The journal is dedicated to publishing high quality, peer reviewed healthcare improvement work. Articles covering original research, local, national and international QI projects, value-based healthcare improvement initiatives and educational improvement work are all considered. BMJ Open Quality adheres to the highest possible industry standards concerning publication ethics. To read the journal's detailed guidelines please see our policies.
Our website provides resources to support you in your quality improvement work such as templates to help you run and write up quality improvement projects.
BMJ Open Quality uses continuous publication online to ensure timely, up-to-date knowledge is available worldwide. The journal adheres to a rigorous and transparent peer review process and papers are considered on the basis of methodological soundness rather than priority or novelty.
critical care medicine, respiratory research, respiratory medicine
sport medicine, exercise medicine
BMJ Public Health is an international, open access and peer-reviewed journal, publishing work related to all aspects of public health, from global issues such as the impact of climate change on population health, to studies conducted in specific locations.
Underpinning the journal is BMJ's primary purpose: to share knowledge and expertise that improve health outcomes through better evidence, better decisions and better systems. BMJ Public Health will work with the public health community, at all levels, to publish rigorous qualitative and quantitative research and analysis to drive evidence-based public health policy and practice.
Improving quality and safety has never been higher on the agenda, so this is a timely opportunity to transform the journal into an essential read for those interested in improving quality. BMJ Quality & Safety will provide a rich mix of news, opinion, debate and research for academics, clinicians, healthcare managers and policy makers. It will encourage the science of improvement, debate, and new thinking on improving the quality of healthcare.Led by a patient-focused editorial team with a view towards helping all team members improve their knowledge with the overall goal of improving patient care now.The new look journal will integrate the academic and clinical aspects of quality and safety in healthcare by encouraging academics to create evidence and knowledge valued by clinicians and clinicians to value using evidence and knowledge to improve quality.
BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health publishes material on contraception, abortion, menopause, sexual and reproductive health, sexual dysfunction, sexually transmitted infection, clinical practice, and health education and training. We welcome submissions of research, reviews, and articles and commentaries relevant to all health care professionals working in the area of sexual and reproductive health. While it is not currently a requirement, we actively encourage patient involvement in the design, analysis and presentation of research.
Published quarterly in print and continuously online, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care aims to connect many disciplines and specialties throughout the world by providing high quality, clinically relevant research, reviews, comment, information and news of international importance. We hold an inclusive view of supportive and palliative care research and we are able to call on expertise to critique the whole range of methodologies within the subject, including those working in transitional research, clinical trials, epidemiology, behavioural sciences, ethics and health service research. Articles with relevance to clinical practice and clinical service development will be considered for publication. In an international context, many different categories of clinician and healthcare workers do clinical work associated with palliative medicine, specialist or generalist palliative care, supportive care, psychosocial-oncology and end of life care. We wish to engage many specialties, not only those traditionally associated with supportive and palliative care. We hope to extend the readership to doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers and researchers in medical and surgical specialties, including but not limited to cardiology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, neurology, oncology, paediatrics, primary care, psychiatry, psychology, renal medicine, respiratory medicine. The content of the four print editions a year will feature a selection of the on-line journal, and will include original research of an international standard, focused editorial comment as well as important systematic reviews. A news section, updated regularly, with rapid publication of correspondence on newsworthy topics will appear online, alongside columns, short reports and opinion pieces. Critiques of current practice and examination of new guidelines will also be a regular feature of the journal as well as a digest of important publications on supportive and palliative care issues from other journals.
The British Journal of Ophthalmology (BJO) is an international peer-reviewed journal for ophthalmologists and visual science specialists describing clinical investigations, clinical observations, and clinically relevant laboratory investigations related to ophthalmology. Main features include articles on both clinical and laboratory sciences, up to date major reviews, editorials, education articles and letters. There are sections for 'Innovations' and 'Global issues' where surgical, diagnostic and therapeutic innovations and manuscripts of regional interest to geographic areas of the world respectively, are published.
British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) is a multi-media information portal that provides original research, reviews and debate relating to clinically-relevant aspects of sport and exercise medicine. We contribute to innovation (research), education (teaching and learning) and knowledge translation (implementing research into practice and policy). We use web, print, video and audio material to serve the international sport and exercise medicine community.
For nearly 50 years, DTB has provided rigorous and independent evaluations of, and practical advice on, individual treatments and the overall management of disease for doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. DTB was started in 1962. From the outset, it has provided healthcare professionals with independent, clear, reliable information and advice to help ensure patients get the best care. DTB conclusions represent a synthesis of the best available medical evidence with opinions from a wide range of commentators. Published monthly by BMJ, DTB is wholly independent of industry, Government and regulatory authorities and does not carry any display advertising or accept any form of commercial sponsorship.DTB provides articles based on a synthesis of evidence with opinions from a wide range of specialist and generalist commentators, typically over 40 individuals and organisations for each article. Over the years, DTB has initiated successful campaigns for the removal or restriction of medicines that it could not recommend, prompted withdrawal of excessive promotional claims and exposed fundamental weaknesses in certain prescribing practice.Surveys of our readership have consistently shown that readers find DTB authoritative and influential in relation to their decisions, recommendations or advice on treatments. These are just a few of the examples of why DTB is regarded as an indispensable part of evidence-based clinical practice and has been described as both essential reading for practising doctors and as a key information source by the House of Commons Health Select Committee in the UK.
The Emergency Medicine Journal is a leading international journal reporting developments and advances in emergency medicine and acute care. It has relevance to all specialties involved in the management of emergencies in the hospital and prehospital environment. Each issue contains editorials, reviews, original research, evidence based reviews, case reports, letters and more.
European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy is the official journal of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) and is committed to advancing the science, practice and profession of hospital pharmacy. As the premier communication platform for European hospital pharmacists, EJHP Science and Practice is a major source for continuing education as well as updates on advances in the practice and standard of pharmaceutical care for patients.
Evidence-Based Mental Health aims to engage psychiatrists and psychologists, particularly younger professionals, in the challenge of basing their practice on evidence. It aims to provide material to allow professionals to develop the necessary skills, such that after reading the journal regularly for a year or two, readers should be able to practice evidence-based mental health in their own practices, and by regularly reading the journal, readers will be able to keep up to date with the latest evidence in the field and the ever expanding suite of evidence-based approaches, joining the growing community of people with an active interest in EBMH across the world.. Published by the British Psychological Society, the Royal College of Psychiatrists and BMJ the journal surveys a wide range of international medical journals, applying strict criteria for the quality and validity of research. Clinicians assess the relevance of the best studies and the key details of these essential articles are presented in a succinct, informative abstract with an expert commentary on their clinical application.
Published quarterly, the purpose of Evidence-Based Nursing is to select from the health related literature research studies and reviews that report important advances relevant to best nursing practice. The clinical relevance and rigour of the studies is assessed to identify research that is relevant to nursing. A commentary on chosen articles identifies the key findings and implications for clinical practice. The specific purposes of Evidence-Based Nursing are: to identify, using predefined criteria, the best original quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods original research and review articles which explore the meaning, impact, cause, course, assessment, prevention, treatment and outcomes or economics of health problems relevant to nursing to provide brief, expert comment on the context of selected articles, including the methods and the clinical application of the findings to disseminate the commentaries in a timely fashion The RCN Publishing Company Limited and BMJ publish Evidence-Based Nursing under the editorship of Dr Alison Twycross from Kingston University and St Georges, University of London, London, UK.