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Applied Geochemistry

ISSN: 0883-2927eISSN: 1872-9134

Applied Geochemistry is an international journal devoted to publication of original research papers, rapid research communications and selected review papers in geochemistry and urban geochemistry which have some practical application to an aspect of human endeavour, such as the preservation of the environment, health, waste disposal and the search for resources. Papers on applications of inorganic, organic and isotope geochemistry and geochemical processes are therefore welcome provided they meet the main criterion. Spatial and temporal monitoring case studies are only of interest to our international readership if they present new ideas of broad application.Topics covered include: (1) Environmental geochemistry (including natural and anthropogenic aspects, and protection and remediation strategies); (2) Hydrogeochemistry (surface and groundwater); (3) Medical (urban) geochemistry; (4) The search for energy resources (in particular unconventional oil and gas or emerging metal resources); (5) Energy exploitation (in particular geothermal energy and CCS); (6) Upgrading of energy and mineral resources where there is a direct geochemical application; and (7) Waste disposal, including nuclear waste disposal.More information about the International Association of GeoChemistry can be found at the society website:

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Applied Geography

ISSN: 0143-6228eISSN: 1873-7730

Applied Geography is a journal devoted to the publication of research which utilizes geographic approaches (human, physical, nature-society and GIScience) to resolve human problems that have a spatial dimension. These problems may be related to the assessment, management and allocation of the world's physical and/or human resources. The underlying rationale of the journal is that only through a clear understanding of the relevant societal, physical, and coupled natural-humans systems can we resolve such problems.Papers are invited on any theme involving the application of geographical theory and methodology in the resolution of human problems.This may include papers on the techniques, problems and results of environmental and/or social research, as well as those concerned with the principles, policies and consequences of resource management and allocation. Articles are refereed before publication.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Applied Materials Today

ISSN: 2352-9407eISSN: 2352-9415

Applied Materials Today is a multi-disciplinary, rapid-publication journal focused on cutting edge applications of novel materials.

New materials discoveries have led to exciting fundamental breakthroughs. Materials research is now moving towards the translation of these scientific properties and principles to applied technologies. Applied Materials Today covers all aspects of materials application, spanning chemistry, physics, engineering, and biology: publishing articles on novel electronic, optical, mechanical, and energy devices, as well as medicine, the environment and the impact on society.

Applied Materials Today offers authors rigorous peer review, rapid decisions, and high visibility. The editors welcome comprehensive articles and short communications on topics including:

  • Two dimensional materials
  • Materials for energy
  • Functional materials
  • Materials synthesis
  • Nanomaterials and nanotechnology
  • Biomaterials
  • Ramifications on society
  • Health and environmental impact
  • Research commercialization
  • Fundamental principles with a view to specific applications
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Applied Mathematical Modelling

ISSN: 1872-8480

Applied Mathematical Modelling is a monthly publication focusing on research related to the mathematical modelling of engineering and environmental processes, manufacturing, and industrial systems. A significant emerging area of research activity involves multiphysics processes, and contributions in this area are particularly encouraged.This influential publication covers a wide spectrum of subjects including heat transfer, fluid mechanics, CFD, and transport phenomena; solid mechanics and mechanics of metals; electromagnets and MHD; reliability modelling and system optimization; finite volume, finite element, and boundary element procedures; modelling of inventory, industrial, manufacturing and logistics systems for viable decision making; civil engineering systems and structures; mineral and energy resources; relevant software engineering issues associated with CAD and CAE; and materials and metallurgical engineering.Also please visit Applied Mathematical Modelling’s Electronic service at: to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Applied Mathematics Letters

ISSN: 0893-9659

The purpose of Applied Mathematics Letters is to provide a means of rapid publication of research announcements and important but brief applied mathematical papers. Potential contributions include any work involving a novel application or utilization of mathematics, or a development in the methodology of applied mathematics. The journal considers all areas of mathematics as appropriate from number theory to Lie algebras and differential games. All application areas are welcome as well, be it computer science, physics, anthropology, fluid dynamics or any other of the main fields of endeavor where mathematics is used in nontrivial ways.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Applied Mathematics and Computation

