sustainable chemistry, sustainable engineering, green chemistry
Systems and Synthetic Biology is a new biomedical journal publishing original papers and articles on all aspects of Systems and Synthetic Biology.Systems Biology is an integrated approach to study collective behaviour of biological interactions. The grand challenge in Systems Biology is to connect molecular topography with physiological responses. Systems Biology field will realize its fullest potential once individual contributions are tied to variations in the system level behavior. The emerging field of synthetic biology combines knowledge from various disciplines including molecular biology, engineering, mathematics, and physics to design and implement new cellular behaviors. The goal of synthetic biology is both to improve our quantitative understanding of natural phenomenon as well as to foster an engineering discipline for obtaining new complex cell behaviors in a predictable and reliable fashion. Systems and Synthetic Biology will publish research articles that either advance this field as an engineering discipline or use synthetic biology to improve our scientific knowledge of existing phenomena. Publication criteriaSystems Biology* Experimental and computational studies that associate collective behavior of molecules with higher order behavior of metabolic, signaling systems and gene regulatory networks.* Experimental and computational studies that associate pathway and network contacts with behavior of organelles, cells, tissues, physiological systems and organisms.* Pathway ontology, systems and synthetic biology tools, molecular interaction databases and model databases* New experimental and mathematical methods important to systems biology.note: computational models that lead to the experimentally validated discovery of novel biological phenomenon will receive highest priority and will be treated as accelerated publicationsSynthetic Biol, ogy* Design and fabrication of unnatural biological components and systems.* Novel design of natural and synthetic parts for a designed function.* Experimental and Computational tools and techniques used in synthetic biology.Exclusion CriteriaExperimental and computational studies that describe:Sequence analysis and structure prediction.Data mining, alignment and molecular ontology.Protein structural analysis.Genome analysis and tools.Molecular and genome annotation.Sequence databases.Population dynamics and mathematical biology.Natural properties of genes and proteins.Atomic interactions in proteins & protein folding.