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Aging Brain

eISSN: 2589-9589
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Aging and Health Research

ISSN: 2667-0321eISSN: 2667-0321

Agri Gene

ISSN: 2352-2151
Agri Gene publishes papers that focus on the regulation, expression, function and evolution of genes in crop plants, farm animals, and agriculturally important insects and microorganisms.

Agri Gene strives to be a diverse journal and topics in multiple fields will be considered for publication so long as their main focus is on agriculturally important organisms (plants, animals, insects, or microorganisms). Although not limited to the following, some examples of potential topics include:

  • Gene discovery and characterization.
  • Genetic markers to guide traditional breeding.
  • Genetic effects of transposable elements.
  • Evolutionary genetics, molecular evolution, population genetics, and phylogenetics.
  • Profiling of gene expression and genetic variation.
  • Biotechnology and crop or livestock improvement.
  • Genetic improvement of biological control microorganisms.
  • Genetic control of secondary metabolic pathways and metabolic enzymes of crop pathogens.
  • Transcription analysis of beneficial or pest insect developmental stages

Agri Gene encourages submission of novel manuscripts that present a reasonable level of analysis, functional relevance and/or mechanistic insight. Agri Gene also welcomes papers that have predominantly a descriptive component but improve the essential basis of knowledge for subsequent functional studies, or which provide important confirmation of recently published discoveries provided that the information is new.

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Agricultural Sciences in China

ISSN: 1671-2927

Agricultural Systems

ISSN: 0308-521XeISSN: 1873-2267

Agricultural Systems is an international journal that deals with interactions - among the components of agricultural systems, among hierarchical levels of agricultural systems, between agricultural and other land use systems, and between agricultural systems and their natural and social environments. In particular, its aim is to encourage integration of knowledge among those disciplines that underpin agriculture. Many contributions will therefore be multi- or inter-disciplinary. Papers generally focus on either methodological approaches to understanding and managing interactions within or among agricultural systems, or the application of holistic or quantitative systems approaches to a range of problems within agricultural systems and their interactions with other systems. Because of the nature of the readership of Agricultural Systems, the contents of papers should be easily accessible (properly introduced, presented and discussed) to readers from a wide range of disciplines.The scope includes the development and application of systems methodology, including system modeling, simulation and optimization; ecoregional analysis of agriculture and land use; studies on natural resource issues related to agriculture; impact and scenario analyses related to topics such as GMOs, multifunctional land use and global change; and the development and application of decision and discussion support systems; approaches to analyzing and improving farming systems; technology transfer in tropical and temperate agriculture; and the relationship between agricultural development issues and policy.The journal publishes original scientific papers, short communications, review articles and book reviews. Review articles and book reviews should only be submitted after consultation or invitation from either an Editor or the Book Review Editor, respectively.Please bookmark this page as: more information/suggestions/comments please contact

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Agricultural Water Management

ISSN: 0378-3774

The journal publishes papers of international significance relating to the science, economics, and policy of agricultural water management. In all cases, manuscripts must address implications and provide insight regarding agricultural water management.The primary topics that we consider are the following:• Farm-level and regional water management• Crop water relations, crop yields and water productivity • Irrigation, drainage, and salinity in cultivated areas• Salinity management and strategies for improving the use of saline water in agriculture• Rainwater harvesting and crop water management in rainfed areas• Use of wastewater and other low quality waters in agriculture • Groundwater management in agriculture and conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water• Implications of groundwater and surface water management on nutrient cycling• Exploitation and protection of agricultural water resources.Additional topics of interest include interactions between agricultural water management and the environment (flooding, soil erosion, nutrient loss and depletion, non-point source pollution, water quality, desertification, and the potential implications of global climate change for agricultural water management), and the institutional and regulatory aspects of agricultural water management (water pricing, allocation and competition).Papers in these categories must draw direct and practical linkages to agricultural water management. Manuscripts drawing generalised conclusions, such as that competition for water will increase in future, or that less water will be available for agriculture, are unlikely to be considered.Also, manuscripts describing basic soil-water-plant relationships, basic engineering and hydrology, or methods of estimating evapotranspiration will be considered only if the discussion is relevant to the active management of water in agriculture and the information enhances international literature.

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Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

ISSN: 0168-1923eISSN: 1873-2240

Agricultural and Forest Meteorologyis an international journal for the publication of original articles and reviews on the inter-relationship between meteorology, agriculture, forestry, and natural ecosystems. Emphasis is on basic and applied scientific research relevant to practical problems in the field of plant and soil sciences, ecology and biogeochemistry as affected by weather as well as climate variability and change. Theoretical models should be tested against experimental data. Articles must appeal to an international audience. Special issues devoted to single topics are also published.Typical topics include canopy micrometeorology (e.g. canopy radiation transfer, turbulence near the ground, evapotranspiration, energy balance, fluxes of trace gases), micrometeorological instrumentation (e.g., sensors for trace gases, flux measurement instruments, radiation measurement techniques), aerobiology (e.g. the dispersion of pollen, spores, insects and pesticides), biometeorology (e.g. the effect of weather and climate on plant distribution, crop yield, water-use efficiency, and plant phenology), forest-fire/weather interactions, and feedbacks from vegetation to weather and the climate system.Keyword index available on

