affairs, foreign policy choices and security, monetary policy and
main currency areas, banking and insurance, development and area studies, social policies,
environment and climate, culture and society, juridical and law studies, regional approach to
global governance, peculiarities and critical challenges.The future, transition to open economy and institutional reforms, political and strategic issues
and challenges, governance, European, Mediterranean, Asia-Pacifi c, Middle Eastern, Latin
America and Africa perspectives are key topics of this highranking journal. The Transatlantic
and Asia-Pacifi c relations, security and international order represent, together with applied
regional studies, another cornerstone of the Network’s activity and of Transition Studies
Review’s contents, where two other Journals will dedicated: the Journal of Global Policy and
Governance, based in Shanghai and in Rome: the International Journal of Euro Mediterranean
Studies based in Portorož, Slovenia. The Network is deeply committed to a wide range of transition
issues related to quantitative modeling and tools to analyzing and researching economic,
fi nancial, strategic studies, social, cultural, environmental, juridical main issues.
Trauma und Berufskrankheit bietet aktuelle Fortbildung aus den Bereichen Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, Berufserkrankungen, Arbeitsmedizin sowie Begutachtung. Die interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift richtet sich an Unfallchirurgen, Chirurgen und Orthopäden in Fachpraxen, Unfall- und Rehakliniken, Mitarbeiter der Berufsgenossenschaften und Arbeitsmediziner. Umfassende Übersichtsarbeiten greifen ausgewählte Themen auf und bieten dem Leser eine Zusammenstellung aktueller Erkenntnisse. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei gesichertes Wissen zu Diagnostik und Therapie mit hoher Relevanz für die tägliche Arbeit - der Leser erhält konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen. Standards in der Unfallchirurgie werden für den Leser praxisnah zusammengefasst. Frei eingereichte Originalien ermöglichen die Präsentation wichtiger klinischer Studien und dienen dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch. , .
Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences aims to promote rapid communication and exchange between the world and Wuhan University, as well as other Chinese universities and academic institutions. It mainly reflects the latest advances being made in many disciplines of scientific research in Chinese universities and academic institutions. The journal also publishes papers presented at conferences in China and abroad. The multi-disciplinary nature of Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences is apparent in the wide range of articles from leading Chinese scholars. This journal also aims to introduce Chinese academic achievements to the world community, by demonstrating the significance of Chinese scientific investigations.The featured topics include the various aspects of life science, material science, and computer science.