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International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering

ISSN: 0218-1940eISSN: 1793-6403

The International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering is intended to serve as a forum for researchers, practitioners, and developers to exchange ideas and results for the advancement of software engineering and knowledge engineering. Three types of papers will be published: * Research papers reporting original research results * Technology trend surveys reviewing an area of research in software engineering and knowledge engineering * Survey articles surveying a broad area in software engineering and knowledge engineering In addition, tool reviews (no more than three manuscript pages) and book reviews (no more than two manuscript pages) are also welcome.A central theme of this journal is the interplay between software engineering and knowledge engineering: how knowledge engineering methods can be applied to software engineering, and vice versa. The journal publishes papers in the areas of software engineering methods and practices, object-oriented systems, rapid prototyping, software reuse, cleanroom software engineering, stepwise refinement/enhancement, formal methods of specification, ambiguity in software development, impact of CASE on software development life cycle, knowledge engineering methods and practices, logic programming, expert systems, knowledge-based systems, distributed knowledge-based systems, deductive database systems, knowledge representations, knowledge-based systems in language translation & processing, software and knowledge-ware maintenance, reverse engineering in software design, and applications in various domains of interest.

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International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics

ISSN: 0219-4554eISSN: 1793-6764

The aim of this journal is to provide a unique forum for the publication and rapid dissemination of original research on stability and dynamics of structures. Papers that deal with conventional land-based structures, aerospace structures, marine structures, as well as biostructures and micro- and nano-structures are considered. Papers devoted to all aspects of structural stability and dynamics (both transient and vibration response), ranging from mathematical formulations, novel methods of solutions, to experimental investigations and practical applications in civil, mechanical, aerospace, marine, bio- and nano-engineering will be published.The important subjects of structural stability and structural dynamics are placed together in this journal because they share somewhat fundamental elements. In recognition of the considerable research interests and recent proliferation of papers in these subjects, it is hoped that the journal may help bring together papers focused on related subjects, including the state-of-the-art surveys, so as to provide a more effective medium for disseminating the latest developments to researchers and engineers.This journal features a section for technical notes that allows researchers to publish their initial findings or new ideas more speedily. Discussions of papers and concepts will also be published so that researchers can have a vibrant and timely communication with others.

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International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance

ISSN: 0219-0249eISSN: 1793-6322
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International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems

ISSN: 0218-4885eISSN: 1793-6411

The International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems is a forum for research on various methodologies for the management of imprecise, vague, uncertain or incomplete information. The aim of the journal is to promote theoretical, methodological or practical works dealing with all kinds of methods to represent and manipulate imperfectly described pieces of knowledge. It is published bimonthly, with worldwide distribution to researchers, engineers, decision-makers, and educators. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:Methods * Representation of Commonsense Knowledge * Knowledge Representation by Fuzzy Sets * Possibility Theory * Fuzzy Logics * Mathematical Theory of Evidence * Bayesian and Probabilistic Methods * Default Reasoning * Nonstandard LogicsDomains of Application * Expert Systems * Decision-Making Systems * Intelligent Control * Pattern Recognition and Cluster Analysis * Image Processing * Robotics * Artificial Neural Networks * Acquisition of Imperfect Knowledge * Information Updating * Conflict Resolution * DatabasesThe journal does not accept papers on pure fuzzy mathematics, such as fuzzy topology or fuzzy algebra.

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International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing

ISSN: 0219-6913eISSN: 1793-690X

International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (IJWMIP) considers the current state-of-the-art theories of wavelet analysis, multiresolution and information processing as well as their applications. This journal aims at publishing papers in both the theories and applications, concentrating on the practical applications of the wavelets, multiresolution and information processing to all areas in science and engineering.The IJWMIP publishes articles of four primary types:1. Original research papers,2. Correspondences,3. Overviews and summaries,4. Descriptions of systems and software packages.Papers are published under two categories, namely: regular papers and short papers (or correspondence). Regular papers usually report results of original research, or may be a well-focused survey that puts recent progress into a broader perspective and accurately assesses limits of existing theories. Short papers are similar to the regular papers, describe original work but are usually not as in-depth and as detailed as the regular papers.The publication of special issues on active topics is encouraged. Colour reproductions of pictures and schematics are provided, if necessary. All published articles are made available to the major indexing/abstracting services.Submissions in all areas related to the theories and applications of wavelets, multiresolution and information processing are welcome.