ISSN: 0096-3003eISSN: 1873-5649

Applied Mathematics and Computation addresses work at the interface between applied mathematics, numerical computation, and applications of systems – oriented ideas to the physical, biological, social, and behavioral sciences, and emphasizes papers of a computational nature focusing on new algorithms, their analysis and numerical results.In addition to presenting research papers, Applied Mathematics and Computation publishes review articles and single–topics issues.Please also visit the Electronic Service of Applied Mathematics and Computation at to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Applied Numerical Mathematics

ISSN: 0168-9274

The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for the publication of high quality research and tutorial papers in computational mathematics. In addition to the traditional issues and problems in numerical analysis, the journal also publishes papers describing relevant applications in such fields as physics, fluid dynamics, engineering and other branches of applied science with a computational mathematics component. The journal strives to be flexible in the type of papers it publishes and their format. Equally desirable are:(i) Full papers, which should be complete and relatively self-contained original contributions with an introduction that can be understood by the broad computational mathematics community. Both rigorous and heuristic styles are acceptable. Of particular interest are papers about new areas of research, in which other than strictly mathematical arguments may be important in establishing a basis for further developments.(ii) Tutorial review papers, covering some of the important issues in Numerical Mathematics, Scientific Computing and their Applications. The journal will occasionally publish contributions which are larger than the usual format for regular papers.(iii) Short notes, which present specific new results and techniques in a brief communication.The journal strives to provide authors with a refereed outlet for their work which is subject to the least possible publication delay.

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Applied Nursing Research

ISSN: 0897-1897eISSN: 1532-8201

Applied Nursing Research presents original, peer-reviewed research findings clearly and directly for clinical applications in all nursing specialties. Regular features include "Ask the Experts," research briefs, clinical methods, book reviews, news and announcements, and an editorial section. Applied Nursing Research covers such areas as pain management, patient education, discharge planning, nursing diagnosis, job stress in nursing, nursing influence on length of hospital stay, and nurse/physician collaboration. The Journal is listed in PubMed/MEDLINE, CINAHL and the Journal Citation Reports published by Thomson Reuters.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Applied Ocean Research

ISSN: 0141-1187eISSN: 1879-1549

The aim of Applied Ocean Research is to encourage the submission of papers that advance the state of knowledge in a range of topics relevant to ocean engineering. These topics include:* Wave mechanics* Fluid-structure interaction* Structural dynamics* Hydrodynamics* Floating and moored system dynamics* Structural mechanics* Sea bed geophysics, soil mechanics and sedimentology* Cable and riser mechanics and vortex-induced vibration* Stochastic processes* Safety and risk analysis* Structural integrity and fatigue* Safety and reliability* Design of offshore structures* Submarine pipeline design* Ocean towing and installation* Hydroelasticity* Subsea engineering* Control and application of remotely-operated vehicles and subsea intervention* Ocean energy systemsIt is important that all papers, particularly the very theoretical ones, should stress the practical importance and applicability of their contents. Purely theoretical papers with no application are discouraged.Related Conferences:Related conferences are listed under 'Related publications'.

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Applied Radiation and Isotopes

ISSN: 0969-8043eISSN: 1872-9800

A journal of nuclear and radiation techniques and their applications in the physical, chemical, biological, medical, earth, planetary, environmental, security and engineering science. Applied Radiation and Isotopes provides a high quality medium for the publication of substantial, original and scientific and technological papers on the development and applications of nuclear, radiation and radionuclide techniques in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, biology, medicine, security, engineering and in the earth, planetary and environmental sciences. Nuclear techniques are defined in the broadest sense and both experimental and theoretical papers are welcome. They include the development and use of a- and ß-particles, X-rays and ?-rays, neutrons and other nuclear particles and radiations from all sources, including radionuclides, synchrotron sources, cyclotrons and reactors and from the natural environment. Nuclear magnetic resonance and electron spin resonance are important technologies within the scope of Applied Radiation and Isotopes. The journal aims to publish papers with significance to an international audience, containing substantial novelty and scientific impact. The Editors reserve the rights to reject, with or without external review, papers that do not meet these criteria. Papers dealing with radiation processing, or the biological, chemical or physical effects of radiation are not appropriate for publication in Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Manuscripts dealing with radiation processing, or the chemical or physical effects of radiation should be directed to our sister journal Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Manuscripts describing the results of measurements of radioactive or other substances in any medium that have been obtained using well-established analytical methods will not be accepted unless they also describe substantial innovations or improvements in the analytical methodology.

