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International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material

ISSN: 0034-5806eISSN: 1865-8431

Restaurator is the only international periodical specializing exclusively in the conservation of library and archive materials. Articles examine the many important aspects of this subject area, such as technology, practical experience and organization. They also focus on scientific basics: Many articles deal with the development of new preservation techniques and the improvement and better understanding of established methods. The articles are written in English with summaries in English, French and German.By reading Restaurator regularly, librarians, archivists and restorers can keep up to date with the latest research and developments. The editorial committee is made up of experts from well-known institutions and organizations from all over the world.

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International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health

ISSN: 0334-0139eISSN: 2191-0278
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International Journal of Applied Computer Science Methods

eISSN: 1689-9636
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International Journal of Area Studies

eISSN: 2029-2074
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International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering

ISSN: 1542-6580
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International Journal of Digital Law and Governance

ISSN: 2941-2552

International Journal of Digital Law and Governance (IJDLG) is a fully peer-reviewed forum for theoretical and applied research in digital law and governance. The journal is international in scope, aiming to cover topics relating to digital law and governance throughout the world. Of particular interest is the interface between law and the following digital topics (but not limited to): cybercrime, cyber bullying, online harassment, online rumor and misinformation, information and data protection, virtual assets, digital governance, hacking, artificial intelligence, and technology and ethics. The journal analyzes the foregoing digital issues from a multidisciplinary perspective, drawing upon insights, concepts and theories from law, management, computer science, communication, economics, political science, and information science. The journal will be of interest to legal scholars, legal practitioners, government officials, data scientists, and digital engineer.

International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications

eISSN: 2300-1933
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International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems

eISSN: 1553-779X
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International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge

eISSN: 2336-2960
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International Journal of Food Engineering

eISSN: 1556-3758
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International Journal of Legal Discourse

ISSN: 2364-8821eISSN: 2364-883X
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International Journal of Libraries and Information Services

ISSN: 0024-2667eISSN: 1865-8423

Libri, International Journal of Libraries and Information Services, investigates the functions of libraries and information services from both a historical and present-day perspective and analyses the role of information in cultural, organizational, national and international developments. The periodical reports on current trends in librarianship worldwide and describes the transformation of libraries and information services resulting from the introduction of new information technologies and working methods. Background information and the latest research findings in librarianship and information science are made accessible to experts and a broader public.

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International Journal of Materials Research

eISSN: 2195-8556
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International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

ISSN: 2092-6782eISSN: 2092-6790
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International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation

ISSN: 1565-1339eISSN: 2191-0294

The work of publishing houses like Freund Publishing house ltd, an Israel publishing house, is quite complicated. The editor chooses from the "manuscripts" submitted to the publishing house, previously published works, works published in other languages, or command works, works that fit the editorial line of its collections. After any corrections, it shall communicate the text to a printer in suitable technical characteristics of the book and the number of copies to print.The editor takes the bulk of the financial risks of publishing. The profits go mainly to the broadcaster and distributor of books, which are responsible, to canvass the booksellers and take their orders as well as routing the books to bookstores, to fill orders taken. These operations cost the publisher between 50 and 60% of turnover generated by the book. The rest of sales goes to the author (about 10% share of this figure much lower, around 6% for comic books, and can reach 20% or more for best sellers) and the publisher, who can pay, in addition to its employees (editorial assistants, press officers, charged with manufacture, designer, etc..), the entire work of the book (printers, proofreaders, freelance photographers, possibly librarians, etc.. ). The publisher who coordinates the course of the "book chain" and, often, which also establishes the financial plan incorporating the expected costs and expected gains, as in any business.

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International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship

eISSN: 1548-923X
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International Journal of Pavement Engineering and Asphalt Technology

eISSN: 2051-8234
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International Journal of Practical Theology

ISSN: 1430-6921eISSN: 1612-9768
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International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines

ISSN: 0334-0082eISSN: 2191-0332

The editor takes the bulk of the financial risks of publishing. The profits go mainly to the broadcaster and distributor of books, which are responsible, to canvass the booksellers and take their orders as well as routing the books to bookstores, to fill orders taken. These operations cost the publisher between 50 and 60% of turnover generated by the book. The rest of sales goes to the author (about 10% share of this figure much lower, around 6% for comic books, and can reach 20% or more for best sellers) and the publisher, who can pay, in addition to its employees (editorial assistants, press officers, charged with manufacture, designer, etc..), the entire work of the book (printers, proofreaders, freelance photographers, possibly librarians, etc.. ). The publisher who coordinates the course of the "book chain" and, often, which also establishes the financial plan incorporating the expected costs and expected gains, as in any business.

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International Journal of the Sociology of Language

ISSN: 0165-2516eISSN: 1613-3668
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