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Agriculture Communications

ISSN: 2949-7981

Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia

eISSN: 2210-7843
What is Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia?
Launched in October 2010, Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia will be an e-only product focused entirely on publishing high quality conference proceedings. Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia enables fast dissemination so conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue on ScienceDirect, which will then be made freely available worldwide. Conference proceedings will be accepted for publication in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia based on suitability and will be required to meet certain criteria, including relevance to an international audience and covering highly cited or timely topics. Copyright information
For authors publishing in Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, accepted manuscript will be governed by CC BY-NC-ND. For further details see our copyright information.

What does Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia offer authors and conferences organizers?
Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia offers a single, highly recognized platform where conference papers can be hosted and accessed by millions of researchers. Authors will know where to go to keep abreast of the latest developments in their field. All proceedings will appear online, on Science Direct, within 8 weeks of acceptance of the final manuscripts via the conference organizer and will then be freely available to all users. Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia will offer authors and conference organizers a fast and cost effective way to provide maximum exposure for their papers. Templates (both Latex and Word) will be provided to assist in the publication and the final online papers will contain linked references, XML versions and DOI numbers.

Why should conference organizers choose Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia?
Unlike regular journals, there will be no limit to the amount of papers Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia issue can contain and pricing will be affordable, clear and transparent. Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia will offer immediate access for all, with papers online within 8 weeks of acceptance, and free access provides maximum exposure for individual papers and the related conference. Organizers will be credited on the actual issue and will be fully responsible for quality control, the review process and the content of individual conference papers.

What is the process for submitting conference proceedings to Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia?
Proposals, including a synopsis of why such an Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia issue will have an impact on its community, a list of agreed contributors and an outline of the related conference (including a link to the conference website) should be sent to: Elaine van Ommen Kloeke (Publisher) Proposals should be prepared using the template /inca/publications/misc/AASPRO Proposal Template.dochere.

Please note that we do not accept proposals from individual authors for Procedia titles

There will be an agreed fee, based on the size of the proceedings, which will include online publication on ScienceDirect and free access after acceptance. In addition to the online version there is the possibility to purchase paper copies, CD-ROMs and USB sticks. Moreover, interactive media possibilities such as webcasts and web seminars can be acquired for extra exposure both before and after the conference.

Can Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia be sponsored?
We are open to discussing sponsoring possibilities at all times. Sponsors can include funding bodies, government agencies and/or industry. Benefits to sponsors include visibility amongst a scientific audience and the opportunity to communicate messages via a peer-reviewed platform. Benefits to authors and conference organizers are the further dissemination of material to an international audience and reduced costs to the overall conference budget.

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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment

ISSN: 0167-8809eISSN: 1873-2305

AGRICULTURE,ECOSYSTEMS AND ENVIRONMENTAn International Journal for Scientific Research on the Interaction Between Agroecosystems and the EnvironmentAgriculture, Ecosystems and Environment publishes scientific articles dealing with the interface between agroecosystems and the natural environment, specifically how agriculture influences the environment and how changes in that environment impact agroecosystems. Preference is given to papers from experimental and observational research at the field, system or landscape level, from studies that enhance our understanding of processes using data-based biophysical modelling, and papers that bridge scientific disciplines and integrate knowledge. All papers should be placed in an international or wide comparative context.The focus is on the following areas:• Biological and physical characteristics and dynamics of agroecosystems.• Ecology, diversity and sustainability of agricultural systems.• Relationships between agroecosystems and the natural environment, including land, air, and water.• Agroecosystem and global environmental changes including climate change, greenhouse gases and air pollution.• Ecological consequences of intensification, soil degradation, waste application, irrigation, and mitigation options.• Environmental implications of agricultural land use and land use change.All manuscripts are initially screened on their topic suitability and linguistic quality. The following topics are discouraged unless they provide new information regarding processes operating at the agroecosystem-environment interface: inventory and survey analysis and impact assessment, including life cycle and emergy analysis; greenhouse or laboratory-based studies; development of models or methodologies and pure model application; studies that are purely agronomic, socio-economic, or political.

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Air & Space Europe

ISSN: 1290-0958

Air Medical Journal

ISSN: 1067-991X

Air Medical Journal is the official journal of the five leading air medical transport associations in the United States. AMJ is the premier provider of information for the medical transport industry, addressing the unique concerns of medical transport physicians, nurses, pilots, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, communication specialists, and program administrators. The journal contains practical how-to articles, debates on controversial industry issues, legislative updates, case studies, and peer-reviewed original research articles covering all aspects of the medical transport profession.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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ISSN: 0741-8329eISSN: 1873-6823

Alcohol is an international, peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to publishing multi-disciplinary biomedical research on all aspects of the actions or effects of alcohol on the nervous system or on other organ systems. Emphasis is given to studies into the causes and consequences of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, and biomedical aspects of diagnosis, etiology, treatment or prevention of alcohol-related health effects.

