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Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
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Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
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Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
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Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
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Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
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Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
Probus is a platform for the discussion of historical and synchronic research in the field of Latin and Romance linguistics, with special emphasis on phonology, morphology, syntax, language acquisition and sociolinguistics. The journal aims to keep its readers abreast of the developments in Romance linguistics by encouraging problem-oriented contributions that combine the solid empirical foundations of philological and linguistic work with the insights provided by modern theoretical approaches.Since its foundation in January 1989, Probus has proven to be a useful medium for the exchange of ideas, explanations, and solutions aiming at a better understanding of the structures of Romance languages.Probus is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal of international scope.
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Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
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Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
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Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
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Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY licence to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY licence to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY licence to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY licence to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
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Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
For more information, go to http://journals.elsevier.de/pubhef
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Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
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Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
The objectives of the Journal are:* to publish papers based upon authoritative lectures presented at IUPAC sponsored conferences, symposia and workshops.* to publish papers or collections of papers by invitation, as special topic features.* to publish IUPAC Recommendations on nomenclature, symbols and units.* to publish IUPAC Technical Reports on standardization, recommended procedures, collaborative studies, data compilations, etc.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY licence to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY licence to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY licence to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY licence to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ license to ensure compliance.
Select the open access publishing option with a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Go ahead and submit. Remember to select a CC BY license to ensure compliance.
Following acceptance, please deposit your author accepted manuscript in a repository without embargo.
Your funder’s grant conditions set out how you can retain sufficient rights to self-archive the Author Accepted Manuscript in any OA repository. Publishing fees do not apply with this route.