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Applied Soft Computing

ISSN: 1568-4946eISSN: 1872-9681

Applied Soft Computing is an international journal promoting an integrated view of soft computing to solve real life problems. Soft computing is a collection of methodologies, which aim to exploit tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth to achieve tractability, robustness and low solution cost. The focus is to publish the highest quality research in application and convergence of the areas of Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computing, Rough Sets and other similar techniques to address real world complexities.Applied Soft Computing is a rolling publication: articles are published as soon as the editor-in-chief has accepted them. Therefore, the web site will continuously be updated with new articles and the publication time will be short.Major Topics:The scope of this journal covers the following soft computing and related techniques, interactions between several soft computing techniques, and their industrial applications:• Ant Colony• Chaos Theory• Evolutionary Computing• Fuzzy Computing• Hybrid Methods• Immunological Computing• Morphic Computing• Neuro Computing• Particle Swarm• Probabilistic Computing• Rough Sets• WaveletThe application areas of interest include but are not limited to:• Agricultural Machinery and Produce• Autonomous Reasoning• Bio-inspired Systems• Biomedical Engineering• Condition Monitoring• Consumer Electronics• Data Mining• Data Visualisation• Decision Support • Engineering Design Optimisation• Fault Diagnosis• Human-Machine Interface• Industrial Electronics• Intelligent Agents• Intelligent Information Retrieval• Internet Tools• Manufacturing Systems• Motion Control and Power Electronics• Multi-objective Optimisation• Nano and Micro-systems• Power and Energy• Process and System Control• Process Optimisation• Reactive Distributed AI• Robotics• Signal or Image Processing• System Identification and Modelling • Systems Integration• Telecommunications• Time Series Prediction• Virtual Reality• Vision or Pattern Recognition

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Applied Soil Ecology

ISSN: 0929-1393

Applied Soil Ecology addresses the role of soil organisms and their interactions in relation to: agricultural productivity, nutrient cycling and other soil processes, the maintenance of soil structure and fertility, the impact of human activities and xenobiotics on soil ecosystems and bio(techno)logical control of soil-inhabiting pests, diseases and weeds.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.comFor more information/suggestions/comments please contact

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Applied Superconductivity

ISSN: 0964-1807

Applied Surface Science

ISSN: 0169-4332eISSN: 1873-5584

Applied Surface Science covers topics contributing to a better understanding of applications of surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures. The journal is concerned with scientific research on the atomic and molecular level of material properties, determined with multiple surface analytical techniques, as well as the processing and application of such structures.Processes include deposition and growth, oxidation and nitridation, surface and interface reactions, in general, as well as their modification by directed energy deposition (lasers, ion or electron beams) or other techniques such as plasmas.Important subject areas include optical, electronic, (opto)-electronic, magnetic materials, bio-compatible materials, complex material applications, and thermal, electrical, chemical, physical and mechanical processes at well-defined surfaces and interfaces, e.g., the processes occurring in catalysis, corrosion and wear, are welcome to Applied Surface Science. However, papers with purely catalysis, corrosion and/or electrochemistry focus, or papers devoted fully to devices are considered to be more suitable for a topical journal where they find a more dedicated audience.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Applied Surface Science Advances

eISSN: 2666-5239
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Applied Thermal Engineering