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Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

ISSN: 0867-4361eISSN: 1689-3530

A quarterly journal aimed at scientists engaged in studies in psychoactive substances, at clinicians and all those interested in problems connected with alcohol and drug addiction. The journal is interdisciplinary in its character - the papers accepted for publication address problems associated with alcohol and other psychoactive substances and take the form of studies in basic, clinical, epidemiological and social research topics. The issues discussed in the journal include alcohol and drug policy, social and cultural determinants in substance use, social history of alcohol and drug use, behavioural addictions, the influence of psychoactive substances on mechanisms in the brain and its neuroplasticity, biological factors associated with alcohol and psychoactive substance abuse in youth and adults, impact of addictions on health, nervous system, liver, life expectancy, addiction therapy schemes, pharmacological strategies.

The goal of the journal is to share the results of Polish and international research work and studies, expand and integrate research groups, and also to build bridges between science and (clinical) practice.

The Editorial Board accepts for publication original research papers, review articles, case studies and monographs, conference papers, conference reviews, book reviews, letters and announcements. All the research articles, reviews, case studies and monographs are peer reviewed. Authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other. We accept articles in Polish and English.

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction is an official journal of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw.

The paper version of the journal is distributed by The State Agency for the Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems, which also provides co-financing.

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Alexandria Engineering Journal

ISSN: 1110-0168eISSN: 2090-2670

Alexandria Engineering Journal is an international journal devoted to publishing high quality papers in the field of engineering and applied science. Alexandria Engineering Journal is cited in the Engineering Information Services (EIS) and the Chemical Abstracts (CA). The papers published in Alexandria Engineering Journal are grouped into five sections, according to the following classification:• Mechanical, Production, Marine and Textile Engineering• Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Nuclear Engineering• Civil and Architecture Engineering• Chemical Engineering and Applied Sciences• Environmental EngineeringAlexandria Engineering Journal publishes original papers, critical reviews, technical papers, technical data, short notes, and letters to the editor. Papers covering experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects which contribute to the understanding of engineering and applied sciences or give an insight into engineering practices and processes are welcome. Authors from all over the world are invited to submit manuscripts for possible publications in Alexandria Engineering Journal.

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Algal Research

ISSN: 2211-9264

Algal Research is an international phycology journal covering all areas of emerging technologies in algae biology, biomass production, cultivation, harvesting, extraction, bioproducts, and econometrics. It publishes original research and reviews on algal biology (phylogeny, molecular traits and metabolic regulation of microalgae for biofuels), algal cultivation (phototrophic systems in open ponds, heterotrophic systems), algal products and economics, algal harvesting and extraction systems, new conversion technologies for algal biomass and technoeconomic modeling of algae biofuels systems.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Review articles, book reviews and commentaries should only be submitted after consultation with the Editors.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Allergology International

ISSN: 1323-8930eISSN: 1440-1592

Allergology International is the official English language journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology, publishing peer-reviewed articles of scientific excellence in human and experimental allergology, and related fields of research. The Journal aims to further the international exchange of results and encourages authors from all countries to submit papers in the following categories: Original Articles; Case Reports; Short Communications; Occasional Reviews and Editorials; and Letters to the Editor. Allergology International is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Result from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

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Alter: European Journal of Disability Research

ISSN: 1875-0672

ALTER is a peer-reviewed European journal which looks at disability and its variations. It is aimed at everyone who is involved or interested in this field. ALTER is an emblematic Latin word for all forms of difference, leaving open the question of their nature and expression.An inter-disciplinary journalFirst and foremost, interdisciplinarity means remaining open to all human and social sciences: sociology, anthropology, psychology, psychoanalysis, history, demography, epidemiology, economics, law, etc. It also means a connection between the different forms of knowledge - academic and fundamental - applied and relating to the experience of disability.A cross-disciplinary journal Research on disability and its variations constitutes a transversal axis which opens the review up to a multitude of approaches and problematic. It covers matters ranging from the individual to the environment, from impairment to participation, from discrimination to the exercise of citizenship... ALTER looks at all the questions examined in human and social sciences, be they social, economic, political or health related.A European journal The European dimension means having a multicultural outlook; it means well-argued comparisons and useful scientific controversies that go beyond national boundaries.

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Ambulatory Pediatrics

ISSN: 1530-1567

American Heart Journal

ISSN: 0002-8703

The American Heart Journal will consider for publication suitable articles on topics pertaining to the broad discipline of cardiovascular disease. Our goal is to provide the reader primary investigation, scholarly review, and opinion concerning the practice of cardiovascular medicine. We especially encourage submission of 3 types of reports that are not frequently seen in cardiovascular journals: negative clinical studies, reports on study designs, and studies involving the organization of medical care. The Journal does not accept individual case reports or original articles involving bench laboratory or animal research.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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