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International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools

ISSN: 0218-2130eISSN: 1793-6349

The International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT) provides an interdisciplinary forum in which AI scientists and professionals can share their research results and report new advances on AI tools or tools that use AI. Tools refer to architectures, languages or algorithms, which constitute the means connecting theory with applications. So, IJAIT is a medium for promoting general and/or special purpose tools, which are very important for the evolution of science and manipulation of knowledge. IJAIT can also be used as a test ground for new AI tools.Topics covered by IJAIT include but are not limited to: AI in Bioinformatics, AI for Service Engineering, AI for Software Engineering, AI for Ubiquitous Computing, AI for Web Intelligence Applications, AI Parallel Processing Tools (hardware/software), AI Programming Languages, AI Tools for CAD and VLSI Analysis/Design/Testing, AI Tools for Computer Vision and Speech Understanding, AI Tools for Multimedia, Cognitive Informatics, Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools, Heuristic and AI Planning Strategies and Tools, Image Understanding, Integrated/Hybrid AI Approaches, Intelligent System Architectures, Knowledge-Based/Expert Systems, Knowledge Management and Processing Tools, Knowledge Representation Languages, Natural Language Understanding, Neural Networks for AI, Object-Oriented Programming for AI, Reasoning and Evolution of Knowledge Bases, Self-Healing and Autonomous Systems, and Software Engineering for AI.IJAIT publishes high-quality, original research papers as well as state-of-the-art surveys related to AI tools on a bi-monthly basis in two types, full and short papers. It also publishes book reviews and brief updates on AI tools.Special issues related to the topics of the journal are welcome. A short proposal should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief. It should include: a tentative title; name(s) and address(es) of the Guest Editor(s); purpose and scope; possible contributors; and a timetable (deadlines for "call for papers" and review processes, intended publication date, etc.) The whole process should take about a year. If the proposal is accepted, the Guest Editor(s) will be responsible for the special issue and should follow the normal IJAIT review process, which requires five reviewers for each received paper. Copies of the reviewed papers and the reviewers' comments should be given to the Editor-in-Chief for recording purposes.

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International Journal on Wireless and Optical Communications

ISSN: 0219-7995eISSN: 1793-6934
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International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics

ISSN: 1932-1465eISSN: 1932-1473
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ISSN: 2424-8622eISSN: 2424-8630

Journal of Advanced Dielectrics

ISSN: 2010-135XeISSN: 2010-1368

Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems

ISSN: 0219-6867eISSN: 1793-6896

Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems publishes original papers pertaining to state-of-the-art research and development, product development, process planning, resource planning, applications, and tools in the areas related to advanced manufacturing.

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Journal of Algebra and Its Applications

ISSN: 0219-4988eISSN: 1793-6829

The Journal of Algebra and Its Applications will publish papers both on theoretical and on applied aspects of Algebra. There is special interest in papers that point out innovative links between areas of Algebra and fields of application. As the field of Algebra continues to experience tremendous growth and diversification, we intend to provide the mathematical community with a central source for information on both the theoretical and the applied aspects of the discipline. While the journal will be primarily devoted to the publication of original research, extraordinary expository articles that encourage communication between algebraists and experts on areas of application as well as those presenting the state of the art on a given algebraic sub-discipline will be considered.

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Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation

ISSN: 2251-1717eISSN: 2251-1725
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Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

ISSN: 0219-7200eISSN: 1757-6334

The Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology aims to publish high quality, original research articles, expository tutorial papers and review papers as well as short, critical comments on technical issues associated with the analysis of cellular information.The research papers will be technical presentations of new assertions, discoveries and tools, intended for a narrower specialist community. The tutorials, reviews and critical commentary will be targeted at a broader readership of biologists who are interested in using computers but are not knowledgeable about scientific computing, and equally, computer scientists who have an interest in biology but are not familiar with current thrusts nor the language of biology. Such carefully chosen tutorials and articles should greatly accelerate the rate of entry of these new creative scientists into the field.