ISSN: 1359-4311eISSN: 1873-5606

Applied Thermal Engineering publishes original, high-quality research papers and ancillary features, spanning activities ranging from fundamental research to trouble-shooting in existing plant and equipment.Component and system design covers energy use both in the process and power industries, and in buildings, including passive thermal design techniques. For the former, the design problems associated with the integration of components into overall plant are also covered. Additionally, the reduction of water use and pollution prevention are of interest.The journal features aspects of the thermal engineering of advanced processes, including process integration, intensification and development, together with the application of thermal equipment in process plants. The optimisation of processes to maximise performance is also included.A wide range of equipment is relevant to Applied Thermal Engineering, such as heat exchangers (compact and advanced designs), heat pumps and refrigeration plant, heat pipes, combined heat and power and advanced cycles, polygeneration, heat transfer enhancement as applied to the above, and other unit operations involving thermal engineering procedures, including those related to renewable sources.The application of thermal engineering is becoming critical in specific areas such as aerospace, electronics thermal management and medicine, as well as equipment used by the armed forces. Papers on such challenging applications are often a springboard for technology transfer to other areas, and are encouraged. Short communications in the form of 'Case Studies' will be considered.A theme running through many papers will be energy. Energy conservation, including heat recovery, the rational use of energy and renewable energy technologies are inevitable features of thermal engineering across all applications. As we see an increasing interest in the use of, for example, renewable energy including solar energy in the process industries, the integration of renewable energy and 'conventional' processes is a topic of relevance. Improved efficiency and alternative equipment for reducing emissions is an increasingly important aspect of all energy use.Economics plays a necessary role in the assessment of many thermal engineering projects. Submissions devoted to or considering the financial implications of equipment designs are welcome. Information on the different economic criteria applying in particular regions of the world is relevant.Review articles on appropriate topics are encouraged. Before submitting such a paper, please contact one of the Regional Editors, or the Editor-in-Chief, with an outline of your proposed paper and your expertise in the area of your review.Additional features include:• Special issues devoted to emerging topics and new developments in the field• Book reviews• Policy and legislation reports related to the topics of Applied Thermal Engineering.The Editors welcome letters on topics that readers feel are of interest to a wider audience.Applied Thermal Engineering provides essential reference material and critical design feedback, with emphasis on thermal technologies as applied across a wide range of fields.All submissions will be subject to peer review from leading experts in the field.

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Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis

ISSN: 1063-5203eISSN: 1096-603X

Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ACHA) is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes high-quality papers in all areas of mathematical sciences related to the applied and computational aspects of harmonic analysis, with special emphasis on innovative theoretical development, methods, and algorithms, for information processing, manipulation, understanding, and so forth. The objectives of the journal are to chronicle the important publications in the rapidly growing field of data representation and analysis, to stimulate research in relevant interdisciplinary areas, and to provide a common link among mathematical, physical, and life scientists, as well as engineers. Applied and computational harmonic analysis covers, in the broadest sense, topics that include but not limited to:I Signal and Function Representations• continuous and discrete wavelet transform• wavelet frames• wavelet algorithms•local time-frequency and time-scale basis functions• multi-scale and multi-level methods• refinable functionsII Representation of Abstract and High-dimensional Objects• diffusion wavelets and geometry• harmonic analysis on graphs and trees• sparse data representation• compressive sampling• compressed sensing• matrix completion• random matrices and projections• data dimensionality reduction• high-dimensional integrationIII Application Areas• data compression• signal and image processing• learning theory and algorithms• computer-aided geometric design• extra large data analysis and understanding• data recovery and image inpainting• data mining• hyperspectral imaging• novel sensors and systems

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Applied and Preventive Psychology

ISSN: 0962-1849
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Applied and Translational Genomics

eISSN: 2212-0661

Applied & Translational Genomics is a new open access biomedical journal providing a forum for publication and discussion of cutting edge research and new developments in applied and translational genomics, including information technologies that enable both advances in the field as well as the application of advances to clinical care and educational, ethical, economic, public health, citizen and policy issues pertinent to research advances. As such the Applied & Translational Genomics is a uniquely interdisciplinary journal. Further, it aims to publish new approaches to 'translational genomics', such as studies designed to probe the elasticity and dynamism of molecular processes. The Journal's mission is to enhance the knowledge, clinical adoption and discussion of applied and translational genomics worldwide. Its ethics mission is to enable global benefit sharing through the publication of articles, analyses and commentaries of researchers, clinicians, and patient populations situated throughout the world. The journal encourages submissions by authors in the developing world and to support their access to publishing, the Journal invites authors for whom processing fees represent a barrier, to contact the editor about our sliding fee scale policy.

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Apunts Sports Medicine

ISSN: 2666-5069eISSN: 2666-5069

Apunts. Medicina de l'Esport, a publication of the Consell Català de l'Esport (Catalan Sports Council), is a scientific journal dedicated to sports medicine. The Journal regularly includes, Original Articles on applied research, Clinical Cases, Editorial articles or comments, Consensus Articles on the behaviour to follow while practising sport or physical activity in illnesses or certain situations, Reviews and Letters to the Editor. It publishes articles in Spanish, Catalan and English. All these, will be subjected to an anonymous external peer review process.

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