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GENUS: Gender in Modern Culture

ISSN: 1568-1602
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German Monitor

ISSN: 0927-1910
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Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations

ISSN: 1942-6720
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Global Journal of Comparative Law

ISSN: 2211-9051eISSN: 2211-906X

The Global Journal of Comparative Law is established to provide a dynamic platform for the dissemination of ideas on comparative law and to report on developments in the field of comparative law from all parts of the world. In our contemporary globalized world, it is almost impossible to isolate developments in the law in one jurisdiction or society from another. At the same time, what is traditionally called comparative law is increasingly subsumed under aspects of International Law. This new journal therefore aims to maintain the discipline of comparative legal studies as vigorous and dynamic by deepening the space for comparative work in its transnational context.

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Global Responsibility to Protect

ISSN: 1875-9858eISSN: 1875-984X

Global Responsibility to Protect is the premier journal for the study and practice of the responsibility to protect (R2P). This journal seeks to publish the best and latest research on the R2P principle, its development as a new norm in global politics, its operationalization through the work of governments, international and regional organizations and NGOs, and finally, its relationship and applicability to past and present cases of genocide and mass atrocities including the global response to those cases. Global Responsibility to Protect also serves as a repository for lessons learned and analysis of best practices; it will disseminate information about the current status of R2P and efforts to realize its promise. Each issue contains research articles and at least one piece on the practicalities of R2P, be that the current state of R2P diplomacy or its application in the field.

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Grazer Philosophische Studien - Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie

ISSN: 0165-9227
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Greek and Roman Musical Studies

ISSN: 2212-974XeISSN: 2212-9758
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Grotiana: A Journal published under the auspices of the Grotiana Foundation

ISSN: 0167-3831eISSN: 1876-0759

Grotiana appears under the auspices of the Grotiana Foundation. The journal’s leading objective is the furtherance of the Grotian tradition. It will welcome any relevant contribution to a better understanding of Grotius’ life and works. At the same time close attention will be paid to Grotius’ relevance for present-day thinking about world problems. Grotiana therefore intends to be a forum for exchanges concerning the philosophical, ethical and legal fundamentals of the search for an international order.

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ISSN: 0017-6559eISSN: 1568-5594
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Hague Journal of Diplomacy

ISSN: 1871-1901eISSN: 1871-191X

The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is the premier research journal for the study of diplomacy and its role in contemporary international relations. It publishes the best research on the theory, practice and technique of diplomacy in both its traditional state-based bilateral and multilateral forms, plus more recent forms of diplomacy such as track-two diplomacy, field diplomacy and public diplomacy practised by states and non-state entities. Each issue contains research articles and at least one piece focused on the practical aspects of diplomatic experience.

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Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2, South Asia

eISSN: 0169-9377

Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World

ISSN: 1569-2078eISSN: 1569-2086

Hawwa publishes articles from all disciplinary and comparative perspectives that concern women and gender issues in the Middle East and the Islamic world. These include Muslim and non-Muslim communities within the greater Middle East, and Muslim and Middle-Eastern communities elsewhere in the world. Articles dealing with men, masculinity, children and the family, or other issues of gender shall also be considered. The journal strives to include significant studies of theory and methodology as well as topical matter. Approximately one third of the submissions focus on the pre-modern era, with the majority of articles on the contemporary age. The journal features several full-length articles and current book reviews.

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Helsinki Monitor

ISSN: 0925-0972eISSN: 1571-814X
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Heritage and Identity

ISSN: 2211-7377eISSN: 2211-7369

Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory

ISSN: 1465-4466eISSN: 1569-206X

Historical Materialism is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to exploring and developing the critical and explanatory potential of Marxist theory. The journal started as a project at the London School of Economics from 1995 to 1998. The advisory editorial board comprises many leading Marxists, including Robert Brenner, Maurice Godelier, Michael Lebowitz, Justin Rosenberg, Ellen Meiksins Wood and others.Marxism has manifested itself in the late 1990s from the pages of the Financial Times to new work by Fredric Jameson, Terry Eagleton and David Harvey. Unburdened by pre-1989 ideological baggage, Historical Materialism stands at the edge of a vibrant intellectual current, publishing a new generation of Marxist thinkers and scholars.

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Historical Zoology

ISSN: 1873-5029
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Historiography East and West

eISSN: 1570-1867
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Hobbes Studies

ISSN: 0921-5891eISSN: 1875-0257

Hobbes Studies is an international peer reviewed scholarly journal. Its interests are twofold; first, in publishing research about the philosophical, political, historical, literary, and scientific matters related to Thomas Hobbes's own thought, at the beginning of the modern state and the rise of science, and also in a comparison of his views to other important thinkers; second, because of Hobbes's enduring influence in stimulating social and political theory, the journal is interested in publishing such discussions. Articles and occasional book reviews are peer reviewed. The International Hobbes Association is associated with the journal but submissions are open.

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Horizons in Biblical Theology

ISSN: 0195-9085eISSN: 1871-2207

Horizons in Biblical Theology publishes articles that address all aspects of the relationship between biblical studies and theology. This includes traditional historical readings of biblical texts, thematic studies within biblical texts and theology, explorations of methodology and hermeneutics, and even readings from within confessional traditions. The journal welcomes both technical articles that address historical and linguistic issues in biblical texts and theoretical articles that address innovations and difficulties in theological reading of texts. Contributions are peer-reviewed.

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Human Rights Case Digest

ISSN: 0965-934XeISSN: 1571-8131
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