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Journal of Biological Systems

ISSN: 0218-3390eISSN: 1793-6470

The Journal of Biological Systems is published quarterly. The goal of the Journal is to promote interdisciplinary approaches in Biology and in Medicine, and the study of biological situations with a variety of tools, including mathematical and general systems methods. The Journal solicits original research papers and survey articles in areas that include (but are not limited to):*Complex systems studies; isomorphies; nonlinear dynamics; entropy; mathematical tools and systems theories with applications in Biology and Medicine.*Interdisciplinary approaches in Biology and Medicine; transfer of methods from one discipline to another; integration of biological levels, from atomic to molecular, macromolecular, cellular, and organic levels; animal biology; plant biology.*Environmental studies; relationships between individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems; bioeconomics, management of renewable resources; hierarchy theory; integration of spatial and time scales.*Evolutionary biology; co-evolutions; genetics and evolution; branching processes and phyllotaxis.*Medical systems; physiology; cardiac modeling; computer models in Medicine; cancer research; epidemiology.*Numerical simulations and computations; numerical study and analysis of biological data.*Epistemology; history of science.The journal will also publish book reviews.Manuscripts should be sent directly to the Chief Editor ( or via the journal online submission at original papers will be considered. Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication with other journals. Once a paper is accepted, author are assumed to cede copyrights to their paper over to World Scientific Publishing Co.In order to better stress the biological significance and the interdisciplinary impact of the mathematical developments, those developments (e.g., the proofs of propositions) that are not absolutely necessary to follow the main line of thoughts should be placed in an Appendix and even erased when a trained mathematician can recover them, and the mathematical style of presentation, that is definition, lemma, proof, theorem, proof, corollary, proof, etc, should be relaxed as much as possibl.

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Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers

ISSN: 0218-1266eISSN: 1793-6454

Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers is published eight times a year, and covers a wide scope, ranging from mathematical foundations to practical engineering design in the general areas of circuits, systems, and computers. Although primary emphasis will be on research papers, survey, expository and tutorial papers are also welcome. The journal consists of two sections: *Papers - Contributions in this section may be of a research or tutorial nature. Research papers must be original and must not duplicate descriptions or derivations available elsewhere. The author should limit paper length whenever this can be done without impairing quality. *Letters - This section provides a vehicle for speedy publication of new results and information of current interest in circuits, systems, and computers. Focus will be directed to practical design- and applications-oriented contributions, but publication in this section will not be restricted to this material. These letters are to concentrate on reporting the results obtained, their significance and the conclusions, while including only the minimum of supporting details required to understand the contribution. Publication of a manuscript in this manner does not preclude a later publication with a fully developed version.

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Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and Immunology

ISSN: 2661-3417eISSN: 2661-3425

Journal of Computational Acoustics

ISSN: 0218-396XeISSN: 1793-6489

The aim of this journal is to provide an international forum for the dissemination of the state-of-the-art information in the field of Computational Acoustics.Topics covered by this journal include research and tutorial contributions in OCEAN ACOUSTICS (a subject of active research in relation with sonar detection and the design of noiseless ships), SEISMO-ACOUSTICS (of concern to earthquake science and engineering, and also to those doing underground prospection like searching for petroleum), AEROACOUSTICS (which includes the analysis of noise created by aircraft), COMPUTATIONAL METHODS, and SUPERCOMPUTING. In addition to the traditional issues and problems in computational methods, the journal also considers theoretical research acoustics papers which lead to large-scale scientific computations.The journal strives to be flexible in the type of high quality papers it publishes and their format. Equally desirable are*Full papers, which should be complete and relatively self-contained original contributions with an introduction that can be understood by the broad computational acoustics community. Both rigorous and heuristic styles are acceptable. Of particular interest are papers about new areas of research in which other than strictly computational arguments may be important in establishing a basis for further developments.*Tutorial review papers, covering some of the important issues in Computational Mathematical Methods, Scientific Computing, and their applications.*Short notes, which present specific new results and techniques in a brief communication. The journal will occasionally publish significant contributions which are larger than the usual format for regular papers. Special issues which report results of high quality workshops in related areas and monographs of significant contributions in the Series of Computational Acoustics will also be published.

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Journal of Construction Research

ISSN: 1609-9451eISSN: 1793-687X
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Journal of Derivatives Accounting

ISSN: 0219-8681
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